
Western Canadian Baseball League

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Summer Playoffs 2021 - Stats

Statistics: Batting | Pitching | Fielding | Team Batting Totals | Team Pitching Totals | Team Fielding Totals

Pitching Stats

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ERA - Minimum inning(s) pitched per team game - .8  

Player Team ERA PFR BIPA K/9 BB/9 ERC FPS%
Anderson, J LETH 0.00 1.222 0.120 8.000 3.000 .355 0.000
McWillie, T SLG 0.00 2.000 0.182 16.500 1.500 .011 0.000
Arnold, J SLG 0.00 1.667 0.091 9.000 6.000 .878 0.000
Hendriks, C OKOB 0.00 1.500 0.500 6.750 6.750 26.863 0.000
Tocheniuk, Q OKOB 0.00 1.000 0.250 9.000 0.000 1.451 0.000
Boudreau, T SLG 1.29 1.000 0.208 6.429 2.571 2.017 0.000
Kamenjasevic, S EDM 2.25 1.875 0.304 14.625 2.250 2.102 0.000
Goodwin, B LETH 2.25 0.875 0.280 6.750 1.125 1.873 0.000
Fraser, B LETH 2.46 1.227 0.244 9.205 1.841 1.565 0.000
Tymochko, J EDM 3.00 1.167 0.318 7.500 3.000 3.909 0.000
Hindmarsh, C OKOB 3.60 0.800 0.211 3.600 3.600 2.314 0.000
Poapst, K LETH 8.10 1.500 0.188 2.700 10.800 8.369 0.000
Gillespie, S EDM 8.31 0.923 0.333 4.154 4.154 7.118 0.000
Moffat, J EDM 15.75 2.250 0.333 15.750 4.500 6.642 0.000
Grabmann, M OKOB 21.60 2.400 0.333 16.200 5.400 10.62 0.000