Top of 1st
Ocean Gulls
#3 Cole Fluta
Ball, Ball, Ball, Called Strike, Called Strike, 3 Cole Fluta putout (strike out) for out number 1
#33 Willian Feehan
Foul, Ball, Ball, 33 Willian Feehan advances to 1st (single to left field)
#18 Craig Larsen
Ball, Foul, Ball, Swinging Strike, Ball, 18 Craig Larsen putout (fly out to center field) for out number 2
#9 Johnny Zega
Called Strike, 9 Johnny Zega advances to 1st (single to left field), 33 Willian Feehan advances to 2nd (9)
#26 Joseph Ventresca
Ball, Called Strike, Swinging Strike, 26 Joseph Ventresca putout (fly out to left field) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 2, Errors: 0, LOB: 2
Bottom of 1st
Ocean Ospreys
#54 Will Gannon
Called Strike, 54 Will Gannon putout (4-3) for out number 1
#51 David Glancy
Called Strike, Ball, Ball, Called Strike, 51 David Glancy putout (strike out swinging) for out number 2
#46 James Harmstead
Ball, Called Strike, Foul, Ball, Ball, 46 James Harmstead advances to 1st (walk)
#3 TJ Scuderi
Called Strike, 3 TJ Scuderi advances to 1st (single to center field), 46 James Harmstead advances to 2nd (3)
#52 Zach Schild
Ball, Swinging Strike, Ball, Called Strike, 52 Zach Schild advances to 1st (fielder's choice), 3 TJ Scuderi putout (5-4) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 1, Errors: 0, LOB: 2
Top of 2nd
Ocean Gulls
#23 Giuseppe Arcuri
Ball, Foul, Ball, 23 Giuseppe Arcuri putout (fly out to the first baseman) for out number 1
#10 Anthony Santoro
Ball, Swinging Strike, Ball, Foul, Ball, Foul, 10 Anthony Santoro advances to 1st (walk)
#11 Daniel Tricarico
Ball, Ball, Ball, 11 Daniel Tricarico advances to 1st (walk)
#46 Andrew Bryant
Ball, 10 Anthony Santoro advances to 3rd (11), 46 Andrew Bryant putout (fly out to center field) for out number 2
#3 Cole Fluta
3 Cole Fluta putout (5-3) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 0, Errors: 0, LOB: 2
Bottom of 2nd
Ocean Ospreys
#13 Philip Marcantonio
Ball, Ball, Ball, 13 Philip Marcantonio advances to 1st (walk)
#14 Tommy DiTullio
Called Strike, Pickoff attempt at 1st base (pitcher to first baseman), 14 Tommy DiTullio advances to 1st (single to right field), 13 Philip Marcantonio advances to 2nd (14)
#21 Gerard Russo
Called Strike, Called Strike, 21 Gerard Russo putout (strike out swinging) for out number 1
#22 Max Ruvo
Called Strike, Ball, Foul, 22 Max Ruvo putout (strike out swinging) for out number 2
#54 Will Gannon
Called Strike, 54 Will Gannon putout (4-3) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 1, Errors: 0, LOB: 2
Top of 3rd
Ocean Gulls
#33 Willian Feehan
Ball, 33 Willian Feehan advances to 1st (single to right field)
#18 Craig Larsen
Ball, Swinging Strike, Ball, 18 Craig Larsen putout (fly out to left field) for out number 1
#9 Johnny Zega
Ball, Called Strike, Foul, Ball, 9 Johnny Zega advances to 1st (error by the second baseman), 33 Willian Feehan putout (6-4) for out number 2
#26 Joseph Ventresca
Called Strike, 26 Joseph Ventresca putout (L3) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 1, Errors: 1, LOB: 1
Bottom of 3rd
Ocean Ospreys
Pitching Substitution
34 Billy Geiger subs for Garinder Singh-Sarana Pitcher.
#51 David Glancy
Ball, Foul, Ball, Dropped Foul - E2, 51 David Glancy advances to 2nd (double to right field)
#46 James Harmstead
Ball, Called Strike, 51 David Glancy advances to 3rd (51), 46 James Harmstead putout (fly out to center field) for out number 1
#3 TJ Scuderi
Ball, Ball, Called Strike, Foul, Ball, 3 TJ Scuderi advances to 2nd (double to left field), 51 David Glancy Scores Unearned (3)
#52 Zach Schild
Ball, Ball, Ball, Foul, 52 Zach Schild advances to 1st (walk)
#13 Philip Marcantonio
Foul, Called Strike, Foul, 13 Philip Marcantonio putout (strike out swinging) for out number 2
#14 Tommy DiTullio
Ball, Swinging Strike, Ball, Ball, 14 Tommy DiTullio advances to 1st (error by the shortstop), 52 Zach Schild advances to 3rd (14), 3 TJ Scuderi Scores Unearned (14)
#21 Gerard Russo
Swinging Strike, Called Strike, 21 Gerard Russo putout (strike out swinging) for out number 3
