
Cape Cod Baseball League

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CCBL 2017 - Transactions

Date Team  
08/03/17 Orleans Firebirds Gonzalez, Romy released
08/03/17 Wareham Gatemen Johnston, Ben activated
08/03/17 Wareham Gatemen Johnston, Ben signed
08/03/17 Wareham Gatemen Feole, Mason released
08/02/17 Brewster Whitecaps McDonald, Shane activated
08/02/17 Brewster Whitecaps McDonald, Shane signed
08/02/17 Bourne Braves Skolnicki, Jared activated
08/02/17 Bourne Braves Skolnicki, Jared signed
08/02/17 Bourne Braves Feltner, Ryan released
08/02/17 Falmouth Commodores Murphy, Matthew activated
08/02/17 Falmouth Commodores Murphy, Matthew signed
08/02/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox Haus, Edward activated
08/02/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox McKenna, Alex released
08/01/17 Wareham Gatemen Taveras, Randy activated
08/01/17 Wareham Gatemen Taveras, Randy signed
08/01/17 Wareham Gatemen Dingcong, Giovanni activated
08/01/17 Wareham Gatemen Dingcong, Giovanni signed
08/01/17 Wareham Gatemen Drpich, Joe activated
08/01/17 Wareham Gatemen Drpich, Joe signed
08/01/17 Wareham Gatemen White, Brendan activated
08/01/17 Wareham Gatemen White, Brendan signed
08/01/17 Hyannis Harbor Hawks Herrera, Ismael activated
08/01/17 Hyannis Harbor Hawks Kernan, Kevin activated
08/01/17 Hyannis Harbor Hawks Herrera, Ismael signed
08/01/17 Hyannis Harbor Hawks Kernan, Kevin signed
08/01/17 Bourne Braves Whitney, Blake activated
08/01/17 Bourne Braves Whitney, Blake signed
08/01/17 Hyannis Harbor Hawks Larrison, Ethan released
08/01/17 Hyannis Harbor Hawks Weiss, Ryan released
08/01/17 Brewster Whitecaps Walker, Steele released
08/01/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox Teller, Brent activated
08/01/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox Bubic, Kris released
08/01/17 Falmouth Commodores Fowler, Chris activated
08/01/17 Falmouth Commodores Fowler, Chris signed
08/01/17 Wareham Gatemen Ragins, Darrien activated
08/01/17 Wareham Gatemen Ragins, Darrien signed
08/01/17 Wareham Gatemen Dodson, Tanner released
07/31/17 Bourne Braves Sundahl, Baylor activated
07/31/17 Bourne Braves Sundahl, Baylor signed
07/31/17 Falmouth Commodores Feltman, Durbin released
07/31/17 Falmouth Commodores Blohm, Tyler released
07/31/17 Hyannis Harbor Hawks Dey, Griffin activated
07/31/17 Hyannis Harbor Hawks Dey, Griffin signed
07/31/17 Wareham Gatemen Murphy, John activated
07/31/17 Wareham Gatemen Murphy, John signed
07/30/17 Cotuit Kettleers Schoch, Stephen activated
07/30/17 Cotuit Kettleers Schoch, Stephen signed
07/30/17 Hyannis Harbor Hawks Sanderson, Blake activated
07/30/17 Hyannis Harbor Hawks Sanderson, Blake signed
07/30/17 Wareham Gatemen Weiss, Chris activated
07/30/17 Wareham Gatemen Weiss, Chris signed
07/30/17 Wareham Gatemen Angelini, Nick released
07/30/17 Falmouth Commodores Leckich, Ryan activated
07/30/17 Falmouth Commodores Leckich, Ryan signed
07/30/17 Bourne Braves Nelson, Jack activated
07/30/17 Bourne Braves Nelson, Jack signed
07/29/17 Wareham Gatemen Pompey, Tristan released
07/29/17 Wareham Gatemen Fassnacht, Nate released
07/29/17 Hyannis Harbor Hawks Sullivan, Joseph activated
07/29/17 Hyannis Harbor Hawks Sullivan, Joseph signed
07/29/17 Hyannis Harbor Hawks Johnson, MD released
07/29/17 Falmouth Commodores Miller, Mitchell released
07/29/17 Bourne Braves Rossomando, Ronnie released
07/28/17 Bourne Braves Martin, Kyle activated
07/28/17 Bourne Braves Martin, Kyle signed
07/28/17 Falmouth Commodores Mercer, Matt released
07/28/17 Bourne Braves Hess, Zack released
