
Long Island Mens Baseball League

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Spring 2016 - Attendance

Team Yesterday Total Openings Avg
Long Island Black Sox-18+ - - 10 -
Long Island Cardinals - - 12 -
Long Island Drive - - 10 -
Nassau Pirates - - 10 -
Team USA Long Island - - 12 -
Black Sox Legends - - 10 -
Franklin Square Seminoles - - 11 -
Island Park Mariners - - 13 -
Levittown New Yorkers - - 9 -
Long Island Orioles - - 9 -
Massapequa Biscuits - - 7 -
Boardy Barn Legends - - 10 -
Long Island Cardinals - - 9 -
Massapequa Orioles - - 5 -
New York Black Sox - - 10 -
North Shore Greenlights - - 10 -
Long Island Cubs - - 13 -
Long Island Blue Jays - - 13 -
Long Island Mets - - 7 -
Long Island Sundevils - - 11 -
Massapequa Braves - - 7 -
Long Island Twins - - 10 -
Farmingdale Indians - - 9 -
Greenlawn Cardinals - - 12 -
Islip Athletics - - 11 -
Long Island Rebels - - 7 -
NCPD Blue Knights - - 9 -
Suffolk Phillies - - 11 -
LI/Metro Cardinals - - 13 -
Long Island Cyclones - - 6 -
Long Island Monarchs - - 8 -
New York Blue Jays - - 12 -
Andreas Yankees - - 12 -
Long Island Privateers - - 10 -
New York Astros - - 8 -
New York Grizzlies - - 9 -
New York Titans - - 6 -
Suffolk Raiders - - 9 -
Garden City Mets - - 8 -
Long Island Pirates - - 11 -
New York Pirates - - 8 -
Wantagh Inn Yankees - - 7 -
East Islip Angels - - 8 -
Long Island Mets - - 7 -
New York Knights - - 11 -
Suffolk Orioles - - 9 -
The Cubs - - 8 -
Baldwin Orioles - - 6 -
Long Island Diamondbacks - - 10 -
Long Island Indians - - 11 -
Long Island Mutiny - - 12 -
New York Rangers - - 8 -
Dix Hills Dodgers - - 9 -
Long Island Yankees - - 6 -
Massapequa Pirates - - 6 -
Suffolk Phillies - - 8 -
Long Aisland Dodgers - - 7 -
Long Island As - - 8 -
Long Island Indians - 52+ - - 9 -
Smithtown Braves - - 7 -
Long Island Tides - - 13 -
Cold Spring Harbor Seahawks - - 3 -
Levittown Lions - - 5 -
Long Island Patriots - - 7 -
Midville Dodgers - - 10 -
New York Astros - - 9 -
Long Island Brewers - - 13 -
North Shore Spartans - - 7 -
Long Island Panthers - - 8 -
Wantagh Inn Yankees - - 3 -
The 52+ Yankees - - 7 -
North Shore White Sox - - 10 -
Long Island Hawks - - 11 -
Long Island Liberty - - 7 -
Total: 0 0 667 0