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Raleigh Iceplex Adult Hockey League
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RIAHL (Spring 2009)

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Div Home Away Time boxscore/Rink/GS GT
Sun, Jan 25
lower C Beer Goggles 8 Storm 2 3:45 pm final
Int C Gunga La Gunga 11 Whalers 4 5:15 pm final
Int C DOA 4 Networkers 0 6:45 pm final
upper C Sony Ericsson 1 Weasels 3 8:15 pm final
upper C Moosejaw 3 Vincents 8 9:45 pm final
lower C Puckhounds 6 Rampage 2 11:15 pm final
Mon, Jan 26
B-Lg Devo 5 Carolina Lightning 4 9:15 pm final
BC Lg. Nailers 3 Leatherheads 2 10:45 pm final SO
Tue, Jan 27
B-Lg Planet Fitness 7 Window World 6 9:15 pm final
BC Lg. Raiders 7 Battalion 10 10:45 pm final SO
Wed, Jan 28
Int C Here 4 Beer 1 Hurricanes 5 9:15 pm final
upper C Icebreakers 5 Ceskoslovenko 11 10:45 pm final
Fri, Jan 30
lower C Diosynth 4 Puckers 1 10:15 pm final
Mon, Feb 02
BC Lg. Leatherheads 3 Battalion 6 9:15 pm final
B-Lg Devo 4 Planet Fitness 8 10:45 pm final
Tue, Feb 03
B-Lg Carolina Lightning 5 Window World 4 9:15 pm final
BC Lg. Raiders 5 Nailers 4 10:48 pm final
Wed, Feb 04
upper C Moosejaw 1 Weasels 7 9:15 pm final
lower C Beer Goggles 4 Puckers 1 10:47 pm final
Sun, Feb 08
Int C Whalers 3 Hurricanes 5 3:45 pm final
upper C Moosejaw 4 Ceskoslovenko 5 5:15 pm final
lower C Diosynth 4 Beer Goggles 1 5:15 pm final
Int C Networkers 4 Here 4 Beer 2 8:15 pm final
lower C Rampage 1 Puckers 6 9:15 pm final
upper C Vincents 2 Weasels 5 11:15 pm final
Mon, Feb 09
B-Lg Planet Fitness 6 Carolina Lightning 0 9:15 pm final
BC Lg. Raiders 6 Leatherheads 5 10:45 pm final
Tue, Feb 10
BC Lg. Nailers 6 Battalion 4 9:15 pm final
B-Lg Devo 6 Window World 2 10:45 pm final
Wed, Feb 11
Int C DOA 2 Gunga La Gunga 1 9:15 pm final
lower C Puckhounds 2 Storm 1 10:45 pm final
Fri, Feb 13
upper C Icebreakers 7 Sony Ericsson 5 10:13 pm final
Sun, Feb 15
upper C Moosejaw 2 Icebreakers 12 3:45 pm final
upper C Vincents 5 Sony Ericsson 1 5:15 pm final
lower C Beer Goggles 6 Puckhounds 3 6:45 pm final
upper C Weasels 2 Ceskoslovenko 4 8:15 pm final
Int C Whalers 3 Here 4 Beer 6 9:30 pm final
lower C Puckers 8 Storm 3 11:01 pm final
Mon, Feb 16
BC Lg. Leatherheads 6 Nailers 7 9:15 pm final OT
B-Lg Window World 2 Planet Fitness 4 10:45 pm final
Tue, Feb 17
B-Lg Devo 13 Carolina Lightning 5 9:14 pm final
BC Lg. Battalion 6 Raiders 5 10:50 pm final OT
Wed, Feb 18
Int C Hurricanes 2 DOA 5 9:15 pm final
lower C Rampage 5 Diosynth 4 10:34 pm final SO
Fri, Feb 20
Int C Networkers 3 Gunga La Gunga 9 10:15 pm final
Sun, Feb 22
