
Can-Am League

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Statistics: Batting | Pitching | Fielding | Team Totals

Batting Stats

Batting Stats | Expanded Batting Stats | Sabermetric Batting Stats     [ Filter By : Last 7 | Last 30 ]

AVG - Minimum of plate appearances per team game - 2.7  

Boucher, S QC CF .469 1.154 .612 .542 61
Stovall, R ROC RF .388 1.130 .713 .417 84
Edmonson, J ROC RF .375 1.072 .643 .429 63
Fuenmayor, B QC DH .365 .849 .476 .373 67
Provencher, M QC 3B .358 .935 .509 .426 61
Nyisztor, S ROC 2B .351 .801 .439 .362 60
Sanchez, F NJ CF .339 .876 .441 .435 70
Maloney, J ROC LF .328 .871 .493 .378 75
Lafrenz, K TRV C .327 .921 .490 .431 59
Malo, J QC 3B .320 .748 .380 .368 58
Cardello, S ROC 3B .319 .715 .362 .353 52
Grabe, E TRV 3B .308 .852 .477 .375 73
Walsh, W ROC DH .306 .976 .612 .364 56
Caldwell, T NJ C .297 .701 .344 .357 70
DeJesus, A ROC CF .295 .763 .372 .391 93
Nikorak, S NJ 3B .286 .774 .446 .328 61
Helms, M QC LF .286 .643 .314 .329 76
Harris, A NJ 2B .278 .696 .375 .321 79
Dunigan, J NJ DH .274 .904 .575 .329 79
Leveret, R QC 1B .273 .718 .418 .300 60
Barnes, J NJ IF .269 .787 .463 .324 74
Guzman, C TRV RF .262 .671 .338 .333 72
Brown, S TRV OF .253 .741 .443 .298 85
Nandin, M ROC IF .229 .574 .277 .297 95
Talley, J NJ 1B .212 .640 .394 .246 69
Arias, R NJ SS .200 .461 .215 .246 70
Miller, D TRV OF .200 .534 .277 .257 70
Nidiffer, M ROC C .163 .601 .326 .275 52