Baseball / Florida League Memorial Weekend Update

Florida League Memorial Weekend Update

Date:  Source: Florida Collegiate Summer League


The Florida League remains on schedule to begin our 2-week preseason on June 15th with a 30-game season commencing the week of June 29th.  Our restructuring plan announced on May 5th has been well received and to date we have added four teams to the existing six in Florida League Division I.

Division I teams continue to recruit players and may still create more teams. To be considered for Division I, complete the interest form here:

Division II is an open registration process that will accept registrations until June 3rd. To register, follow this link:

More information about the league’s restructuring and each division can be found here.

In a very positive development, on May 22nd, Governor DeSantis announced that all youth sports and summer camps in Florida could resume activities. We are awaiting confirmation that the order includes the young adults who will be competing in our league. The Governor also stated that local governments will continue making decisions at their level about these types of activities. We continue working with our county health departments and facilities to confirm their availability based on the new order as well as the safety protocols we will be adhering to.

Updates will continue to be communicated as more information becomes available.

We wish everyone a safe Memorial Day weekend as we remember the service members who gave their lives while serving our country.