
Saskatchewan Premier Baseball League

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SPBL 2018 Provincial - Stats

Statistics: Batting | Pitching | Fielding | Team Batting Totals | Team Pitching Totals | Team Fielding Totals

Pitching Stats

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ERA - Minimum inning(s) pitched per team game - .8  

Player Team ERA PFR BIPA K/9 BB/9 ERC FPS%
Froehlich, K MRS 0.00 0.882 0.263 6.353 1.588 2.214 0.000
Pongracz, B SKC 0.00 1.600 0.222 14.400 0.000 -.057 0.000
Pellechaty, B SG 0.00 0.400 0.300 3.600 0.000 2.73 0.000
Gartner, A RGWP 0.00 1.154 0.083 8.308 2.077 -.1 0.000
Libke, B SDB 0.00 2.667 0.167 18.000 6.000 1.118 0.000
Weimer, Z SG 1.24 0.882 0.222 6.353 1.588 1.418 0.000
Fritzke, L SC57 1.75 0.250 0.313 2.250 0.000 3.136 0.000
Friesen, P RA 2.00 0.571 0.231 3.857 1.286 1.694 0.000
Brons, M SKC 2.10 0.150 0.323 1.350 0.000 4.507 0.000
Sparks, C SKC 2.63 1.250 0.241 5.625 5.625 3.656 0.000
Erixon, K SKC 3.00 0.571 0.172 0.000 5.143 2.562 0.000
Solie, D RGWP 3.50 1.333 0.304 9.000 3.000 4.353 0.000
Jacobson, R SC57 3.50 1.167 0.346 6.000 4.500 6.722 0.000
Campbell, L SG 3.71 0.882 0.333 4.765 3.176 8.659 0.000
Cleggett, J WSX 3.82 0.818 0.297 3.682 3.682 5.963 0.000
Logan, B RA 3.94 1.688 0.350 10.125 5.063 5.887 0.000
Alexandre, B SC57 4.20 1.400 0.350 7.200 5.400 7.738 0.000
Hom, J RGWP 4.50 1.071 0.238 5.786 3.857 4.629 0.000
Edmands, D WSX 4.57 1.174 0.269 8.217 2.348 4.721 0.000
McWillie, T MRS 4.67 1.833 0.462 16.500 0.000 1.953 0.000
Appel, T SG 4.67 1.500 0.321 9.000 4.500 8.699 0.000
Pollon, Z WSX 5.04 1.080 0.361 7.560 2.160 7.691 0.000
Frey, J SKC 5.83 1.833 0.280 7.500 9.000 7.657 0.000
Rain, C SG 6.18 0.882 0.423 4.765 3.176 11.11 0.000
Cherry, C SDB 6.30 0.900 0.500 5.400 2.700 14.845 0.000
Malainey, J SDB 7.00 0.667 0.412 0.000 6.000 16.202 0.000
Wouters, T SDB 7.64 1.364 0.167 7.364 4.909 1.955 0.000
McGrath, M MRS 8.08 0.923 0.500 4.154 4.154 20.981 0.000
Jerome, P RA 9.88 0.706 0.464 3.176 3.176 12.006 0.000
Marianchuk, R MRS 14.70 2.100 0.273 2.700 16.200 14.681 0.000
Jeworski, Q RA 15.75 0.500 0.462 2.250 2.250 20.768 0.000