
Frontier League

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Washington Wild Things - Échanges


08/21/16 McGruder, Jamodrick released
08/18/16 Grotz, Zac sold to LA Dodgers
08/11/16 Uxa, Logan Retired
08/08/16 Fish, Zach released
08/08/16 Agnew-Wieland, Sam released
08/03/16 Foss, Trevor sold to Cleveland Indians
07/21/16 Fox, Justin released
07/20/16 McKeon, Alex placed on disabled list (minimum 7 days)
07/09/16 McGruder, Jamodrick signed
07/05/16 Ferdinand, Nick suspended
07/05/16 Haar, Bryan Retired
07/03/16 Austin, Jamal Retired
06/27/16 Hinkle, Brandon released
06/21/16 Pollock, Kyle activated
06/20/16 Sorondo, Eddie released
06/10/16 Madrid, Roman traded to outside league
06/09/16 Kendrick, Conner released
06/03/16 Garkow, Tyler released
06/03/16 Ziznewski, John released
06/03/16 Carcaise, Scott released
05/20/16 Holcombe, Jeremy released