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Pennsylvania Interscholastic Roller Hockey League
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PIRHL (PIRHL 2012/2013)

This league has multiple active seasons, you are currently in the PIRHL 2012/2013 season. All active seasons are listed below. (note: past seasons can be found in the drop down menu above)

PIRHL 2019/20
PIRHL 2018/2019
PIRHL 2017/2018
PIRHL 2016/2017
PIRHL 2015/2016
2014/2015 Playoffs
PIRHL 2014/2015
PIRHL 2013/2014
PIRHL 2012/2013
PIRHL 2011/2012
Winter 2010/11

 Divisions League Message

2012-13 Varsity 1
2012-13 Varsity 2
2012-13 Varsity 2b
2012-13 Junior Varsity 1
2012-13 Junior Varsity 1A
2012-13 Junior Varsity 2
2012-13 Middle School 1
2012-13 Middle School 2
2012-13 Middle School 3
2012-13 Middle School 3b
2012-13 Elementary 1
2012-13 Elementary 2
2012-13 Elementary 2a
OLD Junior Varsity 1

New Suspensions:

Baldwin High School 3 #29: 2 Game Suspension for Slashing Major


Remaining Suspensions:

Penn Trafford Varsity 1 #60: 4 Game Suspension for Unsportsmanlike Conduct

West Allegheny High School 3 Assistant Coach: Suspended Remainder of the Season for Abuse of Officials

North Allegheny High School 4 #33: 4 Game Suspension; 2 games for Boarding Major and 2 games for Intent to Injure

Baldwin High School 3 #11: 4 Game Suspension for Fighting Major

Shaler High School 3 #95: 4 Game Suspension for Fighting Major


League Facilities
Terminal rink Alpha Ice Complex
Terminal rink Alpha Ice Complex
Terminal rink Bridgeville RollerPlex
Family Sports Center
Terminal rink Hot Shots Indoor Sports Arena
Terminal rink Murrysville SportZone
Terminal rink RMU Island Sports Center

 League Schedule

Click for full Schedule

(division and team schedules available further in stats section)
 Contact Information

Pennsylvania Interscholastic Roller Hockey League