Int C DOA 3 Here 4 Beer 1 3:45 pm final
Int C Hurricanes 5 Gunga La Gunga 2 5:15 pm final
lower C Puckhounds 5 Puckers 6 6:45 pm final
lower C Rampage 4 Beer Goggles 5 8:15 pm final
lower C Storm 2 Diosynth 7 9:33 pm final
upper C Sony Ericsson 2 Moosejaw 4 11:02 pm final
Mon, Feb 23
BC Lg. Leatherheads 4 Battalion 11 9:00 pm final
B-Lg Devo 5 Planet Fitness 4 10:45 pm final
Tue, Feb 24
B-Lg Carolina Lightning 4 Window World 5 9:30 pm final
BC Lg. Raiders 2 Nailers 5 10:34 pm final
Wed, Feb 25
upper C Weasels 9 Icebreakers 4 9:15 pm final
Int C Whalers 4 Networkers 5 10:45 pm final
Fri, Feb 27
upper C Vincents 3 Ceskoslovenko 6 10:15 pm final
Sun, Mar 01
upper C Sony Ericsson 8 Weasels 7 3:45 pm final SO
lower C Puckhounds 0 Rampage 1 5:11 pm final
lower C Beer Goggles 2 Storm 1 6:45 pm final SO
lower C Diosynth 1 Puckers 5 8:15 pm final
Int C Networkers 2 DOA 9 9:45 pm final
upper C Icebreakers 4 Ceskoslovenko 3 11:15 pm final
Mon, Mar 02
B-Lg Carolina Lightning 3 Planet Fitness 9 7:30 pm final
BC Lg. Raiders 5 Leatherheads 3 8:50 pm final
Tue, Mar 03
B-Lg Devo 8 Window World 7 7:32 pm final
BC Lg. Nailers 2 Battalion 1 9:00 pm final
Wed, Mar 04
upper C Vincents 5 Moosejaw 1 7:20 pm final
Int C Gunga La Gunga 6 Whalers 2 9:00 pm final
Thu, Mar 05
BC Lg. Nailers 5 Battalion 6 9:00 pm final
Fri, Mar 06
Int C Here 4 Beer 6 Hurricanes 4 10:15 pm final
Sun, Mar 08
lower C Beer Goggles 8 Puckers 3 3:45 pm final
Int C Whalers 3 DOA 4 5:15 pm final
Int C Gunga La Gunga 4 Here 4 Beer 5 6:45 pm final
upper C Vincents 10 Icebreakers 1 8:15 pm final
lower C Rampage 4 Storm 1 9:45 pm final
Int C Networkers 7 Hurricanes 4 11:15 pm final
Mon, Mar 09
B-Lg Devo 7 Carolina Lightning 3 7:30 pm final
BC Lg. Leatherheads 6 Nailers 4 9:00 pm final
Tue, Mar 10
BC Lg. Battalion 5 Raiders 2 7:30 pm final
B-Lg Window World 3 Planet Fitness 7 8:41 pm final
Wed, Mar 11
upper C Sony Ericsson 2 Ceskoslovenko 3 7:30 pm final
lower C Puckhounds 2 Diosynth 4 9:00 pm final
Fri, Mar 13
upper C Weasels 7 Moosejaw 2 10:15 pm final
Sun, Mar 15
Int C Networkers 5 Here 4 Beer 3 3:45 pm final
upper C Sony Ericsson 7 Icebreakers 4 5:15 pm final
upper C Moosejaw 3 Ceskoslovenko 5 6:45 pm final
upper C Vincents 2 Weasels 4 8:15 pm final
Int C Whalers 3 Hurricanes 4 9:42 pm final
Int C DOA 3 Gunga La Gunga 5 11:15 pm final
Mon, Mar 16
BC Lg. Leatherheads 3 Battalion 5 7:30 pm final
B-Lg Devo 5 Planet Fitness 0 8:45 pm final
Tue, Mar 17
BC Lg. Raiders 2 Nailers 6 7:28 pm final
B-Lg Carolina Lightning 0 Window World 6 8:50 pm final
Wed, Mar 18
lower C Storm 3 Puckhounds 6 6:37 pm final