07/28/17 Bourne Braves Alvarado, Luis released
07/28/17 Cotuit Kettleers Moclair, Mark activated
07/28/17 Cotuit Kettleers Moclair, Mark signed
07/28/17 Cotuit Kettleers Andrews, Joshua activated
07/28/17 Cotuit Kettleers Andrews, Joshua signed
07/27/17 Orleans Firebirds Thompson, Riley released
07/27/17 Wareham Gatemen Roberts, Griffin released
07/27/17 Brewster Whitecaps Miller, Troy activated
07/27/17 Brewster Whitecaps Miller, Troy signed
07/26/17 Brewster Whitecaps Avidano, Ryan released
07/26/17 Brewster Whitecaps Cyr, Ryan activated
07/26/17 Brewster Whitecaps Cyr, Ryan signed
07/26/17 Brewster Whitecaps McNamara, Conor activated
07/26/17 Brewster Whitecaps McNamara, Conor signed
07/26/17 Hyannis Harbor Hawks Mangum, Jake released
07/26/17 Hyannis Harbor Hawks Neustrom, Robert released
07/25/17 Brewster Whitecaps Schneider, Zach activated
07/25/17 Brewster Whitecaps Schneider, Zach signed
07/25/17 Falmouth Commodores Bradish, Kyle released
07/25/17 Bourne Braves Eierman, Jeremy released
07/25/17 Bourne Braves Prato, Anthony signed
07/25/17 Bourne Braves Prato, Anthony activated
07/24/17 Brewster Whitecaps Jones, Stephen released
07/24/17 Wareham Gatemen Matulovich, Joey released
07/24/17 Wareham Gatemen Bonfield, Luke released
07/24/17 Brewster Whitecaps Daniel, Davis released
07/23/17 Cotuit Kettleers Hooper, Justin released
07/23/17 Brewster Whitecaps Broom, Robert released
07/23/17 Bourne Braves Bennett, Nick released
07/23/17 Hyannis Harbor Hawks Russo, Thomas activated
07/23/17 Hyannis Harbor Hawks Russo, Thomas signed
07/23/17 Harwich Mariners McCarthy, Jake activated
07/23/17 Harwich Mariners Alford, Peyton activated
07/22/17 Orleans Firebirds Shearer, Brandon activated
07/22/17 Orleans Firebirds Shearer, Brandon signed
07/22/17 Hyannis Harbor Hawks Burns, Wyatt released
07/22/17 Harwich Mariners Alford, Peyton signed
07/20/17 Cotuit Kettleers Davis, Noah released
07/20/17 Hyannis Harbor Hawks Stewart, Marc activated
07/20/17 Hyannis Harbor Hawks Stewart, Marc signed
07/20/17 Chatham Anglers Lasko, Justin signed
07/20/17 Chatham Anglers Baker, Kyle signed
07/20/17 Falmouth Commodores Corbin, Luke activated
07/20/17 Falmouth Commodores Corbin, Luke signed
07/20/17 Falmouth Commodores Shelton, Cody activated
07/20/17 Falmouth Commodores Shelton, Cody signed
07/20/17 Falmouth Commodores Feeney, Dalton released
07/19/17 Hyannis Harbor Hawks Crawford, Brooks released
07/19/17 Falmouth Commodores Politz, Scott released
07/19/17 Bourne Braves Eierman, Jeremy activated
07/19/17 Bourne Braves Brickhouse, Spencer released
07/18/17 Brewster Whitecaps Walker, Steele activated
07/18/17 Falmouth Commodores Pabich, Jack activated
07/18/17 Falmouth Commodores Pabich, Jack signed
07/18/17 Hyannis Harbor Hawks Frank, Tyler activated
07/18/17 Hyannis Harbor Hawks Vaughn, Tyler activated
07/18/17 Hyannis Harbor Hawks Vaughn, Tyler signed
07/17/17 Wareham Gatemen Loseke, Barrett activated
07/17/17 Wareham Gatemen Loseke, Barrett signed
07/17/17 Wareham Gatemen Hogan, Miller released
07/17/17 Harwich Mariners Bart, Joey released
07/17/17 Orleans Firebirds Mann, Devin released
07/16/17 Chatham Anglers Bishop, Cameron released
07/16/17 Chatham Anglers Olson, Jacob released
07/14/17 Brewster Whitecaps Reveno, Drew activated
07/14/17 Brewster Whitecaps Reveno, Drew signed
07/14/17 Bourne Braves Simpler, Ryan activated
07/14/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox Martin, Cody activated
07/14/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox Cottam, Kole released
07/14/17 Falmouth Commodores Liput, Deacon released
