
Can-Am League

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Playoffs 2011 - Stats

Statistics: Batting | Pitching | Fielding | Team Batting Totals | Team Pitching Totals | Team Fielding Totals

Pitching Stats

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ERA - Minimum inning(s) pitched per team game - .8  

Player Team ERA PFR BIPA K/9 BB/9 ERC FPS%
Rubio, C PIT 0.00 0.375 0.231 0.000 3.375 7.061 0.667
Rembisz, B QC 0.64 0.643 0.149 3.857 1.929 .782 0.792
Kibler, J NJ 1.50 0.917 0.189 6.750 1.500 .752 0.674
Duda, J QC 1.59 1.235 0.143 9.529 1.588 1.535 0.619
Flores, M PIT 1.69 1.500 0.400 13.500 0.000 2.525 0.565
Mariotti, J QC 1.98 0.293 0.240 1.317 1.317 2.106 0.635
GĂ©linas, K QC 2.35 0.848 0.186 7.043 0.587 1.595 0.737
Pavlik, I NJ 2.84 1.026 0.270 7.816 1.421 2.542 0.633
Birosak, D BRO 3.60 2.200 0.316 10.800 9.000 8.133 0.680
DiPietro, R QC 4.05 1.800 0.250 12.150 4.050 2.965 0.724
Wideman, A NJ 4.50 0.833 0.205 3.750 3.750 3.133 0.580
Paronto, C PIT 5.40 1.650 0.350 12.150 2.700 6.391 0.667
Woods, Z BRO 5.68 1.421 0.389 11.368 1.421 5.311 0.704
Moran, P PIT 7.20 1.200 0.273 7.200 3.600 7.401 0.852
Loye, J BRO 7.36 0.818 0.214 4.909 2.455 9.389 0.647