
Mount Rainier Professional Baseball League

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Pitching Stats

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ERA - Minimum inning(s) pitched per team game - .8  

Player Team ERA PFR BIPA K/9 BB/9 ERC FPS%
Robinson, J SV 0.00 1.773 0.250 12.273 3.682 1.896 0.700
Goodman, T SV 0.00 0.818 0.231 6.136 1.227 2.525 0.677
Runyon, B OCMT 1.00 1.667 0.154 9.000 6.000 1.677 0.629
Gurney, C SV 1.13 0.875 0.273 7.875 0.000 2.392 0.700
Duval, M OCMT 1.17 1.957 0.318 15.261 2.348 3.392 0.629
Ross, C EB 1.39 0.692 0.295 6.231 0.000 2.198 0.792
Moviel, S OCMT 1.80 1.100 0.276 8.100 1.800 2.616 0.763
Nannini, M OCMT 2.61 0.484 0.310 3.484 0.871 4.741 0.894
OCallaghan, T ML 2.76 0.551 0.270 2.755 2.204 4.451 0.676
Boyle, B ML 3.38 1.031 0.222 5.063 4.219 4.059 0.673
Redinger, K OCMT 4.00 0.778 0.186 2.000 5.000 3.925 0.837
Gordon, K GH 4.22 1.125 0.278 6.750 3.375 4.939 0.822
Gomez, R GLAC 4.50 1.400 0.302 7.200 5.400 5.886 0.725
Feenstra, D GH 5.00 1.333 0.192 8.000 4.000 4.006 0.583
Feliciano, R SV 5.19 1.500 0.485 12.462 1.038 7.967 0.795
Bravo, D EB 6.75 1.125 0.194 4.500 5.625 4.902 0.500
Wasielewski, R ML 7.20 1.200 0.361 7.200 3.600 7.306 0.911
Papa, D GLAC 7.59 0.469 0.241 1.687 2.531 10.746 0.746
Richmond, P EB 9.39 2.217 0.159 4.696 15.261 10.507 0.660
Smith, E GLAC 9.92 1.041 0.313 6.061 3.306 8.931 0.780