07/14/17 Bourne Braves Gaither, Ray released
07/13/17 Falmouth Commodores Fuentes, Israel activated
07/13/17 Falmouth Commodores Fuentes, Israel signed
07/13/17 Hyannis Harbor Hawks Leonard, Reid released
07/13/17 Hyannis Harbor Hawks Drury, Austin released
07/13/17 Falmouth Commodores Ponticelli, Thomas released
07/12/17 Chatham Anglers Ralat, Antonio signed
07/12/17 Chatham Anglers Palomaki, Jake signed
07/12/17 Chatham Anglers Stevens, Jacob signed
07/12/17 Chatham Anglers Freure, RJ signed
07/12/17 Bourne Braves Williams, Grant signed
07/12/17 Bourne Braves Radziewicz, Kevin signed
07/12/17 Bourne Braves Palacios, Richard signed
07/12/17 Bourne Braves Poulin, PJ signed
07/12/17 Bourne Braves Marman, Kyle signed
07/12/17 Bourne Braves Leland, Sean signed
07/12/17 Bourne Braves Johnson, Nick signed
07/12/17 Bourne Braves Eichhorn, Brian signed
07/12/17 Falmouth Commodores Bechina, Marty signed
07/12/17 Falmouth Commodores Breaux, Joshua signed
07/12/17 Falmouth Commodores Daniel, Clayton signed
07/12/17 Falmouth Commodores ONeill, Cameron signed
07/11/17 Cotuit Kettleers Byrne, Michael activated
07/11/17 Cotuit Kettleers Reese, Blake released
07/11/17 Cotuit Kettleers Inman, David released
07/11/17 Harwich Mariners Moniot, Travis released
07/11/17 Brewster Whitecaps Jones, Stephen activated
07/11/17 Falmouth Commodores Burger, Willie released
07/11/17 Falmouth Commodores Politz, Scott signed
07/11/17 Falmouth Commodores Koch, Ian signed
07/11/17 Bourne Braves Kraus, Eli activated
07/11/17 Falmouth Commodores Langworthy, Austin activated
07/11/17 Falmouth Commodores Bradish, Kyle signed
07/11/17 Hyannis Harbor Hawks Trejo, Cesar activated
07/11/17 Hyannis Harbor Hawks Trejo, Cesar signed
07/10/17 Brewster Whitecaps McDermott, J.R. released
07/10/17 Brewster Whitecaps Trejo, Cesar released
07/10/17 Brewster Whitecaps Higgins, Connor released
07/10/17 Hyannis Harbor Hawks Murphy, Cole released
07/10/17 Wareham Gatemen Smith, Cody activated
07/10/17 Brewster Whitecaps Spooner, Bradley activated
07/10/17 Wareham Gatemen Smith, Cody signed
07/10/17 Wareham Gatemen Culbertson, Peyton released
07/10/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox Slaughter, Jake activated
07/10/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox Harris, Hogan released
07/10/17 Harwich Mariners India, Jonathan activated
07/10/17 Harwich Mariners Reid, Zach released
07/10/17 Cotuit Kettleers Stallings, Mitch activated
07/09/17 Cotuit Kettleers King, Dylan released
07/09/17 Bourne Braves Coleman, Dylan released
07/09/17 Bourne Braves Hess, Zack activated
07/09/17 Falmouth Commodores Liput, Deacon activated
07/09/17 Chatham Anglers Aiello, John activated
07/08/17 Brewster Whitecaps Beck, Matthew activated
07/08/17 Brewster Whitecaps Machamer, Christopher released
07/08/17 Harwich Mariners Browning, Logan activated
07/08/17 Hyannis Harbor Hawks Burns, Wyatt signed
07/07/17 Orleans Firebirds Smith, Kevin released
07/07/17 Falmouth Commodores Dodson, Zeke released
07/07/17 Chatham Anglers Kay, Landon activated
07/07/17 Chatham Anglers Nabholz, Eli released
07/07/17 Chatham Anglers Hill, Adam released
07/07/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox Trainor, Darren activated
07/07/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox Johnson, Cooper released
07/07/17 Harwich Mariners Smith, Josh activated
07/07/17 Harwich Mariners Duplantis, Antoine activated
07/06/17 Brewster Whitecaps Spooner, Bradley signed
07/06/17 Wareham Gatemen Hernandez, Aaron activated
07/06/17 Wareham Gatemen Glover, Justin released
