
Frontier League

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Windy City ThunderBolts - Échanges


08/13/10 Paris, Pete placed on disabled list (minimum 7 days)
08/13/10 Saum, Mitch signed
08/06/10 Stolzenburg, Greg released
08/06/10 Mooney, Mike signed
08/05/10 Scurry, Rod signed
08/01/10 Bollinger, Ryan signed
08/01/10 White, Ryne sold to
07/31/10 Calderone, Jim signed
07/28/10 Nicolas, Angel released
07/22/10 Koehn, Jayson released
07/22/10 Gerst, Kent released
07/17/10 Scumaci, Joe released
07/17/10 Anderson, Brandon acquired in trade from outside league
07/16/10 Martinez, Guillermo traded to outside league
07/16/10 Jordan, Dan traded to outside league
07/15/10 Blanks, Bradley sold to
07/15/10 Meinhold, Ricky traded to Gateway Grizzlies
07/15/10 Ecker, Donnie traded to Gateway Grizzlies
07/01/10 Kuroczko, Nick signed
06/30/10 Mejia, Gilberto placed on disabled list (minimum 7 days)
06/30/10 Hamilton, Jeremy acquired in trade from outside league
06/23/10 Basham, Ryan acquired in trade from outside league
06/23/10 Sullivan, Mike placed on disabled list (minimum 7 days)
06/23/10 Rowe, Ryan placed on disabled list (minimum 7 days)
06/23/10 Jobe, Tim signed
06/20/10 Koehn, Jayson signed
06/18/10 Jernstad, Matt sold to
06/13/10 Williams, Dustin signed
06/09/10 Scumaci, Joe signed
06/07/10 Werner, Andrew acquired in trade from Evansville Otters
06/07/10 Scarduzio, Vinnie traded to Evansville Otters
06/05/10 Roth, Robert released