Top of 1st
Hornell Dodgers
#8 Sean Flannery
Swinging Strike, Ball, Ball, Swinging Strike, 8 Sean Flannery putout (strike out swinging) for out number 1
#14 Kevin Higgins
14 Kevin Higgins putout (6-3) for out number 2
#26 Christopher Herb
Swinging Strike, Ball, Swinging Strike, 26 Christopher Herb putout (L4) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 0, Errors: 0, LOB: 0
Bottom of 1st
Syracuse Spartans
#4 Zac Legarretta
Swinging Strike, Swinging Strike, 4 Zac Legarretta advances to 3rd (triple)
#15 Corey McMann
15 Corey McMann advances to 2nd (double), 4 Zac Legarretta Scores Earned (15)
#28 AJ Jergensen
Swinging Strike, Swinging Strike, Ball, Ball, Foul, Foul, 28 AJ Jergensen putout (strike out swinging) for out number 1
#22 Bryce Moore
Swinging Strike, Swinging Strike, Foul, 22 Bryce Moore advances to 1st (fielder's choice), 15 Corey McMann putout (6-5) for out number 2
#2 Anthony May
Ball, Swinging Strike, Swinging Strike, Ball, 2 Anthony May putout (strike out swinging) for out number 3
Runs: 1, Hits: 2, Errors: 0, LOB: 1
Top of 2nd
Hornell Dodgers
#33 Nicholas Wimmers
Ball, 33 Nicholas Wimmers advances to 1st (hit by pitch)
#11 Andrew Littlefield
Ball, Swinging Strike, Swinging Strike, Ball, Ball, 11 Andrew Littlefield putout (fly out to the shortstop) for out number 1
#5 Josh Laurie
Ball, Swinging Strike, 5 Josh Laurie advances to 1st (hit by pitch), 33 Nicholas Wimmers advances to 2nd (5)
#2 Matthew Martinez
Swinging Strike, Ball, Swinging Strike, 2 Matthew Martinez putout (fly out to the shortstop) for out number 2
#23 Jon-Michael Allelo
Ball, Ball, Ball, Swinging Strike, 23 Jon-Michael Allelo advances to 1st (walk), 5 Josh Laurie advances to 2nd (23), 33 Nicholas Wimmers advances to 3rd (23)
#18 Tucker Holden
Ball, Ball, 18 Tucker Holden advances to 1st (hit by pitch), 23 Jon-Michael Allelo advances to 2nd (18), 5 Josh Laurie advances to 3rd (18), 33 Nicholas Wimmers Scores Earned (18)
#8 Sean Flannery
Swinging Strike, Ball, Swinging Strike, 8 Sean Flannery putout (5U) for out number 3
Runs: 1, Hits: 0, Errors: 0, LOB: 3
Bottom of 2nd
Syracuse Spartans
#21 Jackson Geisler
Ball, Ball, Swinging Strike, Swinging Strike, Ball, 21 Jackson Geisler putout (strike out swinging) for out number 1
#0 Jason DuMont
Ball, Ball, Swinging Strike, Swinging Strike, 0 Jason DuMont putout (strike out swinging) for out number 2
#18 Max Gebauer
Ball, 18 Max Gebauer advances to 1st (single)
#1 Nate Burns
1 Nate Burns putout (4-3) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 1, Errors: 0, LOB: 1
Top of 3rd
Hornell Dodgers
#14 Kevin Higgins
Swinging Strike, Swinging Strike, Ball, Ball, 14 Kevin Higgins putout (5-3) for out number 1
#26 Christopher Herb
Swinging Strike, Ball, Swinging Strike, Foul, Ball, Ball, 26 Christopher Herb putout (strike out) for out number 2
#33 Nicholas Wimmers
Swinging Strike, 33 Nicholas Wimmers advances to 1st (hit by pitch)
#11 Andrew Littlefield
Ball, Ball, Ball, Swinging Strike, 11 Andrew Littlefield advances to 1st (walk), 33 Nicholas Wimmers advances to 2nd (11)
#5 Josh Laurie
Ball, Ball, Swinging Strike, 11 Andrew Littlefield advances to 2nd (wild pitch), 33 Nicholas Wimmers advances to 3rd (wild pitch), 5 Josh Laurie advances to 1st (single), 33 Nicholas Wimmers Scores Earned (5), 11 Andrew Littlefield Scores Earned (5)
#2 Matthew Martinez
Ball, Ball, Ball, 2 Matthew Martinez advances to 1st (walk), 5 Josh Laurie advances to 2nd (2)
#23 Jon-Michael Allelo
Ball, Swinging Strike, Swinging Strike, Foul, 23 Jon-Michael Allelo advances to 1st (hit by pitch), 2 Matthew Martinez advances to 2nd (23), 5 Josh Laurie advances to 3rd (23)
#18 Tucker Holden
Swinging Strike, Swinging Strike, Ball, 18 Tucker Holden putout (strike out swinging) for out number 3
Runs: 2, Hits: 1, Errors: 0, LOB: 3
Bottom of 3rd
Syracuse Spartans
#4 Zac Legarretta
Swinging Strike, Swinging Strike, Foul, 4 Zac Legarretta putout (fly out to right field) for out number 1
#15 Corey McMann
Swinging Strike, Ball, Swinging Strike, Ball, 15 Corey McMann putout (strike out swinging) for out number 2