07/06/17 Cotuit Kettleers Reese, Blake activated
07/06/17 Cotuit Kettleers Scott, Adam released
07/06/17 Harwich Mariners Grove, Dylan released
07/06/17 Harwich Mariners Murray, Kyler released
07/06/17 Harwich Mariners Browning, Logan signed
07/05/17 Hyannis Harbor Hawks Haney, Chase released
07/05/17 Falmouth Commodores Feltman, Durbin activated
07/05/17 Falmouth Commodores Solomon, Lee released
07/05/17 Harwich Mariners Bart, Joey activated
07/04/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox Quezada, Andrew activated
07/04/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox Depreta-Johnson, Tyler released
07/04/17 Bourne Braves Brown, Turner released
07/04/17 Hyannis Harbor Hawks Rigby, Ryan activated
07/04/17 Hyannis Harbor Hawks Rigby, Ryan signed
07/04/17 Hyannis Harbor Hawks Harrington, James activated
07/04/17 Hyannis Harbor Hawks Harrington, James signed
07/03/17 Wareham Gatemen Ryan, Andrew released
07/03/17 Wareham Gatemen Britton, Jordan activated
07/03/17 Harwich Mariners Williams-Sutton, Dwanya released
07/03/17 Harwich Mariners Farrell, Jake released
07/03/17 Bourne Braves Holba, Christopher released
07/03/17 Bourne Braves Crane, Andrew activated
07/03/17 Wareham Gatemen Roach, Dalton activated
07/03/17 Hyannis Harbor Hawks Julylia, Dakota released
07/03/17 Falmouth Commodores Watson, Joshua activated
07/03/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox Wloczewski, Jacob activated
07/02/17 Brewster Whitecaps Schuler, Pete released
07/02/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox Davis, Jonah released
07/02/17 Cotuit Kettleers Lehman, Taylor activated
07/02/17 Cotuit Kettleers Gibson, Keyton released
07/02/17 Brewster Whitecaps Infante, Julian activated
07/02/17 Chatham Anglers Wolf, Adam activated
07/02/17 Chatham Anglers Artis, DJ released
07/02/17 Hyannis Harbor Hawks Drury, Austin activated
07/02/17 Hyannis Harbor Hawks Drury, Austin signed
07/02/17 Hyannis Harbor Hawks Stallings, Brandt released
07/02/17 Bourne Braves Mort, Zach released
07/02/17 Bourne Braves Hoeing, Bryan activated
07/02/17 Wareham Gatemen Kwan, Steven activated
07/01/17 Orleans Firebirds Hale, Austin signed
07/01/17 Orleans Firebirds Groshans, Jaxx signed
07/01/17 Orleans Firebirds Gonzalez, Romy signed
07/01/17 Orleans Firebirds Wilson, Brooks signed
07/01/17 Orleans Firebirds Hintzen, JT signed
07/01/17 Orleans Firebirds Sugg, Taylor signed
07/01/17 Orleans Firebirds Kelly, Parker signed
07/01/17 Orleans Firebirds Austin, Cole released
07/01/17 Orleans Firebirds Thompson, Riley activated
07/01/17 Falmouth Commodores Eason, Connor released
07/01/17 Wareham Gatemen Brown, Blakely released
07/01/17 Chatham Anglers Stowers, Josh activated
07/01/17 Chatham Anglers Casey, Donovan released
07/01/17 Bourne Braves Bennett, Nick activated
06/30/17 Hyannis Harbor Hawks Martinson, Jordan activated
06/30/17 Hyannis Harbor Hawks Martinson, Jordan signed
06/30/17 Falmouth Commodores Larnach, Trevor activated
06/30/17 Falmouth Commodores Rutschman, Adley activated
06/30/17 Falmouth Commodores Sands, Cole activated
06/30/17 Falmouth Commodores Leban, Zachary activated
06/30/17 Brewster Whitecaps Pagnozzi, Andrew released
06/30/17 Brewster Whitecaps Linginfelter, Zach released
06/30/17 Brewster Whitecaps Bordner, Sam activated
06/30/17 Bourne Braves Alu, Jake released
06/30/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox Mendoza, Drew activated
06/29/17 Orleans Firebirds Mann, Devin activated
06/29/17 Wareham Gatemen Shadid, Andrew released
06/29/17 Falmouth Commodores Gubelman, Jordan released
