Top of 1st
Bellingham Bells
#5 Gabe Henderson
5 Gabe Henderson putout (fly out to right field) for out number 1
#33 Jason Shedlock
33 Jason Shedlock advances to 1st (single to right field)
#11 Nate Kirkpatrick
11 Nate Kirkpatrick advances to 1st (single to second base), 33 Jason Shedlock advances to 2nd (11)
#32 Jacob Mejia
32 Jacob Mejia putout (fly out to center field) for out number 2
#4 Kaikea Harrison
Swinging Strike, Swinging Strike, Ball, Ball, 4 Kaikea Harrison putout (fly out to center field) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 2, Errors: 0, LOB: 2
Bottom of 1st
Kelowna Falcons
#2 Christian Salazar
Foul, 2 Christian Salazar putout (fly out to left field) for out number 1
#7 Raphael Smeenk
Foul, Called Strike, 7 Raphael Smeenk putout (strike out) for out number 2
#29 Sam Flores
Swinging Strike, Ball, Ball, 29 Sam Flores putout (4-3) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 0, Errors: 0, LOB: 0
Top of 2nd
Bellingham Bells
#3 Conner Smith
3 Conner Smith advances to 2nd (double)
#35 Bryce Johnson
35 Bryce Johnson putout (fly out to left field) for out number 1
#1 Trent Mallonee
Ball, Called Strike, Ball, Ball, 1 Trent Mallonee advances to 1st (single), 1 Trent Mallonee advances to 2nd ( SB)
#40 Noah Albanese
Ball, Swinging Strike, Ball, Ball, Swinging Strike, 40 Noah Albanese putout (strike out swinging) for out number 2
#5 Gabe Henderson
5 Gabe Henderson advances to 1st (single), 1 Trent Mallonee advances to 3rd (stolen base)
#33 Jason Shedlock
33 Jason Shedlock advances to 1st (single to first base)
#33 Jason Shedlock
5 Gabe Henderson Scores Unearned (wild pitch)
#33 Jason Shedlock
33 Jason Shedlock putout () for out number 3
Runs: 1, Hits: 4, Errors: 0, LOB: 2
Bottom of 2nd
Kelowna Falcons
#27 Trey Duffield
Ball, Swinging Strike, Swinging Strike, Ball, Foul, Ball, 27 Trey Duffield putout (strike out) for out number 1
#47 Aidan Kuni
47 Aidan Kuni putout (4-3) for out number 2
#24 Brecken Menuet
24 Brecken Menuet putout (3) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 0, Errors: 0, LOB: 0
Top of 3rd
Bellingham Bells
#11 Nate Kirkpatrick
11 Nate Kirkpatrick putout (4-3) for out number 1
#32 Jacob Mejia
32 Jacob Mejia advances to 1st (hit by pitch)
#4 Kaikea Harrison
Ball, 4 Kaikea Harrison putout (fly out to center field) for out number 2
#3 Conner Smith
Ball, 32 Jacob Mejia putout (caught stealing: CS 4) for out number 3, Swinging Strike, Swinging Strike
Runs: 0, Hits: 0, Errors: 0, LOB: 0
Bottom of 3rd
Kelowna Falcons
#6 Raydley Legito
Foul, Ball, 6 Raydley Legito putout (3) for out number 1
#21 Jacob Campagna
Ball, Ball, Foul, Ball, Foul, 21 Jacob Campagna advances to 1st (walk)
#15 Myles Walton
Called Strike, Ball, Ball, Ball, 21 Jacob Campagna advances to 2nd (stolen base), Swinging Strike, 15 Myles Walton advances to 1st (walk)
#2 Christian Salazar
2 Christian Salazar putout (fly out to right field) for out number 2
#7 Raphael Smeenk
Ball, Called Strike, Called Strike, 7 Raphael Smeenk advances to 1st (single to shortstop), 15 Myles Walton advances to 2nd (7), 21 Jacob Campagna advances to 3rd (7)
#29 Sam Flores
Swinging Strike, Ball, Foul, Ball, 29 Sam Flores putout (fly out to center field) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 1, Errors: 0, LOB: 3
Top of 4th
Bellingham Bells
#3 Conner Smith
Ball, Ball, Ball, Called Strike, Foul, 3 Conner Smith advances to 1st (walk)
#35 Bryce Johnson
Swinging Strike, Ball, Foul, 35 Bryce Johnson putout (fly out to center field) for out number 1
#1 Trent Mallonee
Ball, 3 Conner Smith advances to 2nd (FC 1), 1 Trent Mallonee advances to 1st (single to right field)
