Top of 1st
Somers Cyclones
#12 Matt Webster
12 Matt Webster advances to 1st (walk), 12 Matt Webster advances to 2nd (stolen base)
#18 Donny Castaldo
18 Donny Castaldo advances to 1st (dropped 3rd strike), 12 Matt Webster advances to 3rd (18)
#11 Charlie Galasso
11 Charlie Galasso advances to 1st (error by the shortstop), 12 Matt Webster Scores Unearned (11)
#17 Steve Smith
17 Steve Smith putout (1-3) for out number 1
#62 Kevin Haag
18 Donny Castaldo Scores Unearned (11), 62 Kevin Haag putout (3-1) for out number 2
#16 Mack Lauder
16 Mack Lauder putout (fly out to center field) for out number 3
Runs: 2, Hits: 0, Errors: 2, LOB: 1
Bottom of 1st
Peekskill Tides
#20 Thomas Parish
20 Thomas Parish putout (5-3) for out number 1
#11 Patrick Rucci
11 Patrick Rucci advances to 1st (single)
#22 Stephen Hill
22 Stephen Hill advances to 2nd (double), 11 Patrick Rucci advances to 3rd (22)
#32 Preston Zanon
32 Preston Zanon putout (3) for out number 2, 11 Patrick Rucci putout (3-3-2 DP) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 2, Errors: 0, LOB: 1
Top of 2nd
Somers Cyclones
#10 Kevin Nolan
10 Kevin Nolan putout (strike out) for out number 1
#15 Kevin Watson
15 Kevin Watson putout (fly out to center field) for out number 2
#35 Josh Small
35 Josh Small advances to 1st (single), 35 Josh Small advances to 2nd (stolen base)
#24 Javaughn Smith
24 Javaughn Smith putout (strike out swinging) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 1, Errors: 0, LOB: 1
Bottom of 2nd
Peekskill Tides
#5 Ryan Mordecai
5 Ryan Mordecai putout (strike out swinging) for out number 1
#10 Denis Alimonti
10 Denis Alimonti putout (1-3) for out number 2
#2 Rhett Colton
2 Rhett Colton putout (strike out swinging) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 0, Errors: 0, LOB: 0
Top of 3rd
Somers Cyclones
#12 Matt Webster
12 Matt Webster advances to 1st (walk), 12 Matt Webster advances to 2nd (stolen base), 12 Matt Webster advances to 3rd (stolen base)
#18 Donny Castaldo
18 Donny Castaldo advances to 1st (walk), 18 Donny Castaldo advances to 2nd ()
#11 Charlie Galasso
11 Charlie Galasso putout (fly out to center field) for out number 1
#17 Steve Smith
17 Steve Smith advances to 1st (walk)
#62 Kevin Haag
62 Kevin Haag putout (strike out swinging) for out number 2
#16 Mack Lauder
16 Mack Lauder putout (1-3) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 0, Errors: 0, LOB: 3
Bottom of 3rd
Peekskill Tides
#23 John Mikalopas
23 John Mikalopas putout (fly out to right field) for out number 1
#41 Tom Banca
41 Tom Banca putout (1-3) for out number 2
#1 Asa Barkan
1 Asa Barkan advances to 1st (walk), 1 Asa Barkan advances to 2nd (stolen base)
#20 Thomas Parish
20 Thomas Parish advances to 1st (walk)
#11 Patrick Rucci
11 Patrick Rucci putout (fly out to center field) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 0, Errors: 0, LOB: 2
