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Russia outlasts Lake Tahoe, 6-4

PSI Default    Tue, Jan 19, 2016

Russia gutted out a close 6-4 win against the Lake Tahoe Blue.

Russia gained the winning advantage on a goal by Danil Apalkov 16:27 into the third period and hung on until final buzzer.

Apalkov had two goals to lead Russia to victory.

Russia bested its season scoring average. This season, Russia averages 1.6 goal per contest. Russia's defense let in more goals than it usually has this year. Russia gives up 1.9 goal per game. The defensemen of Russia were also effective in Lake Tahoe's zone, and came away with three goals.

Others who scored for Russia included Mikhail Naumenko, who had two and Efim Gurkin and Vladislav Kartaev, who scored one goal each. More assists for Russia came via Victor Antipin, Roman Rukavishnikov, Nail Yakupov, and Grigory Zheldakov, who each chipped in one and Andrey Pedan and Kirill Rasskazov, who contributed two each.

The Blue found the back of the net more times than it usually has this season. Lake Tahoe averages 1.8 goal per game. The Blue's defense was uncharacteristically lax during the game. Lake Tahoe is averaging 1.5 goal against for the season. The Blue got an offensive boost from their blueliners, who contributed four goals during the game.

Lake Tahoe was helped by Stephen Silas, who registered one goal. Silas scored 14:05 into the third period to make the score 4-4. Slater Koekkoek assisted on the tally. Lake Tahoe also got points from Koekkoek, who also finished with one goal and one assist. Lake Tahoe also had goals scored by Jamie Oleksiak and Scott Harrington, who each put in one. In addition, Lake Tahoe received assists from Matt Puempel, who had two and Boone Jenner, Tanner Pearson, Tyler Toffoli, Mark Scheifele, and Matt Singy, who each chipped in one.

Russia finished the contest with no penalties and went 0-for-0 with the man advantage. The Blue ended with no penalties and went 0-for-0 on the power play.