
Frontier League

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Trois-Rivières Aigles - Échanges


04/05/22 Martinez, Yareb signed
04/01/22 Hegadoren, Eric signed
04/01/22 Harmon, Bradley signed
04/01/22 Graffeo, Carlo signed
03/28/22 Bell, Kyle signed
03/10/22 Sanchez, Ricardo signed
02/02/22 Salaman, Wilfred released
02/02/22 Clare, Chris placed on inactive list
02/02/22 Strunc, Jack placed on inactive list
02/02/22 Thomas, Kyle signed
01/12/22 Bradwell, James signed
01/12/22 Dagenais, Michel signed
01/12/22 Hoffman, Ben signed
01/12/22 Bélisle-Springer, Sam signed
01/12/22 Macaluso, Dustyn signed
12/14/21 Weinberger, Jack traded to outside league Team Kentucky -Atlantic League