
Frontier League

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East - Stats


Statistics: Batting | Pitching | Fielding | Team Totals

Pitching Stats

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ERA - Minimum inning(s) pitched per team game - .8  

Lopez, A SIL 1.86 0 4 .190 7 4 1.03 1.6
Champlin, K TC 2.05 3 3 .213 4 2 .96 2.106
Gooding, J FLO 2.50 2 10 .206 9 3 .99 2.002
MacDougall, I TC 2.51 1 9 .265 2 4 1.18 2.195
Nieves, E EVN 2.68 1 6 .231 2 5 1.07 2.065
Walch, T EVN 2.77 1 8 .247 9 7 1.35 1.561
Teasley, R SIL 2.78 1 12 .242 2 8 1.18 1.98
Longfellow, T LER 2.86 0 8 .208 11 1 1.14 1.528
Kraus, J FG 2.98 1 1 .255 3 11 1.28 1.706
Shreves, M TC 3.21 0 4 .222 8 3 1.1 1.516
Duffy, B LER 3.30 0 3 .252 10 4 1.39 1.767
Wilkins, L WSH 3.31 1 12 .261 9 6 1.32 1.622
Devine, M LER 3.33 0 9 .246 4 8 1.14 2.023
DeJesus, L TC 3.81 0 10 .265 0 4 1.33 1.943
Morton, Z LER 3.83 0 5 .288 6 2 1.4 1.82
Flight, T SIL 3.91 0 8 .245 1 3 1.48 1.511
DAlessandro, J FG 4.04 0 4 .241 12 10 1.67 1.223
Shore, B FG 4.16 0 6 .267 17 8 1.4 1.581
Zaragoza, E WSH 4.19 1 5 .252 2 9 1.4 1.529
Stephens, C FLO 4.71 0 8 .261 6 3 1.25 1.961
Vail, T EVN 5.02 0 5 .268 14 6 1.66 1.433
Zambron, B LER 5.03 0 21 .254 10 7 1.31 1.666