lower C Rampage 4 Puckers 6 9:05 pm final
Fri, Mar 20
lower C Beer Goggles 8 Diosynth 1 10:15 pm final
Sun, Mar 22
lower C Diosynth 4 Rampage 2 3:45 pm final
lower C Storm 4 Puckers 6 5:15 pm final
upper C Weasels 4 Ceskoslovenko 5 6:45 pm final SO
upper C Moosejaw 4 Icebreakers 3 8:17 pm final SO
Int C Networkers 3 Gunga La Gunga 7 9:45 pm final
lower C Beer Goggles 5 Puckhounds 2 11:24 pm final
Mon, Mar 23
B-Lg Carolina Lightning 6 Planet Fitness 3 7:30 pm final
BC Lg. Leatherheads 4 Raiders 2 9:01 pm final
Tue, Mar 24
BC Lg. Nailers 0 Battalion 5 7:30 pm final
B-Lg Devo 4 Window World 2 9:00 pm final
Wed, Mar 25
Int C Here 4 Beer 7 Whalers 1 7:30 pm final
upper C Sony Ericsson 3 Vincents 6 9:00 pm final
Fri, Mar 27
Int C DOA 5 Hurricanes 0 10:15 pm final
Sun, Mar 29
upper C Vincents 5 Ceskoslovenko 7 3:45 pm final
Int C Gunga La Gunga 2 Hurricanes 1 5:15 pm final
Int C DOA 3 Here 4 Beer 2 6:45 pm final SO
lower C Puckhounds 4 Puckers 2 8:05 pm final
upper C Moosejaw 0 Sony Ericsson 3 9:38 pm final
upper C Weasels 1 Icebreakers 6 11:11 pm final
Mon, Mar 30
BC Lg. Leatherheads 3 Nailers 2 7:30 pm final
BC Lg. Battalion 2 Raiders 5 9:00 pm final
Tue, Mar 31
B-Lg Devo 6 Carolina Lightning 5 7:30 pm final
B-Lg Window World 2 Planet Fitness 3 8:53 pm final
Wed, Apr 01
lower C Diosynth 2 Storm 0 7:26 pm final
lower C Beer Goggles 5 Rampage 1 8:38 pm final
Fri, Apr 03
Int C Whalers 6 Networkers 7 10:15 pm final SO
Sun, Apr 05
Int C Gunga La Gunga 4 Whalers 5 3:45 pm final SO
lower C Beer Goggles 8 Storm 2 5:15 pm final
lower C Puckhounds 4 Rampage 2 6:45 pm final
Int C Networkers 1 DOA 4 8:13 pm final
lower C Diosynth 7 Puckers 8 9:45 pm final
Int C Here 4 Beer 3 Hurricanes 5 11:15 pm final
Mon, Apr 06
BC Lg. Leatherheads 5 Battalion 3 7:30 pm final
B-Lg Carolina Lightning 2 Window World 4 9:01 pm final
Tue, Apr 07
B-Lg Planet Fitness 6 Devo 5 7:03 pm final SO
BC Lg. Raiders 6 Nailers 9 8:58 pm final
Wed, Apr 08
upper C Sony Ericsson 3 Weasels 4 7:29 pm final SO
upper C Vincents 3 Moosejaw 0 9:00 pm final
Mon, Apr 13
BC Lg. Raiders 8 Leatherheads 1 9:00 pm final
B-Lg Planet Fitness 1 Carolina Lightning 0 10:30 pm forfeit
Tue, Apr 14
BC Lg. Nailers 5 Battalion 6 9:00 pm final
B-Lg Devo 5 Window World 4 10:30 pm final
Wed, Apr 15
upper C Icebreakers 2 Ceskoslovenko 4 9:00 pm final
Fri, Apr 17
lower C Storm 2 Rampage 5 10:15 pm final
Sun, Apr 19
lower C Puckhounds 5 Diosynth 0 3:45 pm final
lower C Rampage 7 Storm 0 5:12 pm final
upper C Vincents 9 Icebreakers 6 6:36 pm final
Int C Whalers 4 DOA 5 8:19 pm final
Int C Here 4 Beer 1 Gunga La Gunga 6 9:45 pm final
