Top of 1st
New Rochelle Athletics
#12 Tony Negrin
12 Tony Negrin advances to 1st (BB), 12 Tony Negrin advances to 2nd (SB 33), 12 Tony Negrin advances to 3rd (PB 33)
#33 TJ Mangan
33 TJ Mangan putout (K) for out number 1
#10 Brian Nasti
12 Tony Negrin Scores Earned (SB 17), 10 Brian Nasti putout (K) for out number 2
#17 Eric Helmrich
17 Eric Helmrich advances to 1st (BB), 17 Eric Helmrich advances to 2nd (SB 23), 17 Eric Helmrich advances to 3rd (SB 23)
#23 Matt Hernandez
23 Matt Hernandez putout (KS) for out number 3
Runs: 1, Hits: 0, Errors: 0, LOB: 1
Bottom of 1st
Pleasantville Red Sox
#31 Will Baine
31 Will Baine putout (F7) for out number 1
#19 James Cisco
19 James Cisco putout (6-3) for out number 2
#51 Chris Rowan
51 Chris Rowan advances to 1st (BB), 51 Chris Rowan advances to 2nd (SB 30)
#30 D.J. Price
30 D.J. Price advances to 1st (BB)
#20 Matthew Meyers
20 Matthew Meyers advances to 1st (1B ), 30 D.J. Price advances to 2nd (20), 51 Chris Rowan advances to 3rd (20), 51 Chris Rowan Scores Earned (20)
#11 Bryce Einhorn
11 Bryce Einhorn advances to 1st (1B ), 20 Matthew Meyers advances to 2nd (11), 30 D.J. Price advances to 3rd (11), 30 D.J. Price Scores Earned (11)
#16 Nick Galasso
16 Nick Galasso advances to 1st (HBP), 11 Bryce Einhorn advances to 2nd (16), 20 Matthew Meyers advances to 3rd (16)
#29 Chris Roemer
29 Chris Roemer putout (KS) for out number 3
Runs: 2, Hits: 2, Errors: 0, LOB: 3
Top of 2nd
New Rochelle Athletics
#22 John Hickey
22 John Hickey putout (4-3) for out number 1
#13 Jason Rodriguez
13 Jason Rodriguez advances to 1st (1B ), 13 Jason Rodriguez advances to 2nd (SB 6), 13 Jason Rodriguez advances to 3rd (SB 6)
#6 Martin Aranda
6 Martin Aranda putout (1-3) for out number 2
#21 Chris Primiani
21 Chris Primiani putout (K) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 1, Errors: 0, LOB: 1
Bottom of 2nd
Pleasantville Red Sox
#22 Rob Weeks
22 Rob Weeks putout (KS) for out number 1
#23 Joe Damico
23 Joe Damico putout (5-3) for out number 2
#31 Will Baine
31 Will Baine putout (F3) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 0, Errors: 0, LOB: 0
Top of 3rd
New Rochelle Athletics
#1 Ian Lindsay
1 Ian Lindsay putout (KS) for out number 1
#12 Tony Negrin
12 Tony Negrin putout (5-3) for out number 2
#33 TJ Mangan
33 TJ Mangan putout (1-3) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 0, Errors: 0, LOB: 0
Bottom of 3rd
Pleasantville Red Sox
#19 James Cisco
19 James Cisco putout (F7) for out number 1
#51 Chris Rowan
51 Chris Rowan advances to 1st (E6), 51 Chris Rowan advances to 2nd (SB 30)
#30 D.J. Price
30 D.J. Price advances to 1st (1B ), 51 Chris Rowan Scores Unearned (30)
#20 Matthew Meyers
20 Matthew Meyers advances to 1st (1B ), 30 D.J. Price advances to 2nd (20)
#11 Bryce Einhorn
30 D.J. Price Scores Earned (11), 20 Matthew Meyers Scores Earned (11), 11 Bryce Einhorn Scores Earned (HR)
#16 Nick Galasso
16 Nick Galasso advances to 1st (1B )
#29 Chris Roemer
16 Nick Galasso advances to 2nd (29), 29 Chris Roemer putout (4-3) for out number 2
#22 Rob Weeks
22 Rob Weeks advances to 1st (1B ), 22 Rob Weeks advances to 2nd (SB 23), 16 Nick Galasso Scores Unearned (22)
Pitching Substitution
23 Matt Hernandez moves to Pitcher.
Defensive Substitution
19 Jason Rivera subs for Kevin LaBella at First Base.
#23 Joe Damico
23 Joe Damico putout (KS) for out number 3
Runs: 5, Hits: 5, Errors: 1, LOB: 1
Top of 4th
New Rochelle Athletics
#10 Brian Nasti
10 Brian Nasti advances to 1st (BB), 10 Brian Nasti advances to 2nd (PB 17), 10 Brian Nasti advances to 3rd (SB 17)
#17 Eric Helmrich
17 Eric Helmrich putout (F6) for out number 1
#23 Matt Hernandez
23 Matt Hernandez advances to 1st (BB)
#22 John Hickey
22 John Hickey putout (7) for out number 2, 10 Brian Nasti putout (7-2 DP) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 0, Errors: 0, LOB: 1
Bottom of 4th
Pleasantville Red Sox
#31 Will Baine
31 Will Baine advances to 1st (BB)
#19 James Cisco
19 James Cisco advances to 1st (BB), 31 Will Baine advances to 2nd (19)
#51 Chris Rowan
31 Will Baine advances to 3rd (SB 30), 51 Chris Rowan putout (F2) for out number 1
#30 D.J. Price
30 D.J. Price advances to 1st (1B ), 19 James Cisco advances to 2nd (30), 31 Will Baine Scores Earned (30)
#20 Matthew Meyers
20 Matthew Meyers advances to 1st (1B ), 30 D.J. Price advances to 2nd (20), 19 James Cisco advances to 3rd (20)
#11 Bryce Einhorn
11 Bryce Einhorn advances to 1st (HBP), 20 Matthew Meyers advances to 2nd (11), 30 D.J. Price advances to 3rd (11), 19 James Cisco Scores Earned (11)
#16 Nick Galasso
16 Nick Galasso advances to 1st (BB), 11 Bryce Einhorn advances to 2nd (16), 20 Matthew Meyers advances to 3rd (16), 30 D.J. Price Scores Earned (16)
#29 Chris Roemer
29 Chris Roemer advances to 1st (BB), 16 Nick Galasso advances to 2nd (29), 11 Bryce Einhorn advances to 3rd (29), 20 Matthew Meyers Scores Earned (29)
Pitching Substitution
17 Eric Helmrich moves to Pitcher.
Defensive Substitution
23 Matt Hernandez moves to Third Base.
#22 Rob Weeks
22 Rob Weeks advances to 1st (BB), 29 Chris Roemer advances to 2nd (22), 16 Nick Galasso advances to 3rd (22), 11 Bryce Einhorn Scores Earned (22)
#23 Joe Damico
23 Joe Damico putout (KS) for out number 2
Offensive Substitution
17 Josh Wolin subs for Will Baine.
#17 Josh Wolin
17 Josh Wolin putout (1-3) for out number 3
Runs: 5, Hits: 2, Errors: 0, LOB: 3
Top of 5th
New Rochelle Athletics
#13 Jason Rodriguez
13 Jason Rodriguez putout (KS) for out number 1
#6 Martin Aranda
6 Martin Aranda putout (6-3) for out number 2
#21 Chris Primiani
21 Chris Primiani putout (6-3) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 0, Errors: 0, LOB: 0