
Florida Collegiate Summer League

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Playoffs 2021 - Stats

Statistics: Batting | Pitching | Fielding | Team Batting Totals | Team Pitching Totals | Team Fielding Totals

Pitching Stats

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Player Team ERA PFR BIPA K/9 BB/9 ERC FPS%
Emener, A WP 9.00 1.444 0.250 9.000 4.000 9.066 0.000
Huter, B LL 2.08 2.308 0.167 18.692 2.077 .032 0.000
Madonna, D LL 5.06 2.062 0.214 13.500 5.062 7.725 0.000
Huneck, D WP 7.36 2.727 0.400 17.182 7.364 11.575 0.000
Garcia, E WP 4.09 1.091 0.222 5.727 4.091 5.961 0.000
Berry, W WP 0.00 1.500 0.071 10.500 3.000 -.081 0.000
Fregio, D WP 1.50 0.750 0.200 5.250 1.500 1.045 0.000
Young, D SAN 6.75 2.625 0.000 20.250 3.375 2.811 0.000
Winston, J WG 3.00 2.333 0.333 18.000 3.000 1.535 0.000
Henderson, Z LL 0.00 2.100 0.000 16.200 2.700 -.412 0.000
Money, B SAN 13.50 2.700 0.364 16.200 8.100 16.904 0.000
Hazell, A WP 7.50 1.500 0.304 7.500 6.000 5.587 0.000
Macdonald, P SAN 1.69 1.313 0.143 8.438 3.375 .686 0.000
Bruns, C LL 0.82 0.727 0.222 4.091 2.455 1.77 0.000
Rossi Jr., T SAN 9.00 3.000 0.500 22.500 4.500 3.631 0.000
Mills, J WP 6.75 1.750 0.267 11.250 4.500 3.212 0.000
Crossley, C WG 4.91 1.636 0.333 9.818 4.909 6.387 0.000
Udell, C DEL 3.60 1.000 0.235 7.200 1.800 1.853 0.000
Layton, R SAN 10.13 2.625 0.091 13.500 10.125 4.345 0.000
Carpenter, A WP 15.00 2.333 0.286 12.000 9.000 12.486 0.000
Bradshaw, J LL 3.86 2.143 0.111 11.571 7.714 3.436 0.000
Spiller, J LL 5.40 1.800 0.500 16.200 0.000 4.227 0.000
Brown, E WG 23.14 3.429 0.133 11.571 19.286 15.425 0.000
Goff, A SAN 0.00 2.143 0.273 11.571 7.714 6.283 0.000
Skinner, N DEL 9.00 1.667 0.300 9.000 6.000 9.765 0.000
Caba, M LL 6.75 3.750 0.000 20.250 13.500 2.495 0.000
Brewington, G DEL 11.57 1.714 0.455 11.571 3.857 17.231 0.000
Graves, Q SAN 13.50 3.000 0.222 13.500 13.500 18.907 0.000
Kelly, G LL 4.50 2.000 0.333 9.000 9.000 8.585 0.000
Mann, A WP 8.10 0.600 0.100 5.400 0.000 4.564 0.000
Coles, M LL 20.25 3.000 0.500 13.500 13.500 26.871 0.000
Kelley, D LL 0.00 1.800 0.133 5.400 10.800 4.311 0.000
Medina, J SAN 0.00 1.125 0.125 6.750 3.375 .812 0.000
Waterbor, E LL 9.00 2.000 0.222 4.500 13.500 8.246 0.000
Boeckle, G LL 7.71 0.429 0.300 3.857 0.000 10.21 0.000
Gleeson, C LL 13.50 3.000 0.400 13.500 13.500 100.057 0.000
Kramer, K SAN 9.00 2.000 0.167 9.000 9.000 8.068 0.000
Shepherd, W DEL 4.50 0.000 0.143 0.000 0.000 1.596 0.000
Vizcarra, D SAN 0.00 1.000 0.250 0.000 9.000 11.704 0.000
Ricko, P DEL 0.00 0.000 0.800 0.000 0.000 0 0.000
Leinenbach, A DEL 13.50 0.000 0.667 0.000 0.000 66.457 0.000
Shepherd, G DEL 54.00 3.000 0.250 0.000 27.000 100.057 0.000
Griffith, L DEL 0.00 0.600 0.000 0.000 5.400 -1.26 0.000
Brown, G WP 4.50 0.500 0.333 0.000 4.500 10.617 0.000