#28 AJ Jergensen
28 AJ Jergensen putout (5-3) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 0, Errors: 0, LOB: 0
Top of 4th
Hornell Dodgers
Defensive Substitution
29 Stephen Centorani subs at Right Field.
Pitching Substitution
24 Dave Wilson subs for Christopher Mosley Pitcher.
#8 Sean Flannery
Ball, Ball, Swinging Strike, Ball, Swinging Strike, Foul, Foul, 8 Sean Flannery advances to 1st (walk)
#14 Kevin Higgins
Ball, 14 Kevin Higgins advances to 1st (single), 8 Sean Flannery advances to 2nd (14)
#26 Christopher Herb
Swinging Strike, 14 Kevin Higgins advances to 2nd (wild pitch), 8 Sean Flannery advances to 3rd (wild pitch), Ball, Swinging Strike, 26 Christopher Herb advances to 1st (hit by pitch)
#33 Nicholas Wimmers
Swinging Strike, 33 Nicholas Wimmers advances to 1st (hit by pitch), 26 Christopher Herb advances to 2nd (33), 14 Kevin Higgins advances to 3rd (33), 8 Sean Flannery Scores Earned (33)
#11 Andrew Littlefield
Swinging Strike, Ball, Swinging Strike, 11 Andrew Littlefield advances to 1st (single), 33 Nicholas Wimmers advances to 3rd (11), 14 Kevin Higgins Scores Earned (11), 26 Christopher Herb Scores Earned (11)
#5 Josh Laurie
Swinging Strike, Ball, Ball, Ball, 5 Josh Laurie advances to 1st (walk), 11 Andrew Littlefield advances to 2nd (5)
Pitching Substitution
12 Daniel Aguilar subs for Dave Wilson Pitcher.
#2 Matthew Martinez
2 Matthew Martinez advances to 1st (fielder's choice), 11 Andrew Littlefield advances to 3rd (2), 33 Nicholas Wimmers Scores Earned (2), 5 Josh Laurie putout (4-6) for out number 1
#23 Jon-Michael Allelo
Swinging Strike, Swinging Strike, Ball, Foul, 23 Jon-Michael Allelo putout (strike out swinging) for out number 2
#18 Tucker Holden
Ball, Swinging Strike, Ball, Swinging Strike, 18 Tucker Holden putout (strike out swinging) for out number 3