Runs: 2, Hits: 2, Errors: 2, LOB: 2
Top of 4th
Ocean Gulls
Pitching Substitution
10 Logan Marter subs for Matt Mincieli Pitcher.
#23 Giuseppe Arcuri
Ball, Ball, Called Strike, Ball, Called Strike, 23 Giuseppe Arcuri Scores Earned (home run)
#10 Anthony Santoro
Ball, 10 Anthony Santoro advances to 1st (single to left field)
#11 Daniel Tricarico
Ball, 11 Daniel Tricarico advances to 1st (single to right field)
#46 Andrew Bryant
Foul, Ball, Ball, Ball, Called Strike, 46 Andrew Bryant putout (4-3) for out number 1
#3 Cole Fluta
Called Strike, Ball, Ball, Swinging Strike, 11 Daniel Tricarico advances to 3rd (11), 10 Anthony Santoro Scores Earned (11), 3 Cole Fluta putout (3) for out number 2
#33 Willian Feehan
Foul, 33 Willian Feehan putout (fly out to left field) for out number 3
Runs: 2, Hits: 3, Errors: 0, LOB: 1
Bottom of 4th
Ocean Ospreys
Pitching Substitution
19 Blaise Panzini subs for Billy Geiger Pitcher.
#22 Max Ruvo
Ball, Ball, Called Strike, Foul, 22 Max Ruvo advances to 1st (single to the pitcher)
#54 Will Gannon
Ball, 22 Max Ruvo advances to 2nd (stolen base), 54 Will Gannon advances to 1st (fielder's choice), 22 Max Ruvo putout (1-6) for out number 1
#51 David Glancy
54 Will Gannon advances to 2nd (54), 51 David Glancy putout (4-1) for out number 2
#46 James Harmstead
Ball, 46 James Harmstead advances to 1st (single to third base), 54 Will Gannon advances to 3rd (46)
#3 TJ Scuderi
Ball, Called Strike, Ball, 54 Will Gannon putout (caught stealing: CS 2) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 2, Errors: 0, LOB: 1
Top of 5th
Ocean Gulls
#18 Craig Larsen
Called Strike, 18 Craig Larsen putout (fly out to center field) for out number 1
#9 Johnny Zega
Called Strike, Foul, Ball, Ball, Foul, 9 Johnny Zega advances to 1st (single to left field)
#26 Joseph Ventresca
Called Strike, Ball, 9 Johnny Zega advances to 2nd (stolen base), Swinging Strike, 26 Joseph Ventresca advances to 1st (error by the second baseman), 9 Johnny Zega Scores Unearned (26)
#23 Giuseppe Arcuri
Called Strike, Ball, 23 Giuseppe Arcuri putout (fly out to right field) for out number 2
Offensive Substitution
42 Joshua Jackson subs for Anthony Santoro.
#42 Joshua Jackson
Ball, Called Strike, Ball, Swinging Strike, 42 Joshua Jackson putout (strike out swinging) for out number 3
Runs: 1, Hits: 1, Errors: 1, LOB: 1
Bottom of 5th
Ocean Ospreys
Defensive Substitution
42 Joshua Jackson moves to Catcher.
Defensive Substitution
8 Zachary Joe subs for Daniel Tricarico at Center Field.
Defensive Substitution
22 Michael Belka subs for Andrew Bryant at Right Field.
Pitching Substitution
15 Michael Centeno subs for Blaise Panzini Pitcher.
#3 TJ Scuderi
3 TJ Scuderi putout (fly out to center field) for out number 1
#52 Zach Schild
Called Strike, Ball, Ball, Ball, 52 Zach Schild advances to 1st (walk)
#13 Philip Marcantonio
Ball, Ball, 52 Zach Schild advances to 2nd (stolen base), 13 Philip Marcantonio advances to 2nd (double to left field), 52 Zach Schild Scores Earned (13)
