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Windy City ThunderBolts - Statistiques


Statistics: Au bâton | Lanceur | En défensive | Dernier 7 matchs jours

Au bâton

Statistiques au bâton | Statistiques au bâton supplémentaire | Stats de frappeur sabermétriques | Print
Obregon, O IF .366 295 .063 .645 .166 .064 51.606
Bangert, D OF .351 37 .06 .357 .243 .176 15.304
Becht, J OF .317 142 .138 .727 .324 .113 25.355
Johnson, A OF .303 33.875 .057 .239 .236 .155 42.625
Straub, T IF .269 55.667 .088 .44 .243 .12 43.569
Zier, T IF .255 124.333 .045 .295 .155 .08 36.125
Oppenheim, D OF .235 68 .103 1.6 .324 .147 8.211
Beck, B OF .230 31.3 .08 .373 .288 .185 38.123
Krug, W OF .230 0 .048 .235 .162 .041 5.385
Healy, R C .224 107 .077 .29 .178 .093 9.672
Balkwill, L C .221 22.231 .102 .372 .301 .18 35.444
x McCray, J OF .216 44 .092 .643 .295 .102 8.082
x Day, D OF .213 0 .187 .636 .377 .016 5.04
Krane, R IF .204 55 .063 .306 .2 .12 22.704
x Dundon, A IF .188 0 .059 .2 .125 0 .706
Robertson, T OF .186 0 .081 .222 .142 .053 6.805
Brown, M IF .159 63 .12 .29 .254 .111 4.486
x Rawe, B OF .156 0 .135 .714 .25 .063 1.892
x Edwards, I OF .138 0 0 0 .103 .034 .69
x LaLonde, R IF .113 32.333 .089 .556 .196 .093 3.925
x Herrera, D C .000 0 0 0 0 0 0
x Westcott, Z P .000 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ledet, P P .000 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totals   .251