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Playoffs 2010 - Stats

Statistics: Batting | Pitching | Fielding | Team Batting Totals | Team Pitching Totals | Team Fielding Totals

Pitching Stats

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ERA - Minimum inning(s) pitched per team game - .8  

Player Team ERA PFR BIPA K/9 BB/9 ERC FPS%
GĂ©linas, K Quebec 0.00 1.000 0.302 9.000 0.000 1.453 0.746
Lluberes, R Pittsfield 0.00 1.565 0.000 7.043 7.043 .403 0.690
Rusch, M Quebec 0.00 1.350 0.286 12.150 0.000 .568 0.739
Kennedy, J Brockton 0.00 0.833 0.294 7.500 0.000 1.595 0.636
Ortiz, F Brockton 0.00 1.615 0.350 8.308 6.231 8.128 0.750
Hicks, R New Jersey 0.00 2.100 0.000 16.200 2.700 -.412 0.455
Hertzler, B Brockton 0.00 0.600 0.000 5.400 0.000 -.56 0.700
Cruz, R Pittsfield 1.17 1.174 0.208 7.043 3.522 2.122 0.467
Pavlik, I New Jersey 2.35 0.391 0.185 2.348 1.174 2.271 0.700
Cate, T Quebec 2.70 0.600 0.217 4.050 1.350 2.418 0.358
Qualben, D Pittsfield 3.55 1.263 0.238 8.526 2.842 3.202 0.509
Sausville, D Quebec 3.68 0.545 0.179 2.455 2.455 1.423 0.567
Simard, M Quebec 3.77 0.907 0.216 5.651 2.512 3.118 0.700
Zaleski, K Pittsfield 4.85 0.692 0.267 4.846 1.385 3.88 0.704
Miller, J New Jersey 5.06 0.750 0.300 5.063 1.688 3.517 0.682
Flores, F Brockton 7.94 1.059 0.294 7.941 1.588 7.093 0.792
Smith, M Brockton 8.22 0.783 0.364 4.696 2.348 6.309 0.649
Moran, P Pittsfield 9.72 1.320 0.296 8.640 3.240 8.982 0.658
Wideman, A New Jersey 13.50 0.250 0.391 0.000 2.250 10.294 0.727
Wlodarczyk, M Brockton 13.50 1.200 0.308 8.100 2.700 25.937 0.947