#14 Tommy DiTullio
14 Tommy DiTullio putout (fly out to center field) for out number 2
#21 Gerard Russo
Ball, Ball, 13 Philip Marcantonio putout (PO 2-4) for out number 3
Runs: 1, Hits: 1, Errors: 0, LOB: 0
Top of 6th
Ocean Gulls
Defensive Substitution
15 Ryan Colbert subs for Philip Marcantonio at Catcher.
Defensive Substitution
55 James LaBruno subs for Max Ruvo at Right Field.
Pitching Substitution
18 Alex Smith subs for Logan Marter Pitcher.
#8 Zachary Joe
Ball, Ball, 8 Zachary Joe putout (4-3) for out number 1
#22 Michael Belka
Ball, Called Strike, Ball, Foul, Ball, 22 Michael Belka advances to 1st (single to left field)
#3 Cole Fluta
Ball, 22 Michael Belka putout (5-4) for out number 2, 3 Cole Fluta advances to 1st (single to third base)
#33 Willian Feehan
Ball, Ball, 3 Cole Fluta advances to 2nd (stolen base), Ball, Called Strike, 33 Willian Feehan advances to 1st (walk)
#18 Craig Larsen
Ball, 18 Craig Larsen putout (fly out to the left fielder in foul territory) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 2, Errors: 0, LOB: 2
Bottom of 6th
Ocean Ospreys
Pitching Substitution
2 Dylan Taliaferro subs for Michael Centeno Pitcher.
#21 Gerard Russo
Ball, Swinging Strike, Foul, Ball, 21 Gerard Russo putout (strike out swinging) for out number 1
#55 James LaBruno
Ball, Called Strike, Ball, Swinging Strike, 55 James LaBruno putout (fly out to center field) for out number 2
#54 Will Gannon
Called Strike, Ball, Called Strike, 54 Will Gannon putout (fly out to the shortstop) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 0, Errors: 0, LOB: 0
Top of 7th
Ocean Gulls
#9 Johnny Zega
Called Strike, Ball, Foul, Foul, Ball, 9 Johnny Zega putout (6-3) for out number 1
#26 Joseph Ventresca
Foul, Called Strike, Ball, Ball, 26 Joseph Ventresca putout (4-3) for out number 2
#23 Giuseppe Arcuri
Ball, Ball, Ball, Called Strike, Called Strike, 23 Giuseppe Arcuri advances to 1st (walk)
#42 Joshua Jackson
Ball, 42 Joshua Jackson putout (fly out to center field) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 0, Errors: 0, LOB: 1
Bottom of 7th
Ocean Ospreys
Pitching Substitution
45 Nicholas Marini subs for Dylan Taliaferro Pitcher.
#51 David Glancy
51 David Glancy advances to 1st (single to third base), 51 David Glancy putout (5-4) for out number 1
#46 James Harmstead
46 James Harmstead advances to 1st (single to third base)
#3 TJ Scuderi
46 James Harmstead putout (5-4) for out number 2, 3 TJ Scuderi putout (5-4-3 DP) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 2, Errors: 0, LOB: 0
Top of 8th
Ocean Gulls
Pitching Substitution
16 Dane DellaValle subs for Alex Smith Pitcher.
#8 Zachary Joe
Ball, Foul, Ball, Ball, 8 Zachary Joe advances to 3rd (triple to center field)
#22 Michael Belka
22 Michael Belka advances to 1st (single to center field)
#3 Cole Fluta
Ball, 22 Michael Belka advances to 2nd (wild pitch), 3 Cole Fluta advances to 1st (single to left field), 8 Zachary Joe Scores Earned (3)
#33 Willian Feehan
Ball, Called Strike, Foul, 33 Willian Feehan advances to 1st (single to right field), 3 Cole Fluta advances to 2nd (33), 22 Michael Belka Scores Earned (33)
#18 Craig Larsen
18 Craig Larsen advances to 1st (single), 33 Willian Feehan advances to 2nd (18), 18 Craig Larsen advances to 2nd (error by the left fielder), 3 Cole Fluta Scores Unearned (18)
#9 Johnny Zega
9 Johnny Zega advances to 1st (single)
#26 Joseph Ventresca
Ball, Foul, Foul, 26 Joseph Ventresca putout (strike out swinging) for out number 1
#23 Giuseppe Arcuri
23 Giuseppe Arcuri advances to 1st (error by the shortstop), 18 Craig Larsen advances to 3rd (23), 33 Willian Feehan Scores Unearned (9)
#42 Joshua Jackson
Called Strike, 23 Giuseppe Arcuri advances to 2nd (DI), 9 Johnny Zega advances to 3rd (DI), 42 Joshua Jackson advances to 1st (error by the second baseman), 9 Johnny Zega Scores Unearned (23)
#8 Zachary Joe
8 Zachary Joe advances to 1st (fielder's choice), 42 Joshua Jackson putout (5-4) for out number 2
#22 Michael Belka
22 Michael Belka advances to 1st (error by the shortstop), 8 Zachary Joe advances to 2nd (22), 18 Craig Larsen Scores Unearned (22)