Runs: 4, Hits: 2, Errors: 0, LOB: 2
Bottom of 4th
Syracuse Spartans
Defensive Substitution
7 Colin Johnson.
#22 Bryce Moore
Swinging Strike, 22 Bryce Moore advances to 2nd (double)
#2 Anthony May
Ball, 2 Anthony May advances to 2nd (double), 22 Bryce Moore Scores Earned (2)
#21 Jackson Geisler
Swinging Strike, Swinging Strike, 21 Jackson Geisler advances to 1st (single)
#0 Jason DuMont
Ball, 21 Jackson Geisler advances to 2nd (wild pitch), 2 Anthony May advances to 3rd (wild pitch), Ball, Swinging Strike, Swinging Strike, 0 Jason DuMont advances to 1st (single), 21 Jackson Geisler advances to 3rd (0), 2 Anthony May Scores Earned (0)
#18 Max Gebauer
18 Max Gebauer advances to 2nd (double), 0 Jason DuMont advances to 3rd (18), 21 Jackson Geisler Scores Earned (18)
#29 Stephen Centorani
Ball, 18 Max Gebauer advances to 3rd (29), 0 Jason DuMont Scores Earned (29), 29 Stephen Centorani putout (sacrifice fly to center fielder) for out number 1
#4 Zac Legarretta
Ball, Ball, Swinging Strike, 18 Max Gebauer Scores Earned (4), 4 Zac Legarretta putout (sacrifice fly to center fielder) for out number 2
#15 Corey McMann
15 Corey McMann advances to 1st (single)
#28 AJ Jergensen
Swinging Strike, Ball, 28 AJ Jergensen advances to 2nd (double), 15 Corey McMann advances to 3rd (28), 15 Corey McMann putout (9-4-6-2) for out number 3
Runs: 5, Hits: 7, Errors: 0, LOB: 1
Top of 5th
Hornell Dodgers
#8 Sean Flannery
Ball, Swinging Strike, Ball, Swinging Strike, Ball, 8 Sean Flannery advances to 1st (walk)
#14 Kevin Higgins
Ball, 14 Kevin Higgins advances to 2nd (double), 8 Sean Flannery advances to 3rd (14)
#7 Colin Johnson
Swinging Strike, 8 Sean Flannery Scores Earned (7), 7 Colin Johnson putout (sacrifice fly to left fielder) for out number 1
#33 Nicholas Wimmers
33 Nicholas Wimmers putout (fly out to the catcher) for out number 2
#11 Andrew Littlefield
Swinging Strike, 11 Andrew Littlefield advances to 1st (single), 14 Kevin Higgins Scores Earned (11)
#5 Josh Laurie
Swinging Strike, Ball, Ball, Swinging Strike, 11 Andrew Littlefield advances to 2nd (stolen base), 5 Josh Laurie putout (strike out) for out number 3
Runs: 2, Hits: 2, Errors: 0, LOB: 1
Bottom of 5th
Syracuse Spartans
Defensive Substitution
6 Jack Henby subs at Center Field.
Pitching Substitution
21 Gaetan Sinisgalli subs for Jake Dunn Pitcher.
#22 Bryce Moore
22 Bryce Moore putout (fly out to the catcher) for out number 1
#2 Anthony May
Swinging Strike, Ball, Swinging Strike, Ball, 2 Anthony May putout (1-3) for out number 2
#21 Jackson Geisler
21 Jackson Geisler putout (1-3) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 0, Errors: 0, LOB: 0
Top of 6th
Hornell Dodgers
#2 Matthew Martinez
Swinging Strike, Ball, Ball, Ball, Swinging Strike, 2 Matthew Martinez putout (strike out swinging) for out number 1
#23 Jon-Michael Allelo
Ball, Swinging Strike, Swinging Strike, Foul, 23 Jon-Michael Allelo putout (6-3) for out number 2
#18 Tucker Holden
Swinging Strike, Swinging Strike, Foul, 18 Tucker Holden advances to 2nd (double)
#8 Sean Flannery
Ball, Swinging Strike, 8 Sean Flannery putout (5-3) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 1, Errors: 0, LOB: 1
Bottom of 6th
Syracuse Spartans
#0 Jason DuMont
Ball, Swinging Strike, Swinging Strike, 0 Jason DuMont putout (strike out swinging) for out number 1
#18 Max Gebauer
18 Max Gebauer putout (fly out to center field) for out number 2
#29 Stephen Centorani
Swinging Strike, Swinging Strike, 29 Stephen Centorani putout (strike out swinging) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 0, Errors: 0, LOB: 0
Top of 7th
Hornell Dodgers
#14 Kevin Higgins
Swinging Strike, Ball, 14 Kevin Higgins putout (6-3) for out number 1
#7 Colin Johnson
Swinging Strike, Swinging Strike, Ball, Ball, Foul, Foul, 7 Colin Johnson putout (fly out to the catcher) for out number 2
#33 Nicholas Wimmers
33 Nicholas Wimmers putout (L4) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 0, Errors: 0, LOB: 0
Bottom of 7th
Syracuse Spartans
#4 Zac Legarretta
Ball, Swinging Strike, 4 Zac Legarretta putout (6-3) for out number 1
#15 Corey McMann
Ball, Swinging Strike, Swinging Strike, Foul, Foul, Ball, 15 Corey McMann advances to 1st (single)
#28 AJ Jergensen
Swinging Strike, Swinging Strike, Ball, Ball, 28 AJ Jergensen putout (strike out swinging) for out number 2
#22 Bryce Moore
Swinging Strike, Swinging Strike, 22 Bryce Moore putout (fly out to center field) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 1, Errors: 0, LOB: 1