
Intercounty Baseball League

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IBL S19 - Stats


Statistics: Batting | Pitching | Fielding | Team Totals

Batting Stats

Batting Stats | Expanded Batting Stats | Sabermetric Batting Stats     [ Filter By : Last 7 | Last 30 ]

AVG - Minimum of plate appearances per team game - 3.1  

Castaldo, J Bar IF .453 9.133 .226 1.355 .715 .401 67.978
Dos Santos, R Tor SS .365 0 .101 .591 .313 .026 19.336
Atkinson, K Bar IF .360 13.9 .072 .393 .374 .302 37.413
Reilly, S Gue DH .355 10.333 .106 .882 .452 .323 35.655
Burton, B Kit IF .353 23.8 .143 .778 .403 .202 29.7
Gideon, J Ham OF .346 52 .086 .577 .321 .173 32.684
Villalona, A Gue IF .345 19.857 .110 .75 .317 .187 31.108
Topolie, D Tor MG .343 70 .047 .538 .121 .071 21.701
Cina, Z Kit OF .342 40 .078 .786 .242 .133 22.626
Rodriguez, S Bar IF .339 24 .080 .625 .298 .19 35.016
Spataro, R Bar OF .336 0 .120 1.364 .255 .064 18.304
Knecht, M Tor OF .326 16.125 .070 .333 .395 .295 29.928
Borroto, Y Kit IF .325 29.25 .140 1.538 .359 .171 24.555
Dadson, B Well IF .321 134 .105 .64 .291 .119 23.207
Arteaga, C Ldn 3B .313 0 .062 .444 .113 .052 15.024
Feuerstake, C Well OF .312 0 .149 .739 .484 .065 14.636
Pena, I Ldn P .307 20 .112 1.059 .35 .221 28.57
Johnson, Z Kit OF .304 28.75 .045 .162 .243 .191 19.314
Garton, J Gue OF .300 12.222 .071 .257 .427 .336 24.706
Lamb, C Tor IF .298 20.8 .053 .24 .25 .173 16.482
Nicholson, B Well OF .293 99 .088 .526 .404 .131 15.028
Orchard, Z Tor DH .292 0 .076 .333 .17 .075 13.565
Marra, J Tor C .289 17.75 .082 .419 .331 .225 25.432
Gordner, M Kit C .282 62 .113 .842 .274 .145 19.307
Pettipiece, N Well IF .280 0 .159 1 .3 .05 13.2
Beer, C Ham 3B .277 119 .077 .407 .193 .084 14.554
Mercier, A Well C .274 0 .051 .375 .113 .047 10.625
Chiaravalle, J Ham OF .274 31 .081 .224 .282 .185 19
Asbury-Heath, D Well OF .271 32.25 .153 .571 .395 .14 20.438
Barlas, D Gue IF .268 0 .042 .385 .054 .027 9.872
Reichstein, B Ldn OF .266 25.6 .113 .415 .32 .164 19.345
Ambrose, M Ldn C .264 22 .114 .696 .327 .182 17.5
Soriano, W Well IF .262 65 .049 .636 .331 .138 15.562
Arnold, G Ham 2B .262 35.25 .103 .68 .305 .142 19.481
Iltshishin, C Bfd IF .248 0 .036 .143 .09 .038 10.464
Tamane, G Tor OF .248 125 .118 1 .192 .048 12.678
Gordner, C Kit IF .246 42 .113 .68 .254 .111 15.105
Perez, L Bfd P .244 0 .051 .412 .195 .106 12.238
Morro, C Bar IF .242 33 .134 .696 .414 .192 14.957
Kush, K Gue OF .238 101 .142 .85 .228 .069 10.771
Brownlee, C Ldn IF .232 11.364 .062 .346 .336 .264 17.582
Fishbaum, J Bfd OF .225 0 .088 .48 .208 .05 9.75
Patterson, C Ham C .224 38.667 .122 .531 .25 .103 12.286
Marsden, K Kit IF .218 50.5 .110 .448 .248 .109 10.132
Mohan, E Gue OF .208 35.333 .068 .2 .274 .132 9.474
Bowie, C Ham OF .202 39.667 .101 .452 .277 .151 12
Burdett, N Bfd RF .197 30.5 .090 .317 .254 .139 11.237
Rizquez, A Bfd OF .179 0 .085 .4 .151 .038 5.75
Keys, B Gue C .167 0 .103 .6 .157 .039 5.342