
Northwoods League

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Northwoods 2019 - Stats

Statistics: Batting | Pitching | Fielding | Team Batting Totals | Team Pitching Totals | Team Fielding Totals

Pitching Stats

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ERA - Minimum inning(s) pitched per team game - .8  

Player Team ERA PFR BIPA K/9 BB/9 ERC FPS%
Hoffman, A TVC 1.08 1.114 0.165 6.634 3.394 1.5 0.557
Portela, P WIL 1.23 0.994 0.235 7.251 1.697 1.754 0.700
Koenig, T STC 1.35 1.333 0.177 7.650 4.350 1.978 0.668
Stroh, G WRP 1.61 1.200 0.194 8.319 2.481 1.259 0.612
Hemmerling, N WRP 2.28 1.028 0.217 5.461 3.792 2.874 0.605
Jones, K TVC 2.73 0.718 0.274 4.309 2.154 3.548 0.556
Osterberg, M WRP 3.10 1.052 0.307 7.293 2.172 3.293 0.714
Husson, A KMO 3.16 1.390 0.218 9.088 3.424 2.892 0.625
Newberg, B MAN 3.22 1.090 0.289 7.388 2.418 3.343 0.682
Traxel, B KMO 3.47 1.140 0.314 9.000 1.263 3.846 0.657
Wheaton, A KAZ 3.48 0.984 0.221 6.677 2.177 2.681 0.595
Kutzler, K KEN 3.61 1.158 0.236 6.282 4.144 3.465 0.348
Rukes, G WIL 3.70 0.806 0.245 6.480 0.771 3.029 0.661
Patrick, C TVC 3.75 1.058 0.262 7.023 2.497 3.205 0.597
Martinez, R STC 3.90 1.145 0.253 7.960 2.341 3.229 0.667
Nichols, B WIS 3.98 1.294 0.251 8.223 3.426 3.393 0.632
Jones, Z RFD 4.10 1.304 0.302 8.906 2.827 3.986 0.601
Nelson, J RFD 4.17 1.165 0.300 6.606 3.878 5.18 0.670
Eaton, N LAC 4.21 1.301 0.300 7.803 3.902 5.844 0.632
Divinski, T WIL 4.73 0.983 0.284 6.102 2.746 4.458 0.619
Dafoe, A TB 4.90 0.956 0.299 6.088 2.515 4.454 0.700
Talcott, W BC 5.67 1.425 0.278 8.204 4.624 5.648 0.653
Burks, P TB 6.24 1.023 0.291 5.150 4.058 6.155 0.622