
Golden State Collegiate Baseball League

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Summer 2022 - Stats

Statistics: Batting | Pitching | Fielding | Team Batting Totals | Team Pitching Totals | Team Fielding Totals

Batting Stats

Batting Stats | Expanded Batting Stats | Sabermetric Batting Stats     [Filter By: Last 7 days | Last 30 days ]

AVG - Minimum of plate appearances per team game - 2.7  

Hardamon, J SAC IF .410 1.061 .590 .471 87
Lamar, A CAB IF .390 .930 .475 .455 66
Cristol, M SAC C .388 1.038 .571 .467 60
McWard, C CAB IF .366 .981 .512 .469 49
Payne II, T SFS C .362 1.037 .521 .516 129
Bakker, D RR OF .345 .896 .552 .344 61
Arnett, N SAC IF .340 .936 .460 .476 63
Adame, A SFS IF .337 .942 .442 .500 122
Hipwell, R SBS RF .329 1.031 .579 .452 93
Azem, L CAB IF .328 .916 .552 .364 77
Richardson, J SAC OF .327 .802 .388 .414 58
Algarin, J SFS OF .325 1.009 .575 .434 145
Ryan, D SFS IF .319 1.051 .630 .421 140
Estabrook, T RR IF .300 .692 .340 .352 54
Phinney, E SBS IF .295 .792 .436 .356 87
Mercurio, C SAC C .293 .674 .310 .364 66
Kurosawa, T RR IF .289 .773 .395 .378 45
Lee, J SFS OF .265 .747 .382 .365 126
Wallace, T CAB OF .263 .674 .386 .288 61
Bahlke, W SAC OF .262 .722 .357 .365 52
Stevenson, J RR OF .229 .643 .286 .357 42
Herrera, L CAB IF .218 .606 .327 .279 61
Castineira, M RR IF .216 .640 .270 .370 46
Ghiorso, D CAB IF .212 .605 .288 .317 60
Terrell, M SAC IF .184 .550 .245 .305 60
Note: Statistics are based on 65 of 66 games scored.