06/29/17 Chatham Anglers Bishop, Cameron activated
06/29/17 Chatham Anglers Hedrick, Ryan released
06/29/17 Bourne Braves Fitzgerald, Tyler activated
06/29/17 Bourne Braves Gaither, Ray activated
06/29/17 Bourne Braves Atwood, Andy activated
06/28/17 Hyannis Harbor Hawks Stephens, Connor released
06/28/17 Hyannis Harbor Hawks Swan, Nick released
06/28/17 Bourne Braves Henry, Carter released
06/28/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox Johnson, Cooper activated
06/28/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox DeRenzo, Domenic released
06/28/17 Wareham Gatemen Conine, Brett activated
06/28/17 Wareham Gatemen Bartow, Frankie released
06/27/17 Falmouth Commodores Janca, Ignacious activated
06/27/17 Brewster Whitecaps Gahagan, Zack activated
06/27/17 Falmouth Commodores Biggar, Austin released
06/27/17 Bourne Braves Miller, Ian released
06/27/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox Amaral, Daniel released
06/27/17 Hyannis Harbor Hawks Haney, Chase activated
06/27/17 Bourne Braves Kraus, Eli released
06/27/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox Terzi, Troy released
06/27/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox Gallagher, Nick activated
06/27/17 Chatham Anglers Lienhard, Joseph activated
06/27/17 Chatham Anglers Titus, Jimmy released
06/27/17 Harwich Mariners Billingsley, Jacob activated
06/27/17 Harwich Mariners Powers, Mitchell released
06/26/17 Brewster Whitecaps Williams, Taylor released
06/26/17 Bourne Braves McRae, Logan released
06/25/17 Cotuit Kettleers Bigras, Mitchell released
06/25/17 Chatham Anglers Hutchison Jr., Rodney activated
06/25/17 Chatham Anglers Bergner, Austin activated
06/25/17 Chatham Anglers Edens, Austin released
06/25/17 Chatham Anglers Burrup, Bo released
06/24/17 Orleans Firebirds Rolison, Ryan activated
06/24/17 Orleans Firebirds Goddard, Jackson released
06/24/17 Harwich Mariners Agnos, Jake activated
06/24/17 Harwich Mariners Dana, Cullen activated
06/24/17 Chatham Anglers Belge, Jeff activated
06/23/17 Orleans Firebirds Day, Chandler activated
06/23/17 Orleans Firebirds Johnson, Cooper released
06/23/17 Hyannis Harbor Hawks Mervis, Matthew released
06/23/17 Brewster Whitecaps Daniel, Davis activated
06/23/17 Orleans Firebirds Decolati, Niko activated
06/23/17 Orleans Firebirds Orr, Ryan released
06/23/17 Wareham Gatemen Pompey, Tristan activated
06/23/17 Wareham Gatemen Hagenman, Justin released
06/23/17 Wareham Gatemen Kasser, Kyle activated
06/23/17 Wareham Gatemen Lockridge, Brandon released
06/23/17 Bourne Braves Barss, Tyler released
06/23/17 Bourne Braves La Bounty, Drew released
06/23/17 Chatham Anglers Casey, Donovan activated
06/23/17 Chatham Anglers Luciani, Taylor released
06/23/17 Chatham Anglers Silva, Nick released
06/23/17 Harwich Mariners Song, Noah released
06/22/17 Orleans Firebirds Wilson, Brooks activated
06/22/17 Cotuit Kettleers Avant, Chandler activated
06/22/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox Rivas, Alfonso activated
06/22/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox Beauchamp, Cameron released
06/22/17 Chatham Anglers Pallante, Andre activated
06/22/17 Chatham Anglers Lasko, Justin released
06/22/17 Falmouth Commodores Wickham, Dale released
06/22/17 Falmouth Commodores Bitar, Ellis released
06/22/17 Falmouth Commodores McGowan, Jacson released
06/21/17 Cotuit Kettleers Thomas, Ako released
06/21/17 Wareham Gatemen Duran, Jarren activated
06/21/17 Wareham Gatemen Gates, Riley activated
06/21/17 Wareham Gatemen Olson, Ben released
06/21/17 Wareham Gatemen Knauth, Kyle released
