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Gateway Grizzlies - Statistiques


Statistics: Au bâton | Lanceur | En défensive | Dernier 7 matchs jours

Au bâton

Statistiques au bâton | Statistiques au bâton supplémentaire | Stats de frappeur sabermétriques | Print
x Plantier, T IF .438 16 0 0 .188 .188 4.375
Jones, W IF .343 0 .042 .231 .06 .015 8.914
x Smart, J IF .276 116 .105 .609 .259 .138 16.985
x Roman, L DH .265 0 0 0 0 0 .5
x Roman, Lu IF .265 0 .106 .481 .229 .11 14.115
Owings, C IF .265 28.917 .131 .473 .363 .182 56.188
Sakurai, B IF .261 74.2 .096 .571 .208 .067 40.667
x Lowery, L IF .256 22.167 .066 .253 .286 .169 34.769
Ray, A OF .250 180 .066 .277 .189 .072 17.43
Dunston Jr., S OF .250 37.778 .086 .508 .285 .103 37.962
Taylor, Z C .246 101.5 .037 .205 .123 .084 18.417
Daniel, A IF .246 28.444 .102 .476 .324 .191 36.42
x OBrien, A IF .225 40 .048 .154 .125 .075 3.143
x Brickhouse, C C .225 0 .111 .357 .15 .025 3.111
Woodcock, D OF .221 16.583 .097 .458 .317 .196 24.787
Avery, C IF .216 0 .115 .467 .255 .02 3.724
Buhner, G IF .211 46.25 .09 .288 .232 .097 16.206
White, G OF .211 57 .048 .167 .175 .105 4.5
Brown, M IF .207 116 .131 .367 .25 .103 11.284
x McPhearson, M OF .206 0 .08 .4 .088 .015 4.054
x Valera, R IF .200 70 .113 .5 .229 .086 5.823
x Kirby, R IF .163 0 .039 .118 .143 .102 2.549
x Funk, C IF .158 0 .048 .111 .105 .053 .8
Cullum, I C .095 21 .115 .333 .286 .143 1.042
x Lincoln, J IF .000 0 0 0 0 0 0
x Gowens, R P .000 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totals   .245