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Joliet Slammers - Statistiques


Statistics: Au bâton | Lanceur | En défensive | Dernier 7 matchs jours

Au bâton

Statistiques au bâton | Statistiques au bâton supplémentaire | Stats de frappeur sabermétriques | Print
Harp, C OF .313 .796 .435 .361 158
Crum, J OF .302 .724 .349 .375 48
Krane, R IF .280 .721 .399 .322 394
Winningham, D IF .264 .723 .413 .310 256
Parreira, B C .262 .693 .374 .319 117
Bragg, H IF .260 .728 .417 .311 254
Nunez, O IF .231 .589 .287 .302 167
Isaacson, P C .218 .612 .342 .270 222
Ramos, M IF .215 .516 .277 .239 68
x Camacho, J IF .213 .508 .246 .262 65
x Lindley, L OF .208 .510 .239 .271 292
Meadows, C IF .203 .559 .267 .292 351
Roche, J IF .197 .584 .314 .270 153
Coolbaugh, T IF .186 .462 .212 .250 134
Morello, J OF .185 .491 .225 .266 174
Bordner, T OF .179 .456 .214 .242 62
x Kalawaia, L OF .178 .477 .229 .248 132
x Hoopii-Haslam, R IF .174 .480 .223 .257 139
x Podkul, F IF .154 .498 .231 .267 15
x Bolin, T OF .146 .457 .171 .286 49
x Touron, L C .136 .318 .182 .136 24
LaCongo, T C .111 .327 .111 .216 52
x Fulton, T C .095 .273 .143 .130 23
Clark, C C .064 .328 .128 .200 55
Long, K P .000 .000 .000 .000 0
Totals   .223 .594 .308 .286 3404