
Florida Collegiate Summer League

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Statistics: Batting | Pitching | Fielding | Team Totals

Pitching Stats

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ERA - Minimum inning(s) pitched per team game - .6  

Player Team ERA PFR BIPA K/9 BB/9 ERC FPS%
Ross, D SCS 0.00 1.673 0.158 12.981 2.077 .231 0.694
Messick, P WG 0.49 1.636 0.128 13.255 1.473 .107 0.677
Hubbart, B WG 0.60 2.667 0.167 18.600 5.400 2.46 0.581
Ross, Dy SCS 0.60 2.000 0.143 13.800 4.200 .794 0.552
Henderson, Z LS 1.19 0.706 0.197 4.765 1.588 1.801 0.702
Moore, G SAN 1.39 1.462 0.235 10.385 2.769 1.374 0.604
Rossi Jr., T SAN 1.45 2.357 0.316 17.357 3.857 2.409 0.653
Coles, M LL 1.53 0.736 0.300 6.113 0.509 2.765 0.625
Shower, N WG 1.59 1.059 0.225 7.147 2.382 2.037 0.640
Drummond, L SCS 1.88 1.744 0.111 12.558 3.140 .728 0.571
Cande, J SAN 2.14 1.524 0.327 13.286 0.429 2.298 0.642
Rivera, J SAN 2.35 2.348 0.311 14.087 7.043 6.059 0.657
Clark, J SCL 2.51 1.605 0.213 8.163 6.279 3.377 0.542
Gill, J DEL 2.70 1.150 0.221 7.200 3.150 2.913 0.651
Brewer, R SAN 2.84 1.342 0.235 9.947 2.132 2.842 0.640
Holcomb, Z SAN 2.84 1.026 0.280 4.974 4.263 5.97 0.544
Chappell, Z LL 3.12 1.442 0.292 8.827 4.154 5.615 0.617
Harris, C SCS 3.15 1.500 0.267 9.450 4.050 2.622 0.568
Smith, T LL 3.52 1.239 0.405 11.152 0.000 4.613 0.667
Stewart, J LL 3.86 2.020 0.300 13.224 4.959 4.69 0.680
Anderson, J SCS 3.86 1.714 0.306 10.286 5.143 4.613 0.646
Crossley, C WG 4.05 1.725 0.241 7.425 8.100 6.148 0.646
Fagler, B SCS 4.05 1.650 0.286 10.800 4.050 4.014 0.690
Shepherd, W DEL 4.80 0.933 0.355 6.600 1.800 6.629 0.722
Coleman, K SCL 4.86 1.620 0.238 8.100 6.480 5.679 0.747
Demo, M SCL 5.50 1.556 0.305 10.000 4.000 5.286 0.709
Brown, E WG 5.87 2.022 0.196 11.152 7.043 5.07 0.592
Madonna, D LS 5.95 1.169 0.230 6.407 4.119 5.511 0.528
Pillsbury, C LS 6.75 1.673 0.214 7.269 7.788 7.369 0.500
Hancock, J SCL 6.89 1.277 0.300 7.468 4.021 5.967 0.658
Bruns, C LS 7.79 1.385 0.314 7.788 4.673 7.303 0.718
Pitzl, Z SCL 8.10 1.950 0.283 9.450 8.100 10.195 0.657