
Northwoods League

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Northwoods 2016 - Stats

Statistics: Batting | Pitching | Fielding | Team Batting Totals | Team Pitching Totals | Team Fielding Totals

Pitching Stats

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ERA - Minimum inning(s) pitched per team game - .8  

Player Team ERA PFR BIPA K/9 BB/9 ERC FPS%
Lind, L GB 1.51 1.223 0.191 8.145 2.866 1.973 0.639
Strall, C STC 1.53 1.091 0.229 7.057 2.761 2.826 0.616
Kasowski, M LAK 1.56 1.721 0.236 12.363 3.126 1.84 0.574
Cooper, C WRP 2.03 0.919 0.236 5.931 2.341 2.493 0.650
Pellien, D KAZ 2.11 1.266 0.253 8.794 2.601 2.226 0.601
Raquet, N LAC 2.23 1.423 0.250 8.629 4.175 3.284 0.618
Digrugilliers, R MAN 2.31 0.882 0.208 5.487 2.455 1.888 0.656
Boushley, C EC 2.95 0.885 0.284 6.934 1.033 2.493 0.697
Sency, S BC 3.27 1.200 0.307 7.958 2.842 4.83 0.649
Stroh, G WRP 3.60 1.133 0.296 8.250 1.950 3.975 0.670
Wright, C RFD 3.64 0.731 0.255 3.358 3.218 4.44 0.580
Solano, B WAT 3.78 0.890 0.296 5.835 2.174 4.577 0.639
Parker, S WIS 3.86 0.798 0.300 4.788 2.394 4.066 0.605
Crescentini, J WAT 4.24 1.103 0.272 5.956 3.971 5.137 0.588
Tapani, R DUL 4.26 0.962 0.248 4.989 3.668 4.616 0.649
Robison, D RFD 4.48 1.152 0.270 6.398 3.967 4.527 0.570
Boyle, P WAT 4.53 1.040 0.246 4.682 4.682 5.249 0.645
Peters, J WRP 4.63 1.200 0.246 7.560 3.240 4.465 0.659
Erickson, C KEN 4.63 1.103 0.247 6.882 3.044 3.704 0.636
Kay, G TB 4.65 1.067 0.275 6.000 3.600 5.912 0.613
Aring, Z RFD 4.72 1.131 0.341 7.967 2.213 5.157 0.711
Hecht, C KEN 5.75 1.049 0.321 6.344 3.098 6.05 0.677