
Intercounty Baseball League

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IBL Summer 2022 - Stats

Statistics: Batting | Pitching | Fielding | Team Batting Totals | Team Pitching Totals | Team Fielding Totals

Batting Stats

Batting Stats | Expanded Batting Stats | Sabermetric Batting Stats     [Filter By: Last 7 days | Last 30 days ]

AVG - Minimum of plate appearances per team game - 3.1  

Mullen, R Ldn C .405 1.262 .767 .495 194
Gideon, J Well OF .382 1.240 .781 .459 207
Pompey, D Gue OF .381 1.102 .602 .500 148
Jacklin, B Kit OF .371 .930 .521 .409 155
Collymore, M Gue OF .369 1.068 .625 .443 194
Newton, J Ldn IF .366 1.088 .656 .432 148
Leader, A Kit OF .362 .941 .525 .416 161
Jansen, O Bar IF .357 .923 .519 .404 141
Joseph, S Ldn OF .351 1.001 .589 .412 187
Cawker, S Well C .348 .994 .546 .448 172
Hammond, E Gue OF .345 .921 .489 .432 169
Castaldo, J Tor IF .343 1.090 .569 .521 144
Dupuis, T Well IF .342 .950 .526 .424 132
Williams, J Gue OF .341 .986 .556 .430 149
Smibert, J Well IF .340 .965 .607 .358 162
McGarry-Doyle, N Bar OF .338 .875 .426 .449 167
Brownlee, C Ldn DH .335 1.082 .658 .424 191
Morello, G Well OF .333 .950 .497 .453 216
Solazzo, J Tor IF .333 .992 .577 .415 183
Hilderbrandt, M Well IF .331 .963 .551 .412 136
Wilson, J Bar OF .316 .846 .426 .420 163
Duncan, T Ham RF .316 .886 .503 .383 196
Porcellato, M Well IF .312 .973 .532 .441 180
Sutherland, L Bfd OF .311 .806 .444 .362 149
Marra, J Tor C .311 1.023 .583 .440 193
Burdett, N Bfd OF .309 .850 .456 .394 155
Rijo, R Bar IF .304 .822 .471 .351 148
Carrington, G Tor OF .304 .884 .467 .417 165
Jarvis, J Kit OF .303 .761 .394 .367 147
Whalen, S Kit IF .302 .809 .457 .352 142
McAskie, A Tor 3B .300 .926 .509 .417 132
Nicholson, B Well IF .298 .838 .459 .379 211
Kandel, K Ldn IF .297 .819 .455 .364 165
Hunt, E Well OF .297 .742 .365 .377 169
Brown, H Well OF .287 .776 .383 .393 136
Anderson, J Bar OF .281 .708 .372 .336 131
Niles, J Ham IF .278 .793 .424 .369 168
Renaud, L Ham IF .272 .790 .463 .327 162
Lawrence, A Ldn OF .269 .657 .331 .326 141
Marsden, K Kit IF .268 .790 .451 .339 165
Vinicio, J Tor IF .267 .666 .326 .340 194
Burns, C Bar IF .260 .686 .373 .313 168
Osika, T Ham IF .252 .687 .378 .309 141
Fishbaum, J Bfd OF .241 .594 .283 .311 162
Barlas, D Gue IF .209 .522 .217 .305 131
Keen, R Bfd OF .167 .524 .246 .278 133