
West Coast League

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Statistics: Batting | Pitching | Fielding | Team Totals

Pitching Stats

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ERA - Minimum inning(s) pitched per team game - .8  

Player Team ERA PFR BIPA K/9 BB/9 ERC FPS%
McGuff, P Bend 2.49 1.308 0.221 8.862 2.908 2.283 0.668
Nelson, C Corv 2.61 0.745 0.241 4.469 2.234 2.994 0.553
Nesbitt, A Corv 2.78 1.103 0.206 6.750 3.176 3.008 0.698
Wagner, K MED 3.05 0.893 0.231 4.179 3.857 3.959 0.688
Wilcox, J Bend 3.78 1.070 0.271 7.911 1.720 3.34 0.676
Dean, A MED 4.04 0.756 0.277 4.890 1.913 3.699 0.600
Gomez, R Bend 4.37 1.037 0.247 6.353 2.978 3.381 0.732
Walker, M KF 4.42 1.127 0.263 5.727 4.418 5.592 0.529
Moore, R KF 5.11 1.541 0.262 8.392 5.473 5.953 0.607
Repavich, J KF 6.23 1.131 0.333 7.477 2.700 5.617 0.631
Bertsch, J MED 6.29 0.925 0.318 5.363 2.959 5.437 0.617
Alvarez, G KF 6.43 1.224 0.367 7.347 3.673 6.641 0.714
Johnson, S KF 7.21 1.374 0.300 5.359 7.008 9.035 0.609