#40 Noah Albanese
Ball, Foul, Ball, 40 Noah Albanese putout (4) for out number 2
Pitching Substitution
16 Lyndon Sinclair subs for JJ Luna Pitcher.
#5 Gabe Henderson
Ball, Ball, Ball, Swinging Strike, Foul, 5 Gabe Henderson advances to 1st (walk), 1 Trent Mallonee advances to 2nd (5), 3 Conner Smith advances to 3rd (5)
#33 Jason Shedlock
Called Strike, Foul, 33 Jason Shedlock putout (5) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 1, Errors: 0, LOB: 3
Bottom of 4th
Kelowna Falcons
#27 Trey Duffield
Called Strike, 27 Trey Duffield putout (1-3) for out number 1
#47 Aidan Kuni
47 Aidan Kuni advances to 1st (single to second base)
#24 Brecken Menuet
Called Strike, 24 Brecken Menuet putout (3) for out number 2
#6 Raydley Legito
6 Raydley Legito putout (3) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 1, Errors: 0, LOB: 1
Top of 5th
Bellingham Bells
#11 Nate Kirkpatrick
Ball, Foul, Called Strike, Ball, Ball, 11 Nate Kirkpatrick putout (6) for out number 1
#32 Jacob Mejia
Ball, Foul, Ball, Foul, Ball, Foul, 32 Jacob Mejia advances to 1st (single to right field)
#4 Kaikea Harrison
Ball, Ball, Ball, 4 Kaikea Harrison advances to 1st (walk), 32 Jacob Mejia advances to 2nd (4)
#3 Conner Smith
3 Conner Smith putout (fly out to center field) for out number 2, 32 Jacob Mejia advances to 3rd (pass ball), 32 Jacob Mejia Scores Earned (), 4 Kaikea Harrison advances to 2nd (balk)
#35 Bryce Johnson
35 Bryce Johnson advances to 2nd (double to left field), 35 Bryce Johnson advances to 3rd (stolen base), 4 Kaikea Harrison advances to 3rd (35), 4 Kaikea Harrison Scores Earned ()
Pitching Substitution
14 Ethan Rattie subs for Lyndon Sinclair Pitcher.
#1 Trent Mallonee
Swinging Strike, Ball, Ball, Foul, Foul, Foul, Ball, 1 Trent Mallonee advances to 1st (walk), 1 Trent Mallonee advances to 2nd (stolen base), 35 Bryce Johnson Scores Earned ()
#40 Noah Albanese
Ball, Called Strike, Ball, 1 Trent Mallonee advances to 3rd (pass ball), Ball, Called Strike, 40 Noah Albanese advances to 1st (walk)
#5 Gabe Henderson
Called Strike, 5 Gabe Henderson putout (6-4) for out number 3
Runs: 3, Hits: 2, Errors: 0, LOB: 2
Bottom of 5th
Kelowna Falcons
#21 Jacob Campagna
Swinging Strike, Ball, Called Strike, 21 Jacob Campagna putout (6-3) for out number 2
#15 Myles Walton
Ball, Ball, 15 Myles Walton putout (3) for out number 3
#6 Raydley Legito
Ball, Swinging Strike, Ball, Called Strike, Ball, 6 Raydley Legito putout (fly out to left field) for out number 1
Runs: 0, Hits: 0, Errors: 0, LOB: 0
Top of 6th
Bellingham Bells
#33 Jason Shedlock
33 Jason Shedlock advances to 1st (single to center field)
#11 Nate Kirkpatrick
Called Strike, Ball, 33 Jason Shedlock putout (3-6) for out number 1, 11 Nate Kirkpatrick putout (3-6-3 DP) for out number 2
#32 Jacob Mejia
Foul, Ball, Ball, Foul, Ball, 32 Jacob Mejia advances to 1st (walk)
#4 Kaikea Harrison
Foul, Called Strike, Ball, Ball, 32 Jacob Mejia advances to 2nd (stolen base), Foul, 4 Kaikea Harrison putout (fly out to left field) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 1, Errors: 0, LOB: 1
Bottom of 6th
Kelowna Falcons
Pitching Substitution
20 Marques Brown subs for Sheldon Egger Pitcher.
#2 Christian Salazar
Ball, Ball, Ball, Foul, Swinging Strike, 7 Raphael Smeenk putout (4-3) for out number 2, Ball, Ball, Ball, 29 Sam Flores putout (6) for out number 3, Swinging Strike, 2 Christian Salazar putout (strike out swinging) for out number 1