06/21/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox Kauffmann, Karl activated
06/21/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox Quintana, Nicholas activated
06/21/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox Crawford, Jake released
06/21/17 Falmouth Commodores Adams, Derrick activated
06/21/17 Cotuit Kettleers Inman, David activated
06/21/17 Cotuit Kettleers Rapp, Brian activated
06/20/17 Cotuit Kettleers Toglia, Michael activated
06/20/17 Cotuit Kettleers Gardner, Daniel released
06/20/17 Cotuit Kettleers Shilling, Luke released
06/20/17 Hyannis Harbor Hawks Johnson, MD activated
06/20/17 Hyannis Harbor Hawks Barlow, Trysten activated
06/20/17 Hyannis Harbor Hawks Frank, Tyler placed on inactive list
06/20/17 Falmouth Commodores McFadden, Parker released
06/20/17 Brewster Whitecaps Bishop, Hunter activated
06/20/17 Wareham Gatemen Roberts, Griffin activated
06/20/17 Wareham Gatemen Nepiarsky, Samuel released
06/20/17 Chatham Anglers Hill, Adam activated
06/20/17 Chatham Anglers Brennan, Bobby released
06/20/17 Chatham Anglers McGee, Ashton activated
06/19/17 Falmouth Commodores Gadsby, Brian activated
06/19/17 Falmouth Commodores Steinmetz, Hunter activated
06/19/17 Orleans Firebirds Kelly, Parker activated
06/19/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox Amaral, Daniel activated
06/19/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox Kaiser, Connor activated
06/19/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox kinamon, duke released
06/19/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox Concannon, Charlie released
06/19/17 Chatham Anglers Langeliers, Shea activated
06/19/17 Chatham Anglers Hammer, Dan activated
06/19/17 Chatham Anglers Signore, John released
06/19/17 Hyannis Harbor Hawks Gilliam, Ryley placed on inactive list
06/19/17 Hyannis Harbor Hawks Mangum, Jake activated
06/19/17 Hyannis Harbor Hawks Stovall, Hunter activated
06/19/17 Brewster Whitecaps Pruitt, Cj released
06/18/17 Wareham Gatemen Hogan, Miller activated
06/18/17 Wareham Gatemen Case, Brad released
06/18/17 Brewster Whitecaps Machamer, Christopher activated
06/18/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox Cottam, Kole released
06/18/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox Miller, Luke activated
06/18/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox McKenna, Alex activated
06/18/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox Bubic, Kris activated
06/18/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox Schuermann, Grant released
06/18/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox Sharpe, Christopher released
06/18/17 Harwich Mariners Grove, Dylan activated
06/18/17 Harwich Mariners Baum, Tyler activated
06/18/17 Harwich Mariners Miller, Owen released
06/18/17 Harwich Mariners Vallimont, Chris released
06/18/17 Chatham Anglers Signore, John activated
06/18/17 Cotuit Kettleers Davis, Noah activated
06/18/17 Cotuit Kettleers Alexander, Luke activated
06/18/17 Cotuit Kettleers Hooper, Justin activated
06/18/17 Cotuit Kettleers Turner, Andrew released
06/18/17 Cotuit Kettleers Erickson, Jacob released
06/18/17 Cotuit Kettleers Egly, Harrisen released
06/17/17 Orleans Firebirds Daniels, Brett activated
06/17/17 Orleans Firebirds Cropper, Canaan released
06/17/17 Wareham Gatemen Zech, Garrett released
06/17/17 Wareham Gatemen Amendola, John released
06/17/17 Falmouth Commodores Mercer, Matt activated
06/17/17 Brewster Whitecaps Dunn, Nicholas activated
06/17/17 Brewster Whitecaps Datres, Kyle activated
