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Statistics: Batting | Pitching | Fielding | Team Totals

Pitching Stats

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ERA - Minimum inning(s) pitched per team game - .8  

Player Team ERA PFR BIPA K/9 BB/9 ERC FPS%
Singleton, N WIC 2.36 1.289 0.214 7.494 4.106 3.874 0.618
Moore, B SF 3.10 1.107 0.289 8.484 1.481 3.432 0.642
Salberg, C SF 3.26 1.071 0.236 5.740 3.898 4.002 0.577
Welch, D SC 3.59 1.170 0.294 7.858 2.675 4.683 0.643
Peterson , Z STP 3.65 1.010 0.281 6.861 2.228 3.627 0.627
Medina, G WIC 3.82 1.296 0.261 8.051 3.609 3.968 0.571
Cowart, A WIC 3.93 0.964 0.320 6.382 2.291 5.256 0.633
Jung, J WIC 4.25 0.494 0.270 2.225 2.225 4.992 0.697
Paduch , J LIN 4.65 1.508 0.309 8.850 4.725 5.823 0.576
Foster , K STP 4.71 1.256 0.338 7.953 3.349 6.044 0.610
Cullen , C LIN 4.74 0.865 0.274 4.486 3.301 5.063 0.601
Ryder, M SC 4.78 0.668 0.294 4.126 1.882 5.249 0.731
Shaver, R SF 4.96 1.112 0.253 4.626 5.383 5.833 0.595
Povich, C SC 5.17 1.489 0.258 7.947 5.457 5.449 0.650
Rodriguez, R SF 5.23 0.796 0.273 3.509 3.653 5.834 0.545
Marotz, T SC 5.38 1.047 0.309 6.458 2.960 6.795 0.630
Schmidt , J STP 5.46 1.311 0.294 7.997 3.801 5.168 0.591
Godin , J STP 5.57 1.330 0.288 6.959 5.010 6.328 0.562
Trahan, D SC 5.69 1.760 0.267 9.595 6.248 6.31 0.574