
Great West League

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Summer 2018 - Stats

Statistics: Batting | Pitching | Fielding | Team Batting Totals | Team Pitching Totals | Team Fielding Totals

Batting Stats

Batting Stats | Expanded Batting Stats | Sabermetric Batting Stats     [Filter By: Last 7 days | Last 30 days ]

AVG - Minimum of plate appearances per team game - 2.7  

Hicks, M KFG IF .396 1.138 .635 .503 195
Stewart, B CHI OF .382 .922 .443 .479 165
Starick, J LIN OF .355 1.054 .559 .495 196
Phillips, P CHI C .354 .887 .471 .416 219
Debaca, J CHI IF .352 .973 .524 .449 178
Yamada, K KFG OF .350 .940 .429 .511 189
Carder, C MED OF .349 .979 .543 .436 221
Frith, T CHI OF .340 .832 .415 .417 172
Middleton, C LIN OF .340 1.043 .592 .451 184
Ahlstrom, T MED OF .338 1.037 .556 .481 185
Branch, W CHI IF .328 .882 .423 .459 172
Kasper, R MED OF .324 .852 .449 .403 206
Winkler, J YS IF .308 .759 .390 .369 195
Foster, B KFG IF .308 .739 .390 .349 217
Lemmel, C CHI OF .306 .926 .544 .382 225
Patterson, Z LIN IF .302 .859 .436 .423 183
Clifford, B YS OF .301 .833 .449 .384 254
Meggs, A CHI IF .292 .773 .401 .372 224
Morley, B LIN OF .290 .985 .570 .415 248
Fonseca, L LIN IF .290 .781 .359 .422 163
McIntyre, J MED OF .289 .875 .472 .403 197
Crouch, A CHI P .289 .775 .378 .397 222
Baumgartner, B MED IF .287 .911 .470 .441 153
Law, W LIN IF .273 1.006 .584 .422 206
Kimura, M CHI IF .270 .674 .289 .385 187
Danielson, T KFG IF .264 .772 .421 .351 185
Turnbull, J KFG IF .218 .639 .282 .357 155