
Frontier League

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Statistiques: Au bâton | Lanceur | En défensive | Team Totals

Statistiques au bâton

Statistiques au bâton | Statistiques au bâton supplémentaire | Stats de frappeur sabermétriques     [ Trier par : Dernier 7 matchs | Dernier 30 matchs ]

AVG - Minimum de présences au bâton par partie d'une équipe - 2.7  

Brodin, J LON OF .370 21.636 .114 1.107 .382 .223 62.375
Heck, A WSH OF .310 126 .109 .582 .27 .103 40.282
Burch, C TRA 1B .304 21.059 .144 .955 .385 .193 72.722
Arrojo, J FLO IF .302 66.2 .084 .63 .254 .076 45.89
Still, R TRA IF .301 69 .268 2.245 .551 .12 58
Rodriguez, E FLO C .300 20.867 .073 .51 .326 .195 54.867
Vargas, J TRA 3B .290 14.138 .066 .333 .361 .285 79.918
Taylor, J LER IF .290 23.25 .159 1.286 .43 .186 53.919
Colligan, K TRA OF .290 56.714 .064 .394 .232 .134 56.527
Moldenhauer, R LER IF .285 37.444 .121 1 .32 .175 57.974
Fatse, P FLO IF .284 44 .110 .584 .318 .165 57.708
Vahalik, J LON C .282 87 .051 .357 .138 .08 20.201
Mendez, C SOU IF .278 117.333 .072 .583 .182 .091 43.105
Samuelson, M LON IF .278 27.714 .126 .707 .299 .165 32.009
Davis, A LER IF .277 25.786 .116 .716 .324 .191 61.154
Gregory, K SOU OF .277 51.167 .083 .444 .238 .134 42.501
Harris, D FLO OF .275 32.4 .128 .633 .343 .198 56.864
Kaase, J SOU IF .271 27 .098 .741 .299 .174 53.862
Cardullo, S LON IF .268 112 .101 .765 .277 .121 29.928
Gusrang, S TRA IF .266 19.533 .144 .616 .42 .242 56.413
Black, T EVA IF .264 43 .057 .308 .244 .132 31.27
Heere, B TRA OF .264 78.8 .108 .636 .226 .089 48.007
Figueroa, J LER IF .260 235 .094 1.087 .179 .043 23.485
Maddox, C SOU OF .256 31.909 .070 .389 .254 .174 47.013
Sheely, M EVA OF .255 70.5 .083 .375 .206 .096 31.718
Schwaner, N EVA 1B .254 29.167 .086 .493 .309 .18 48.688
Thennis, D RW OF .254 118 .109 .536 .203 .085 13.534
Parache, L EVA IF .250 72 .061 .528 .243 .108 30.531
Stoner, S WSH IF .249 29.7 .091 .5 .273 .165 39.629
Mack, D EVA OF .249 41.857 .110 .638 .294 .143 38.333
Flagg, J TRA IF .249 19.9 .074 .225 .291 .204 54.837
Ortiz, A LER OF .246 95.5 .039 .271 .165 .084 34.824
Erie, B LER C .246 120 .096 .531 .163 .058 23.327
Jacquot, J FLO C .244 35.7 .064 .342 .202 .126 38.702
Kaup, R RW IF .243 0 .074 .321 .136 .029 8.5
Nidiffer, M TRA C .241 28.556 .111 .531 .3 .167 34.639
Devereaux, R WSH C .237 67.5 .051 .6 .167 .1 25.225
Malloy, J FLO OF .233 20 .082 .483 .333 .223 40.933
Kuzdale, R LER OF .230 47 .143 .82 .397 .167 38.795
Magsig, B RW IF .225 138 .172 2.067 .304 .072 15.041
Wright, M RW OF .224 129.5 .086 .417 .239 .147 28.056
Block, W SOU 2B .223 44 .123 .702 .273 .136 25.605
LePage, P FLO IF .222 126 .047 .448 .135 .06 18.487
Jones, W RW OF .216 55.5 .065 .276 .207 .081 8.874
Rundle, D FLO OF .215 22.3 .166 .697 .408 .188 31.45
Glaum, A RW IF .205 263 .128 .727 .278 .046 20.475
Leighton, T RW IF .204 0 .120 1 .237 .097 8.453
Eveland, K TRA SS .203 64 .105 .465 .228 .094 27.708
Oldham, T RW IF .170 88 .070 .389 .148 .068 4.863