
Perfect Game Collegiate Baseball League

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East - Stats


Statistics: Batting | Pitching | Fielding | Team Totals

Batting Stats

Batting Stats | Expanded Batting Stats | Sabermetric Batting Stats     [ Filter By : Last 7 | Last 30 ]

AVG - Minimum of plate appearances per team game - 2.7  

Tracy, B AM IF .350 23.333 .168 .939 .443 .207 36.491
Machonis, S MV IF .338 78.5 .094 .531 .293 .115 28.563
Scocca, T MV OF .335 27.833 .083 1.067 .347 .228 36.984
Tackett, H AM OF .333 21 .136 .75 .531 .231 35.433
Powell, M GF IF .327 0 .102 1 .18 .033 21.728
Kirkpatrick, T AM OF .315 63.5 .124 .487 .331 .11 21.822
Yurchak, J AM IF .306 53.333 .153 2.143 .306 .1 27.026
Pagano, M MV OF .305 82 .139 1.077 .36 .146 30.063
Mahan, R AM IF .303 51.667 .148 1.074 .413 .142 28.5
Walraven, T MV IF .302 0 .104 1.313 .212 .078 25.5
Fitzsimmons, M AD IF .301 54.333 .077 .35 .252 .153 26.339
Vieth, J GF IF .297 148 .139 1.316 .311 .142 25.925
Herrera, A MV IF .292 48 .083 .875 .243 .139 21.975
Lewis, G AD IF .289 0 .132 1.211 .268 .085 20.558
Freedman, D AM IF .287 61 .161 1.19 .303 .098 19.184
Oliveri, D GF OF .281 0 .107 1.211 .225 .028 19.975
Dedelow, C AM OF .280 59 .099 1.077 .229 .102 16.023
Rodriguez, O GF OF .276 0 .099 .625 .205 .079 15.845
Remillard, Z AD IF .276 42.333 .103 .455 .291 .165 19.718
Aspinall, S AD OF .273 82.5 .109 .656 .327 .139 24.129
Dorrian, P SS IF .262 122 .093 .65 .23 .082 14
Hawk, C MV IF .256 0 .107 .667 .262 .085 18.87
Sprague, D SS IF .250 0 .095 .889 .223 .088 16.159
McDermott, A AM OF .246 42 .097 .483 .214 .111 14.464
Boose, H AD IF .224 0 .064 .429 .152 .064 9.94