Runs: 0, Hits: 0, Errors: 0, LOB: 0
Top of 7th
Bellingham Bells
Defensive Substitution
40 Ryan Degroot subs for Raydley Legito at Third Base.
Pitching Substitution
13 Sebastian Castro Pitcher.
#3 Conner Smith
Foul, Foul, Ball, Foul, 3 Conner Smith putout (strike out swinging) for out number 1
#35 Bryce Johnson
Ball, Called Strike, Called Strike, Foul, Foul, Ball, Foul, 35 Bryce Johnson advances to 1st (single)
#1 Trent Mallonee
35 Bryce Johnson advances to 2nd (stolen base), 1 Trent Mallonee putout (fly out to right field) for out number 2
#40 Noah Albanese
Foul, Foul, Ball, 40 Noah Albanese putout (strike out) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 1, Errors: 0, LOB: 1
Bottom of 7th
Kelowna Falcons
Pitching Substitution
29 Nick Lewis Pitcher.
#47 Aidan Kuni
Ball, Ball, Ball, 40 Ryan Degroot putout (4) for out number 3, Swinging Strike, Ball, 24 Brecken Menuet advances to 1st (single to right field), 27 Trey Duffield putout (fly out to left field) for out number 1, 47 Aidan Kuni putout (fly out to right field) for out number 2
Runs: 0, Hits: 1, Errors: 0, LOB: 1
Top of 8th
Bellingham Bells
#5 Gabe Henderson
5 Gabe Henderson putout (fly out to left field) for out number 1
#33 Jason Shedlock
Swinging Strike, Ball, Swinging Strike, Ball, 33 Jason Shedlock putout (fly out to center field) for out number 2
#11 Nate Kirkpatrick
Ball, Ball, Ball, 11 Nate Kirkpatrick advances to 1st (walk)
#32 Jacob Mejia
Ball, Foul, 11 Nate Kirkpatrick advances to 2nd (stolen base), Ball, Ball, Swinging Strike, 11 Nate Kirkpatrick putout (caught stealing: CS 2-5) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 0, Errors: 0, LOB: 0
Bottom of 8th
Kelowna Falcons
Pitching Substitution
19 Lane Simonsen Pitcher.
#27 Trey Duffield
Foul, Ball, Ball, Swinging Strike, Swinging Strike, Swinging Strike, Called Strike, Ball, Ball, Swinging Strike, Swinging Strike, Swinging Strike, Ball, Called Strike, Ball, Ball, 15 Myles Walton advances to 1st (single to shortstop), 21 Jacob Campagna putout (4-3) for out number 1, Ball, Ball, Ball, 29 Sam Flores advances to 1st (walk), 28 Jacob Devenny advances to 2nd (stolen base), 15 Myles Walton advances to 3rd (stolen base)
Offensive Substitution
28 Jacob Devenny runs for Sam Flores at 1st base.
#27 Trey Duffield
7 Raphael Smeenk advances to 1st (walk), 7 Raphael Smeenk advances to 3rd (stolen base), 2 Christian Salazar putout (strike out) for out number 2, 27 Trey Duffield putout (strike out) for out number 3
#27 Trey Duffield
7 Raphael Smeenk advances to 2nd (29), 15 Myles Walton advances to 2nd (stolen base)
Runs: 0, Hits: 1, Errors: 0, LOB: 3
Top of 9th
Bellingham Bells
Defensive Substitution
28 Jacob Devenny subs for Dylan Vinson.
Pitching Substitution
39 Barrett Froehler subs for Sebastian Castro Pitcher.
#32 Jacob Mejia
Swinging Strike, Swinging Strike, Ball, Ball, Ball, 32 Jacob Mejia putout (strike out) for out number 1
#4 Kaikea Harrison
Ball, Ball, Ball, Called Strike, 4 Kaikea Harrison advances to 1st (walk)
#3 Conner Smith
Called Strike, Swinging Strike, Ball, 3 Conner Smith advances to 1st (error by the right fielder), 4 Kaikea Harrison advances to 3rd (3)
#35 Bryce Johnson
Swinging Strike, Swinging Strike, 4 Kaikea Harrison Scores Earned ( 35), Ball, 35 Bryce Johnson putout (fly out to right field) for out number 2
#1 Trent Mallonee
Called Strike, Foul, 1 Trent Mallonee advances to 1st (single)
#40 Noah Albanese
Ball, Ball, Foul, Ball, Foul, 40 Noah Albanese advances to 1st (single)
#5 Gabe Henderson
Called Strike, Called Strike, 3 Conner Smith advances to 3rd ( 3), 3 Conner Smith Scores Unearned (er), 5 Gabe Henderson putout (5-3) for out number 3
Runs: 2, Hits: 2, Errors: 1, LOB: 2
Bottom of 9th
Kelowna Falcons
#40 Ryan Degroot
Ball, Ball, 24 Brecken Menuet putout (4-3) for out number 2, Called Strike, Called Strike, Swinging Strike, Called Strike, Ball, 47 Aidan Kuni putout (strike out) for out number 1, 40 Ryan Degroot putout (2) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 0, Errors: 0, LOB: 0