
Northwoods League

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Northwoods 2016 - Stats

Statistics: Batting | Pitching | Fielding | Team Batting Totals | Team Pitching Totals | Team Fielding Totals

Team Total Stats

WRP 0.981 1892 749 50 2691
LAK 0.973 1934 800 76 2810
MAN 0.971 1911 789 80 2780
WIS 0.970 1831 692 78 2601
EC 0.969 1899 720 84 2703
TB 0.966 1842 711 89 2642
BC 0.965 1795 673 90 2558
LAC 0.964 1861 770 99 2730
KEN 0.963 1852 777 100 2729
KAZ 0.963 1866 777 101 2744
MAD 0.963 1852 729 99 2680
STC 0.962 1873 704 102 2679
RFD 0.962 1894 759 105 2758
WAT 0.960 1902 739 110 2751
DUL 0.959 1897 756 113 2766
ROC 0.957 1845 697 114 2656
WIL 0.957 1894 741 119 2754
GB 0.955 1828 661 118 2607