
Frontier League

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Statistiques: Au bâton | Lanceur | En défensive | Team Totals

Statistiques au bâton

Statistiques au bâton | Statistiques au bâton supplémentaire | Stats de frappeur sabermétriques     [ Trier par : Dernier 7 matchs | Dernier 30 matchs ]

AVG - Minimum de présences au bâton par partie d'une équipe - 2.7  

Joueur Équipe P AVG OPS SLG OBP PA
Mendez, C SOU IF .337 .812 .437 .375 409
Harrilchak, C SOU OF .332 .903 .450 .453 269
Bowman, D LER OF .309 .855 .495 .360 412
Beatty, C WSH IF .305 .928 .550 .378 407
Ijames, S WSH OF .297 .919 .560 .359 353
Wiley, B FLO OF .290 .915 .490 .425 393
Schultz, J EVA OF .289 .815 .438 .377 389
Hamilton, J FLO IF .286 .820 .435 .385 358
Micowski, M GRY OF .284 .821 .464 .357 342
Lester, C SOU IF .283 .800 .432 .368 384
Hidalgo, A LER IF .281 .725 .371 .354 347
Moldenhauer, R LER IF .275 .829 .474 .355 400
Harris, D FLO OF .272 .850 .467 .383 412
Testa, C TRA OF .271 .761 .436 .325 306
Kometani, Z TRA C .270 .753 .436 .317 372
Nunziato, A WSH SS .269 .782 .444 .338 332
Bergeron, B GRY IF .269 .742 .426 .316 354
Bermudez, P FLO OF .266 .737 .339 .398 271
Burch, C TRA 1B .264 .868 .481 .387 391
Tanis, J FLO IF .264 .814 .488 .326 411
Gregory, K SOU OF .263 .707 .389 .318 283
Vargas, J TRA 3B .262 .779 .464 .315 355
Arrojo, J FLO IF .262 .765 .364 .401 431
Granger, S LER OF .261 .708 .375 .333 317
Davis, A LER IF .252 .779 .463 .316 411
Ramirez, A GRY OF .251 .624 .332 .292 266
Jacquot, J FLO C .246 .719 .392 .327 349
McCallister, B GRY IF .242 .613 .309 .304 313
Berard, K LER IF .242 .645 .329 .316 263
Muse, J GRY OF .234 .604 .342 .262 283
Casper, M LER IF .231 .563 .252 .311 268
Sanchez, J LER IF .231 .589 .283 .306 371
Stoner, S WSH IF .231 .719 .378 .341 352
Gusrang, S TRA IF .229 .656 .348 .308 367
Nidiffer, M TRA C .220 .696 .371 .325 268
Butler, P SOU C .212 .541 .282 .259 300
Still, R TRA IF .187 .671 .260 .411 410