
West Coast League

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Statistics: Batting | Pitching | Fielding | Team Totals

Pitching Stats

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ERA - Minimum inning(s) pitched per team game - .8  

Player Team ERA PFR BIPA K/9 BB/9 ERC FPS%
Dondanville, A VIC 1.72 1.013 0.201 7.395 1.720 1.278 0.676
Anderson, R WWS 1.84 1.068 0.177 6.136 3.477 2.139 0.601
Mitchell, J VIC 1.87 1.117 0.262 8.761 1.293 1.988 0.731
McAffer, W VIC 1.99 1.546 0.211 9.607 4.307 2.163 0.636
Ay, B WWS 2.13 1.164 0.207 8.018 2.455 1.542 0.709
Lucas, E WWS 2.39 1.310 0.236 9.399 2.392 1.984 0.652
Simmons, J Kel 2.91 0.559 0.254 2.912 2.118 3.21 0.718
Schneider, C VIC 3.07 1.295 0.257 8.591 3.068 3.126 0.661
Randazzo, B Kel 3.13 0.568 0.249 4.263 0.853 2.317 0.720
Miller, G Wen 3.20 0.851 0.286 5.010 2.644 3.559 0.645
Moore, R Kel 3.32 0.854 0.269 4.569 3.115 3.798 0.668
Weeg, J WWS 3.65 1.054 0.294 6.568 2.919 4.16 0.603
Mattson, L Wen 6.47 1.141 0.293 4.754 5.514 6.776 0.530