Top of 4th
Somers Cyclones
#10 Kevin Nolan
10 Kevin Nolan advances to 1st (single)
#15 Kevin Watson
10 Kevin Nolan advances to 2nd (15), 15 Kevin Watson putout (1-3 SH) for out number 1
#35 Josh Small
35 Josh Small advances to 1st (single), 35 Josh Small advances to 2nd (stolen base), 10 Kevin Nolan advances to 3rd (35)
#24 Javaughn Smith
24 Javaughn Smith advances to 1st (walk)
#12 Matt Webster
10 Kevin Nolan Scores Earned (12), 12 Matt Webster putout (sacrifice fly to center fielder) for out number 2
#18 Donny Castaldo
18 Donny Castaldo putout (strike out swinging) for out number 3
Runs: 1, Hits: 2, Errors: 0, LOB: 2
Bottom of 4th
Peekskill Tides
#22 Stephen Hill
22 Stephen Hill putout (6-3) for out number 1
#32 Preston Zanon
32 Preston Zanon putout (strike out) for out number 2
#5 Ryan Mordecai
5 Ryan Mordecai advances to 1st (single)
#10 Denis Alimonti
10 Denis Alimonti advances to 1st (walk), 5 Ryan Mordecai advances to 2nd (10)
#2 Rhett Colton
2 Rhett Colton advances to 1st (error by the shortstop), 10 Denis Alimonti advances to 2nd (2), 5 Ryan Mordecai Scores Unearned (2)
#23 John Mikalopas
23 John Mikalopas putout (4-3) for out number 3
Runs: 1, Hits: 1, Errors: 1, LOB: 2
Top of 5th
Somers Cyclones
Offensive Substitution
18 Donny Castaldo runs for Charlie Galasso at 1st base.
#11 Charlie Galasso
11 Charlie Galasso advances to 1st (single), 18 Donny Castaldo advances to 2nd (stolen base)
#17 Steve Smith
17 Steve Smith putout (3U) for out number 1
#62 Kevin Haag
62 Kevin Haag putout (1-3) for out number 2
Offensive Substitution
11 Charlie Galasso runs for Charlie Galasso at 3rd base.
#16 Mack Lauder
16 Mack Lauder advances to 2nd (double), 11 Charlie Galasso Scores Earned (16)
#10 Kevin Nolan
10 Kevin Nolan putout (6-3) for out number 3
Runs: 1, Hits: 2, Errors: 0, LOB: 1
Bottom of 5th
Peekskill Tides
Offensive Substitution
24 Vianney Ramirez subs for Tom Banca.
#24 Vianney Ramirez
24 Vianney Ramirez putout (L6) for out number 1
#1 Asa Barkan
1 Asa Barkan putout (6-3) for out number 2
#20 Thomas Parish
20 Thomas Parish advances to 1st (single), 20 Thomas Parish advances to 2nd (stolen base)
#11 Patrick Rucci
11 Patrick Rucci advances to 2nd (double), 20 Thomas Parish Scores Earned (11)
#22 Stephen Hill
22 Stephen Hill putout (6-3) for out number 3
Runs: 1, Hits: 2, Errors: 0, LOB: 1
Top of 6th
Somers Cyclones
Pitching Substitution
6 Jake Vasquez subs for Preston Zanon Pitcher.
#15 Kevin Watson
15 Kevin Watson advances to 1st (walk)
#35 Josh Small
15 Kevin Watson advances to 2nd (35), 35 Josh Small putout (5-3 SH) for out number 1
#24 Javaughn Smith
24 Javaughn Smith advances to 1st (error by the pitcher), 24 Javaughn Smith advances to 2nd (stolen base), 15 Kevin Watson advances to 3rd (24)