upper C Sony Ericsson 5 Ceskoslovenko 3 11:15 pm final
Mon, Apr 20
B-Lg Devo 8 Carolina Lightning 7 9:00 pm final
BC Lg. Leatherheads 5 Nailers 4 10:30 pm final
Tue, Apr 21
BC Lg. Battalion 3 Raiders 4 8:56 pm final
B-Lg Window World 4 Planet Fitness 8 10:23 pm forfeit
Wed, Apr 22
Int C Networkers 4 Hurricanes 7 9:09 pm final
lower C Beer Goggles 7 Puckers 3 10:35 pm final
Fri, Apr 24
upper C Moosejaw 1 Weasels 6 10:15 pm final
Sun, Apr 26
upper C Weasels 2 Vincents 6 3:45 pm final
upper C Moosejaw 3 Ceskoslovenko 8 5:15 pm final
Int C Whalers 8 Hurricanes 3 6:45 pm final
lower C Diosynth 4 Beer Goggles 8 8:15 pm final
lower C Puckhounds 5 Storm 2 9:45 pm final
lower C Rampage 2 Puckers 10 11:07 pm final
Mon, Apr 27
BC Lg. Leatherheads 4 Battalion 6 7:26 pm final
B-Lg Devo 7 Planet Fitness 5 10:37 pm final
Tue, Apr 28
BC Lg. Raiders 6 Nailers 3 9:10 pm final
B-Lg Carolina Lightning 0 Window World 1 10:16 pm forfeit
Wed, Apr 29
Int C DOA 6 Gunga La Gunga 2 9:05 pm final
Int C Networkers 0 Here 4 Beer 5 10:30 pm final
Fri, May 01
upper C Sony Ericsson 5 Icebreakers 6 10:15 pm final
Sun, May 03
upper C Moosejaw 2 Icebreakers 3 3:45 pm final SO
Int C Hurricanes 2 DOA 5 5:15 pm final
lower C Storm 6 Puckers 12 6:45 pm final
lower C Diosynth 5 Rampage 1 8:15 pm final
lower C Puckhounds 2 Beer Goggles 1 9:31 pm final
Int C Whalers 11 Here 4 Beer 2 11:06 pm final
Mon, May 04
B-Lg Planet Fitness 8 Carolina Lightning 3 9:00 pm final
BC Lg. Raiders 7 Leatherheads 1 10:30 pm final
Tue, May 05
B-Lg Devo 8 Window World 5 10:30 pm final
Wed, May 06
upper C Ceskoslovenko 4 Weasels 1 9:09 pm final
upper C Vincents 1 Sony Ericsson 0 10:30 pm forfeit
Fri, May 08
Int C Gunga La Gunga 4 Networkers 2 10:14 pm final
Sun, May 10
Int C Hurricanes 3 Gunga La Gunga 2 3:45 pm final
upper C Moosejaw 1 Sony Ericsson 12 5:15 pm final
upper C Weasels 5 Icebreakers 4 6:45 pm final SO
Int C Whalers 5 Networkers 6 8:15 pm final SO
upper C Ceskoslovenko 11 Vincents 4 9:49 pm final
lower C Diosynth 8 Storm 2 11:10 pm final
Wed, May 13
lower C Puckers 10 Puckhounds 2 6:15 pm final
lower C Beer Goggles 3 Rampage 4 9:04 pm final SO
Fri, May 15
Int C DOA 4 Here 4 Beer 3 10:15 pm final
Sun, May 17
upper C Ceskoslovenko 8 Sony Ericsson 1 3:04 pm final
lower C Puckhounds 4 Diosynth 3 4:52 pm final SO
upper C Vincents 8 Icebreakers 6 6:47 pm final
Int C Gunga La Gunga 4 Here 4 Beer 2 8:21 pm final
Int C Networkers 6 Hurricanes 5 9:45 pm final SO
Int C Whalers 1 DOA 7 11:15 pm final
Mon, Jun 08
BC Lg. Leatherheads 4 Battalion 9 7:15 pm final

Terminal Game/Rink -
Laptop Game/Rink -
Online Entry Game/Rink -