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NABL Playoffs 2011 - Stats

Statistics: Batting | Pitching | Fielding | Team Batting Totals | Team Pitching Totals | Team Fielding Totals

Batting Stats

Batting Stats | Expanded Batting Stats | Sabermetric Batting Stats     [Filter By: Last 7 days | Last 30 days ]

AVG - Minimum of plate appearances per team game - 2.7  

Closser, J EDM C .421 19 .200 3.333 .605 .316 15.167
Pino, W RGV 2B .400 20 .024 .333 .325 .25 10.78
Brown, S EDM OF .400 15 .135 .7 .422 .267 14.423
Linden, T EDM LF .375 13.333 .160 .889 .4 .225 11.5
Rogelstad, M EDM 2B .367 0 .059 .667 .1 .033 4.875
Cruz, E EDM SS .366 41 .143 .875 .317 .171 10.083
Ziegler, C CAL IF .364 11 .233 2.333 .773 .409 8.793
Garcia, L CAL OF .360 25 0000 0 .24 .2 5.04
Metheny, B EDM 1B .359 7.8 .170 .889 .692 .462 14.979
Kaplan, J CAL OF .357 0 .067 .4 .214 .071 4.8
Ehrnsberger, C CAL IF .321 0 .034 .2 .179 .143 4.483
Rundgren, R EDM IF .311 0 .043 .286 .067 .044 5.447
Nichols, B RGV IF .308 8.667 .161 .833 .577 .385 7.548
Nichols, Br SAN IF .308 8.667 .161 .833 .577 .385 7.548
Ortiz, G RGV C .306 18 .026 .125 .361 .278 6.811
Rohan, J CAL IF .304 0 .080 2 .087 0 2.52
Miller, D CAL OF .292 0 .077 .333 .167 .083 3.115
Duncan, C EDM IF .286 0 .051 .333 .171 .086 4.216
Perez, W CAL SS .280 0 .133 1.333 .32 .04 3.034
Quintana, A CAL C .280 0 .074 .4 .12 .04 2.667
Camp, L SAN 3B .273 8.25 .081 .273 .545 .455 8
Ventura, L RGV 3B .250 36 .071 .75 .278 .167 4.615
Beatty, C SAN IF .250 0 .111 .4 .125 .063 1.667
Batista, W RGV IF .237 0 .073 .5 .158 .053 3.22
Ramos, M SAN IF .235 0 0000 0 .176 .176 1.647
Patton, C SAN P .212 33 .081 .5 .212 .121 3.056
Collaro, T EDM RF .206 11.333 .081 .375 .382 .294 4.595
Calfee, C SAN OF .200 0 .063 .333 .067 0 .75
Redding, M SAN C .200 0 .167 .4 .2 0 .667
Jones, D SAN 1B .182 0 0000 0 .03 .03 1.273