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Windy City ThunderBolts - Statistiques


Statistics: Au bâton | Lanceur | En défensive | Dernier 7 matchs jours

Au bâton

Statistiques au bâton | Statistiques au bâton supplémentaire | Stats de frappeur sabermétriques | Print
Robinson, K OF .336 .840 .471 .369 149
Aakhus, Z C .301 .815 .410 .405 388
Button, E IF .293 .795 .456 .339 257
Soares, R IF .290 .692 .369 .323 409
Ray, J OF .286 .714 .321 .393 138
x Harkensee, J OF .279 .790 .377 .413 76
Brauer, A OF .271 .713 .375 .338 359
Torres, M IF .262 .670 .325 .345 429
x Templeton, L IF .250 .603 .282 .321 140
Davis, A C .248 .638 .317 .321 117
x Estill, L OF .237 .564 .289 .275 40
x Gillman, C IF .230 .548 .264 .284 96
Joyce, D C .228 .688 .358 .330 271
Tucker, C IF .224 .609 .296 .313 114
Cregar, C 1B .218 .693 .387 .306 301
x Tomaszewski, N IF .179 .504 .231 .273 46
x Pittman, N OF .160 .482 .200 .282 119
x Walding, M IF .156 .460 .195 .265 154
x Clark, J IF .091 .258 .091 .167 12
x Renteria, A OF .091 .258 .091 .167 12
x Helm, B OF .000 .167 .000 .167 6
Totals   .257 .686 .351 .335 3633