#12 Matt Webster
15 Kevin Watson Scores Unearned (12), 12 Matt Webster putout (sacrifice fly to center fielder) for out number 2
#18 Donny Castaldo
18 Donny Castaldo putout (strike out swinging) for out number 3
Runs: 1, Hits: 0, Errors: 1, LOB: 1
Bottom of 6th
Peekskill Tides
#32 Preston Zanon
32 Preston Zanon advances to 1st (walk)
#5 Ryan Mordecai
5 Ryan Mordecai putout (fly out to left field) for out number 1
#10 Denis Alimonti
10 Denis Alimonti putout (fly out to center field) for out number 2
#2 Rhett Colton
2 Rhett Colton putout (fly out to left field) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 0, Errors: 0, LOB: 1
Top of 7th
Somers Cyclones
#11 Charlie Galasso
11 Charlie Galasso putout (fly out to center field) for out number 1
#17 Steve Smith
17 Steve Smith advances to 1st (single)
#62 Kevin Haag
62 Kevin Haag putout (4-3) for out number 2
#16 Mack Lauder
16 Mack Lauder putout (P3) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 1, Errors: 0, LOB: 1
Bottom of 7th
Peekskill Tides
#23 John Mikalopas
23 John Mikalopas advances to 1st (error by the third baseman)
Offensive Substitution
9 Anthony Pujia subs at 1st base.
#24 Vianney Ramirez
24 Vianney Ramirez putout (P6) for out number 1
#1 Asa Barkan
1 Asa Barkan putout (strike out) for out number 2
#20 Thomas Parish
20 Thomas Parish advances to 1st (single), 9 Anthony Pujia advances to 2nd (20)
#11 Patrick Rucci
11 Patrick Rucci advances to 1st (single), 20 Thomas Parish advances to 2nd (11), 9 Anthony Pujia advances to 3rd (11)
#22 Stephen Hill
22 Stephen Hill putout (5U) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 2, Errors: 1, LOB: 3
Top of 8th
Somers Cyclones
Offensive Substitution
33 Justin Schachter.
Pitching Substitution
19 Trevor Crawford subs for Jake Vasquez Pitcher.
#10 Kevin Nolan
10 Kevin Nolan advances to 1st (dropped 3rd strike)
#15 Kevin Watson
15 Kevin Watson putout (fly out to left field) for out number 1
#35 Josh Small
35 Josh Small advances to 1st (single), 35 Josh Small advances to 2nd (), 10 Kevin Nolan advances to 3rd (35)
#33 Justin Schachter
33 Justin Schachter putout (6-3) for out number 2
#12 Matt Webster
12 Matt Webster advances to 1st (walk)
#18 Donny Castaldo
18 Donny Castaldo putout (P2) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 1, Errors: 1, LOB: 3
Bottom of 8th
Peekskill Tides
Pitching Substitution
27 Alex Adami Pitcher.
Offensive Substitution
18 John Moschetti.
#32 Preston Zanon
32 Preston Zanon advances to 1st (error by the third baseman)
#5 Ryan Mordecai
5 Ryan Mordecai advances to 1st (walk), 32 Preston Zanon advances to 2nd (5)
Pitching Substitution
15 Kevin Watson Pitcher.
#10 Denis Alimonti
10 Denis Alimonti putout (fly out to center field) for out number 1
#2 Rhett Colton
2 Rhett Colton advances to 1st (walk), 5 Ryan Mordecai advances to 2nd (2), 32 Preston Zanon advances to 3rd (2)
#18 John Moschetti
18 John Moschetti advances to 1st (walk), 2 Rhett Colton advances to 2nd (18), 5 Ryan Mordecai advances to 3rd (18), 32 Preston Zanon Scores Unearned (18)
#24 Vianney Ramirez
24 Vianney Ramirez putout (strike out swinging) for out number 2
#1 Asa Barkan
1 Asa Barkan advances to 1st (single), 18 John Moschetti advances to 2nd (1), 2 Rhett Colton advances to 3rd (1), 5 Ryan Mordecai Scores Earned (1)
#20 Thomas Parish
20 Thomas Parish advances to 1st (walk), 1 Asa Barkan advances to 2nd (20), 18 John Moschetti advances to 3rd (20), 2 Rhett Colton Scores Unearned (20)