06/17/17 Brewster Whitecaps Costes, Martin activated
06/17/17 Brewster Whitecaps Prato, Anthony released
06/17/17 Brewster Whitecaps Givin, Chris released
06/17/17 Brewster Whitecaps Dixon, Troy released
06/17/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox Cottam, Kole activated
06/17/17 Brewster Whitecaps Milto, Paul activated
06/17/17 Brewster Whitecaps Stiever, Jonathan activated
06/17/17 Chatham Anglers Stevens, Jacob activated
06/17/17 Chatham Anglers Roberts, Cody activated
06/17/17 Harwich Mariners Frisbee, Matthew activated
06/17/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox Blum, Karl activated
06/16/17 Orleans Firebirds Salazar, Cesar activated
06/16/17 Orleans Firebirds Scott, Stephen activated
06/16/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox kinamon, duke activated
06/16/17 Chatham Anglers Maiola, Colby released
06/16/17 Chatham Anglers Mazza, John released
06/16/17 Brewster Whitecaps Swaggerty, Travis activated
06/16/17 Cotuit Kettleers Gonzalez, Ivan activated
06/16/17 Cotuit Kettleers Lewis, Miles activated
06/16/17 Cotuit Kettleers Hanson, Alex released
06/16/17 Cotuit Kettleers Rolette, Josh released
06/16/17 Harwich Mariners Burt, Max activated
06/16/17 Orleans Firebirds Paul, Ethan activated
06/16/17 Orleans Firebirds Grand Pre, Preston released
06/15/17 Brewster Whitecaps Givin, Chris activated
06/15/17 Brewster Whitecaps Walker, Steele activated
06/15/17 Brewster Whitecaps Datres, Kyle placed on inactive list
06/15/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox MCCARTY, AUBREY released
06/15/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox POPE, BRETT released
06/15/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox Stock, Dylan released
06/15/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox Hoerner, Nico activated
06/15/17 Chatham Anglers Luciani, Taylor activated
06/15/17 Harwich Mariners Murray, Kyler activated
06/15/17 Harwich Mariners Hansen, Austin activated
06/15/17 Falmouth Commodores Solomon, Lee activated
06/15/17 Falmouth Commodores Breaux, Joshua activated
06/14/17 Cotuit Kettleers Cresto, John activated
06/14/17 Cotuit Kettleers Gibson, Keyton activated
06/14/17 Cotuit Kettleers Fleischer, Collin released
06/14/17 Cotuit Kettleers Pita, Matthew released
06/14/17 Falmouth Commodores Wickham, Dale activated
06/14/17 Falmouth Commodores ONeill, Cameron activated
06/14/17 Falmouth Commodores McGowan, Jacson activated
06/14/17 Falmouth Commodores Dodson, Zeke activated
06/14/17 Falmouth Commodores Davidson, Logan activated
06/14/17 Falmouth Commodores Daniel, Clayton activated
06/14/17 Falmouth Commodores Burger, Willie activated
06/14/17 Falmouth Commodores Bohm, Alec activated
06/14/17 Falmouth Commodores Bitar, Ellis activated
06/14/17 Falmouth Commodores Biggar, Austin activated
06/14/17 Falmouth Commodores Bechina, Marty activated
06/14/17 Falmouth Commodores Zeferjahn, Ryan activated
06/14/17 Falmouth Commodores Ponticelli, Thomas activated
06/14/17 Falmouth Commodores Politz, Scott activated
06/14/17 Falmouth Commodores Peto, Robbie activated
06/14/17 Falmouth Commodores Miller, Mitchell activated
06/14/17 Falmouth Commodores McFadden, Parker activated
06/14/17 Falmouth Commodores McArthur, James activated
06/14/17 Falmouth Commodores Koch, Ian activated
06/14/17 Falmouth Commodores Gubelman, Jordan activated
06/14/17 Falmouth Commodores Feeney, Dalton activated
06/14/17 Falmouth Commodores Ethridge, William activated
06/14/17 Falmouth Commodores Eason, Connor activated
06/14/17 Falmouth Commodores Bradish, Kyle activated
