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Pitching Stats

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Player Team ERA PFR BIPA K/9 BB/9 ERC FPS%
Molesky, V GAT 3.70 1.157 0.280 8.486 1.929 3.107 0.645
Gooding, J FLO 3.93 1.122 0.281 8.172 1.923 4.164 0.580
Schweiss, M NOR 4.38 1.724 0.239 8.591 6.925 5.098 0.517
Miller, J SIL 3.05 1.000 0.280 6.591 2.409 3.873 0.697
Landsheft, W GAT 4.15 1.226 0.224 7.278 3.757 4.287 0.570
Sneed, Z RC 3.77 0.921 0.269 6.805 1.479 3.459 0.656
Carmain, C NOR 4.40 0.880 0.284 5.955 1.962 3.779 0.652
Ackerman, H EVN 3.77 0.991 0.289 6.692 2.231 3.908 0.659
Teasley, R SIL 4.80 0.929 0.304 6.626 1.739 4.263 0.721
Ludwig, D RC 3.69 0.864 0.282 6.249 1.522 3.526 0.640
Carrillo, F NOR 1.75 1.800 0.258 12.229 3.971 2.676 0.646
Treece, Z RC 1.86 1.862 0.280 13.966 2.793 2.799 0.597
Weedman, S EVN 3.52 1.487 0.205 8.687 4.696 4.287 0.640
West, J GAT 3.02 1.609 0.216 11.011 3.469 3.276 0.598
Vocca, T FLO 3.60 1.333 0.246 8.640 3.360 3.794 0.617
Kimes, C GAT 3.96 1.156 0.243 6.105 4.299 4.216 0.605
Eggnatz, A GAT 4.02 1.366 0.243 7.813 4.481 4.237 0.544
Acosta, H NOR 3.64 0.872 0.243 6.260 1.588 3.777 0.693
Homick, M NOR 3.69 1.301 0.234 7.157 4.554 4.223 0.624
Olson, P EVN 2.90 1.178 0.197 7.364 3.236 2.391 0.653
Koons, T RC 4.68 1.169 0.257 7.016 3.508 4.367 0.621
Jones, J GAT 5.23 1.539 0.253 8.764 5.089 6.315 0.589
Pusateri, J GAT 3.15 1.708 0.225 11.431 3.942 3.141 0.585
Gillies, C NOR 3.99 1.404 0.248 7.714 4.921 4.275 0.656
Gray, C FLO 3.18 1.154 0.248 6.719 3.665 4.243 0.573
Jefferis, K GAT 5.52 1.523 0.356 11.045 2.659 5.559 0.615
Gibbons, E FLO 4.91 1.750 0.238 11.045 4.705 5.219 0.644
McGrath, P FLO 7.00 1.004 0.331 5.987 3.050 6.709 0.639
Chavarria, M NOR 6.20 1.262 0.294 7.377 3.984 6.228 0.590
Kraus, J FLO 2.86 0.979 0.194 5.606 3.203 2.797 0.564
Parmenter, R NOR 4.27 1.386 0.244 8.203 4.272 4.178 0.643
Pavlovich, J RC 2.81 1.016 0.266 6.188 2.953 3.746 0.593
Warner, A RC 4.42 1.448 0.290 9.776 3.259 5.703 0.570
McCurry, R EVN 2.12 1.676 0.255 10.853 4.235 3.544 0.601
Rennie, L EVN 7.33 1.521 0.303 7.907 5.786 7.605 0.629
Thompson, T EVN 2.18 1.125 0.268 7.941 2.184 3.522 0.674
Bozeman, T FLO 7.27 2.163 0.262 10.385 9.087 6.768 0.547
Mott, E SIL 2.09 1.077 0.228 7.415 2.282 2.945 0.672
Wellander, J GAT 2.23 1.321 0.239 9.661 2.229 2.145 0.644
Elwood, M NOR 7.12 1.391 0.290 9.327 3.191 5.693 0.641
Baez, F EVN 3.38 1.719 0.192 10.688 4.781 2.952 0.497
Frosch, K EVN 1.50 1.208 0.130 6.938 3.938 2.214 0.628
Wendorf, Z FLO 4.86 1.650 0.238 9.720 5.130 5.703 0.631
Gregory, R RC 5.71 0.865 0.260 5.192 2.596 5.685 0.688
Zgardowski, J RC 4.38 1.500 0.239 10.946 2.554 2.584 0.633
Tinius, K SIL 2.51 1.116 0.261 6.070 3.977 4.386 0.619
Schierholz, W RC 3.46 1.077 0.292 6.692 3.000 6.122 0.512
Lopez, A SIL 0.71 1.895 0.128 10.303 6.750 1.415 0.642
DeBoo, C SIL 3.63 1.185 0.260 6.353 4.311 4.523 0.636
Kennedy, N RC 2.90 0.967 0.275 6.248 2.455 3.943 0.572
Trujillo, B SIL 4.18 0.727 0.244 3.758 2.784 4.12 0.627
LaMarche, W GAT 2.01 1.404 0.194 7.468 5.170 3.629 0.551
Palacios, N SIL 3.62 1.237 0.291 6.959 4.175 5.841 0.592
Gunn, M RC 4.68 1.800 0.234 8.640 7.560 10.33 0.545
Street, S RC 4.50 2.250 0.186 13.500 6.750 3.982 0.544
Torres-Perez, B FLO 3.21 0.980 0.254 5.881 2.941 3.891 0.572
Smith, B NOR 0.54 1.560 0.116 10.260 3.780 .938 0.603
Brown, C NOR 3.86 1.381 0.300 7.714 4.714 5.974 0.621
Mascheri, R SIL 1.88 1.395 0.206 10.674 1.884 1.295 0.673
Levitt, P FLO 2.33 1.074 0.160 5.000 4.667 4.565 0.630
Sessions, C SIL 3.90 0.833 0.236 4.500 3.000 3.715 0.575
Scarlett, C GAT 4.50 2.417 0.182 10.500 11.250 6.681 0.356
Brammer, D RC 3.06 1.189 0.228 6.623 4.075 3.806 0.542
Hunter, S RC 5.56 1.853 0.121 9.529 7.147 4.995 0.574
Edwards, J EVN 5.56 1.765 0.167 7.941 7.941 3.292 0.615
Cooper, Z SIL 10.13 2.063 0.234 7.594 10.969 16.727 0.433
Pannunzio, J SIL 6.52 1.138 0.390 7.448 2.793 7.638 0.646
Pippin, Q NOR 7.30 1.216 0.241 5.108 5.838 6.398 0.467
Bickett, E FLO 2.08 2.077 0.286 12.462 6.231 6.612 0.650
Walch, T EVN 10.24 1.345 0.250 5.586 6.517 5.431 0.478
Levine, T EVN 6.10 1.065 0.293 4.355 5.226 11.844 0.633
Ryan, B NOR 6.00 0.667 0.500 6.000 0.000 9.702 0.750
Rogers, C GAT 9.82 0.818 0.333 1.227 6.136 14.148 0.463
Gates, A SIL 9.00 0.000 0.500 0.000 0.000 14.519 0.833