Pitching Substitution
19 Michael Haag Pitcher.
#11 Patrick Rucci
11 Patrick Rucci putout (strike out swinging) for out number 3
Runs: 3, Hits: 1, Errors: 1, LOB: 3
Top of 9th
Somers Cyclones
Pitching Substitution
30 Jacob Stein subs for Trevor Crawford Pitcher.
#11 Charlie Galasso
11 Charlie Galasso putout (4-3) for out number 1
Offensive Substitution
2 James Puma subs at 1st base.
#17 Steve Smith
17 Steve Smith advances to 1st (single), 2 James Puma advances to 2nd (stolen base), 2 James Puma advances to 3rd (stolen base)
#62 Kevin Haag
62 Kevin Haag putout (strike out swinging) for out number 2
#16 Mack Lauder
16 Mack Lauder advances to 1st (walk), 2 James Puma putout (2-1) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 1, Errors: 0, LOB: 1
Bottom of 9th
Peekskill Tides
#22 Stephen Hill
22 Stephen Hill putout (strike out) for out number 1
#32 Preston Zanon
32 Preston Zanon putout (P6) for out number 2
#5 Ryan Mordecai
5 Ryan Mordecai putout (4-3) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 0, Errors: 0, LOB: 0
Top of 10th
Somers Cyclones
Defensive Substitution
32 Preston Zanon moves to Third Base.
Defensive Substitution
2 Rhett Colton subs for Rhett Colton.
#10 Kevin Nolan
10 Kevin Nolan advances to 1st (single)
#15 Kevin Watson
15 Kevin Watson putout (1-3 SH) for out number 1
#35 Josh Small
35 Josh Small putout (4-3) for out number 2
#33 Justin Schachter
33 Justin Schachter putout (3U) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 1, Errors: 0, LOB: 1
Bottom of 10th
Peekskill Tides
#10 Denis Alimonti
10 Denis Alimonti advances to 2nd (double)
#2 Rhett Colton
2 Rhett Colton putout (strike out) for out number 1
#18 John Moschetti
18 John Moschetti putout (strike out) for out number 2
#24 Vianney Ramirez
24 Vianney Ramirez putout (6-3) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 1, Errors: 0, LOB: 1
Top of 11th
Somers Cyclones
Pitching Substitution
2 Rhett Colton subs for Jacob Stein Pitcher.
#12 Matt Webster
12 Matt Webster putout (fly out to center field) for out number 1
#18 Donny Castaldo
18 Donny Castaldo putout (strike out swinging) for out number 2
#11 Charlie Galasso
11 Charlie Galasso putout (P6) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 0, Errors: 0, LOB: 0
Bottom of 11th
Peekskill Tides
#1 Asa Barkan
1 Asa Barkan putout (strike out swinging) for out number 1
#20 Thomas Parish
20 Thomas Parish putout (3U) for out number 2
#11 Patrick Rucci
11 Patrick Rucci putout (strike out swinging) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 0, Errors: 0, LOB: 0
Top of 12th
Somers Cyclones
#2 James Puma
2 James Puma putout (5-3) for out number 1
#62 Kevin Haag
62 Kevin Haag advances to 1st (single), 62 Kevin Haag advances to 2nd (stolen base)
#16 Mack Lauder
16 Mack Lauder putout (5-3) for out number 2
#10 Kevin Nolan
10 Kevin Nolan advances to 1st (single), 62 Kevin Haag Scores Earned (10)
#15 Kevin Watson
15 Kevin Watson putout (strike out swinging) for out number 3
Runs: 1, Hits: 2, Errors: 0, LOB: 1
Bottom of 12th
Peekskill Tides
#22 Stephen Hill
22 Stephen Hill advances to 1st (error by the shortstop)
#32 Preston Zanon
32 Preston Zanon putout (1-3 SH) for out number 1
#5 Ryan Mordecai
5 Ryan Mordecai putout (strike out swinging) for out number 2
#10 Denis Alimonti
10 Denis Alimonti putout (P3) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 0, Errors: 1, LOB: 1