#3 Cole Fluta
23 Giuseppe Arcuri advances to 3rd (26), 3 Cole Fluta putout (fly out to the second baseman) for out number 3
Runs: 6, Hits: 6, Errors: 4, LOB: 3
Bottom of 8th
Ocean Ospreys
Pitching Substitution
31 William Kramer subs for Nicholas Marini Pitcher.
Offensive Substitution
19 Dhillon Barbetti subs for Zach Schild.
#19 Dhillon Barbetti
Ball, Ball, Ball, 19 Dhillon Barbetti advances to 1st (walk)
#15 Ryan Colbert
Ball, Called Strike, Called Strike, 15 Ryan Colbert putout (strike out swinging) for out number 2
#14 Tommy DiTullio
14 Tommy DiTullio advances to 1st (single to right field)
#21 Gerard Russo
Ball, Swinging Strike, Ball, Called Strike, Foul, 21 Gerard Russo putout (dropped 3rd strike: KS 2-3) for out number 3
#21 Gerard Russo
19 Dhillon Barbetti putout (9-6) for out number 1
Runs: 0, Hits: 1, Errors: 0, LOB: 1
Top of 9th
Ocean Gulls
Defensive Substitution
19 Dhillon Barbetti.
#33 Willian Feehan
Ball, Ball, Called Strike, Ball, Foul, 33 Willian Feehan advances to 1st (walk)
#18 Craig Larsen
Swinging Strike, Called Strike, Ball, Ball, Ball, 18 Craig Larsen advances to 1st (walk), 33 Willian Feehan advances to 2nd (18)
#9 Johnny Zega
Foul, 9 Johnny Zega advances to 1st (single to left field), 18 Craig Larsen advances to 2nd (9)
#26 Joseph Ventresca
Foul, 26 Joseph Ventresca advances to 1st (fielder's choice), 18 Craig Larsen advances to 3rd (26), 33 Willian Feehan Scores Earned (9), 9 Johnny Zega putout (3-6) for out number 1
#23 Giuseppe Arcuri
Swinging Strike, 23 Giuseppe Arcuri advances to 1st (fielder's choice)
#42 Joshua Jackson
42 Joshua Jackson putout (fly out to the second baseman) for out number 3
#42 Joshua Jackson
26 Joseph Ventresca putout (6-4) for out number 2
Runs: 1, Hits: 1, Errors: 0, LOB: 2
Bottom of 9th
Ocean Ospreys
Pitching Substitution
26 Joseph Ventresca Pitcher.
#55 James LaBruno
Ball, Ball, Called Strike, Ball, 55 James LaBruno advances to 1st (walk)
#54 Will Gannon
54 Will Gannon advances to 1st (single to right field), 55 James LaBruno advances to 2nd (54)
#51 David Glancy
Ball, Ball, Ball, Called Strike, 51 David Glancy advances to 1st (walk)
#46 James Harmstead
51 David Glancy advances to 2nd (51), 54 Will Gannon advances to 3rd (51), 55 James LaBruno Scores Earned (51), 46 James Harmstead putout (5-3) for out number 1
Pitching Substitution
26 Joseph Ventresca subs for William Kramer Pitcher.
#3 TJ Scuderi
Ball, Foul, Ball, Ball, 3 TJ Scuderi advances to 1st (walk)
#19 Dhillon Barbetti
Called Strike, Swinging Strike, Ball, 19 Dhillon Barbetti putout (strike out swinging) for out number 2
#15 Ryan Colbert
Ball, Ball, Ball, 15 Ryan Colbert advances to 1st (walk), 3 TJ Scuderi advances to 2nd (15), 51 David Glancy advances to 3rd (15), 54 Will Gannon Scores Earned (15)
#14 Tommy DiTullio
Ball, Called Strike, Ball, Foul, Foul, Foul, Foul, Foul, 14 Tommy DiTullio advances to 2nd (double to center field), 51 David Glancy Scores Earned (14), 3 TJ Scuderi Scores Earned (14), 15 Ryan Colbert Scores Earned (14), 14 Tommy DiTullio putout (8-6-5) for out number 3
Runs: 5, Hits: 2, Errors: 0, LOB: 0