06/14/17 Falmouth Commodores Blohm, Tyler activated
06/14/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox Koss, Christian activated
06/14/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox Sharpe, Christopher activated
06/14/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox Pharis, Carter activated
06/14/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox POPE, BRETT activated
06/14/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox MCCARTY, AUBREY activated
06/14/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox Isbel, Kyle activated
06/14/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox Depreta-Johnson, Tyler activated
06/14/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox DeRenzo, Domenic activated
06/14/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox Davis, Jonah activated
06/14/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox Cortes, Carlos activated
06/14/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox Concannon, Charlie activated
06/14/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox Crawford, Jake activated
06/14/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox Van Scoyoc, Spencer activated
06/14/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox Terzi, Troy activated
06/14/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox Stock, Dylan activated
06/14/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox Schuermann, Grant activated
06/14/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox Rooney, John activated
06/14/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox Parsons, Hunter activated
06/14/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox Nail, Brendan activated
06/14/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox McMinn, Josh activated
06/14/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox McCauley, Riley activated
06/14/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox Henry, Tommy activated
06/14/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox Harris, Hogan activated
06/14/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox Graham, Tanner activated
06/14/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox Cassala, Michael activated
06/14/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox Brennan, Tim activated
06/14/17 Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox Beauchamp, Cameron activated
06/13/17 Harwich Mariners Powers, Mitchell activated
06/13/17 Harwich Mariners Christian, Brian activated
06/13/17 Harwich Mariners Song, Noah activated
06/13/17 Harwich Mariners Vallimont, Chris activated
06/13/17 Harwich Mariners Aker, Cole activated
06/13/17 Harwich Mariners Gau, Christopher activated
06/13/17 Harwich Mariners Sara, Jamie activated
06/13/17 Harwich Mariners Witkowski, John activated
06/13/17 Harwich Mariners Simmons, Cameron activated
06/13/17 Harwich Mariners Debo, Bradley activated
06/13/17 Harwich Mariners Vierling, Matt activated
06/13/17 Harwich Mariners Williams-Sutton, Dwanya activated
06/13/17 Harwich Mariners Verdon, Jordan activated
06/13/17 Harwich Mariners Rodliff, Theodore activated
06/13/17 Harwich Mariners Moritz, Andrew activated
06/13/17 Harwich Mariners Moniot, Travis activated
06/13/17 Harwich Mariners Novak, Justin activated
06/13/17 Harwich Mariners Miller, Owen activated
06/13/17 Harwich Mariners Farrell, Jake activated
06/13/17 Harwich Mariners Dalesandro, Nick activated
06/13/17 Harwich Mariners Bart, Joey activated
06/13/17 Harwich Mariners Ogren, Ryne activated
06/13/17 Harwich Mariners Vance, Cobie activated