
West Coast League

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Summer 2016 - Attendance

Team Yesterday Total Openings Avg
Victoria HarbourCats - 60,466 27 2,239
Corvallis Knights - 37,322 26 1,435
Yakima Valley Pippins - 36,290 27 1,344
Bellingham Bells - 33,911 27 1,256
Kelowna Falcons - 32,231 26 1,240
Walla Walla Sweets - 30,739 27 1,138
Wenatchee AppleSox - 30,409 27 1,126
Bend Elks - 29,825 27 1,105
Cowlitz Black Bears - 27,226 26 1,047
Gresham GreyWolves - 10,105 27 374
Kitsap BlueJackets - 4,398 27 163
Total: 0 332,922 294 1,132