
Can-Am League

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Statistics: Batting | Pitching | Fielding | Team Totals

Batting Stats

Batting Stats | Expanded Batting Stats | Sabermetric Batting Stats     [ Filter By : Last 7 | Last 30 ]

AVG - Minimum of plate appearances per team game - 2.7  

Colabello, C WR IF .348 1.010 .600 .410 412
Brachold, K BRO OF .334 .971 .570 .401 404
Leslie, M NJ C .328 .959 .508 .451 390
Boucher, S QC CF .326 .829 .431 .398 347
Williams, S BRO IF .316 .781 .411 .370 261
Nunez, A WR OF .308 .789 .403 .386 367
Alvino, B NEW C .305 .773 .386 .387 288
Mollica, R ROC IF .301 .831 .465 .366 353
Leveret, R QC 1B .292 .857 .447 .410 356
DeJesus, M NJ SS .289 .713 .365 .348 398
Ramos, D BRO IF .284 .766 .412 .354 353
Falu, M BRO IF .283 .773 .429 .344 394
Nunez, Ab WR 2B .271 .780 .379 .401 384
Helps, J QC IF .269 .694 .296 .398 275
LaForest, P QC C .268 .774 .409 .365 255
Sanchez, K NJ IF .261 .810 .476 .334 341
Grossman, C BRO C .259 .707 .370 .337 374
Henry, S QC IF .257 .754 .394 .360 370
Wagner, R QC OF .256 .781 .450 .331 360
DAoust, P QC C .244 .763 .398 .365 313
Tomlinson, G QC CF .242 .666 .331 .335 414
Reynolds, B NEW OF .232 .736 .445 .291 286
White, C NJ OF .230 .622 .333 .289 269
Maloney, T NY OF .224 .615 .321 .294 333