
Intercounty Baseball League

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IBL Summer 2018 - Stats

Statistics: Batting | Pitching | Fielding | Team Batting Totals | Team Pitching Totals | Team Fielding Totals

Batting Stats

Batting Stats | Expanded Batting Stats | Sabermetric Batting Stats     [Filter By: Last 7 days | Last 30 days ]

AVG - Minimum of plate appearances per team game - 3.1  

Castaldo, J Bar IF .403 1.272 .765 .507 152
Marra, J Tor C .353 1.143 .690 .453 139
Atkinson, K Bar IF .352 1.125 .672 .453 148
Arnold, G Ham SS .348 .865 .454 .411 160
Mohan, E Gue OF .347 1.001 .584 .417 115
Fuhr, R Ldn OF .346 .854 .392 .462 160
Garton, J Gue OF .346 .929 .529 .400 115
Gordner, M Kit C .343 .829 .464 .365 148
Reilly, S Gue 1B .342 1.169 .711 .458 142
Spataro, R Bar OF .342 .979 .541 .438 131
McQueen, C Ldn 2B .339 .805 .371 .434 146
Bryan, V Burl OF .333 1.013 .574 .439 132
Gideon, J Burl OF .333 1.026 .599 .427 172
Jackson, G Bar OF .327 .954 .515 .439 125
Brownlee, C Ldn IF .324 1.014 .621 .393 163
Cowan, J Bar OF .324 .769 .352 .417 128
Foden, J Ham OF .322 .882 .479 .403 139
Takamatsu, G Tor DH .320 .828 .437 .391 115
Mendham, D Bfd C .309 .837 .434 .403 160
Reichstein, B Ldn OF .308 1.009 .569 .440 166
Burton, B Kit IF .307 .905 .543 .362 152
Infante, B Bar IF .306 .895 .439 .456 125
Beer, C Ham 3B .296 .802 .408 .394 165
Nivins, T Kit OF .292 1.015 .623 .392 125
Marsden, K Kit IF .288 .867 .492 .375 152
DeGrace, K Bar C .287 .753 .377 .376 143
Gordner, C Kit IF .284 .724 .388 .336 127
Borroto, Y Kit IF .282 .802 .371 .431 161
Reeves, M Tor C .282 .888 .466 .422 128
Ambrose, M Ldn C .279 .870 .396 .474 156
Tamane, G Tor OF .274 .789 .379 .410 119
Keys, B Gue C .263 .650 .297 .353 138
Solazzo, J Tor IF .259 .737 .380 .357 126
Kandel, K Ldn SS .252 .689 .328 .361 158
Interisano, J Gue 1B .246 .781 .443 .338 142
Burdett, N Bfd RF .243 .697 .368 .329 158
Pettipiece, N Burl IF .242 .615 .317 .298 132
Knecht, M Tor OF .231 .785 .417 .368 136
Mercier, A Burl C .231 .555 .274 .281 129
Glinka, M Kit IF .231 .603 .308 .295 132
Soriano, W Bfd IF .226 .548 .304 .244 119
Renaud, L Ham OF .220 .584 .311 .273 143
Rizquez, A Bfd OF .211 .679 .382 .297 138
Rizquez, An Bfd OF .211 .504 .239 .265 119
MacLeod, J Gue OF .196 .520 .268 .252 123
Leader, A Kit OF .195 .573 .301 .272 127
Romanin, M Burl SS .195 .594 .289 .305 151
Vanderby, D Ham 2B .186 .535 .216 .319 117
Rossit, A Gue IF .176 .404 .185 .219 114