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Normal CornBelters - Statistiques


Statistics: Au bâton | Lanceur | En défensive | Dernier 7 matchs jours

Au bâton

Statistiques au bâton | Statistiques au bâton supplémentaire | Stats de frappeur sabermétriques | Print
Krumlauf, R P 1.000 0 .5 0 1 0 1
Cohn, A IF .311 0 .064 .333 .141 .059 17.931
Banks Jr., E OF .302 45.5 .051 .278 .22 .143 27.422
Judah, S OF .298 112.5 .102 .963 .227 .098 32.976
Rinard, B OF .283 166 .08 .441 .181 .06 19.525
McKenna, P IF .281 22.111 .111 .361 .372 .216 36.08
x Ramirez, A OF .273 0 .092 .607 .199 .056 18.163
x Clark, J OF .269 0 .036 .5 .077 .038 2.37
x Gomez, Y IF .268 54.667 .056 .323 .226 .146 21.103
Felix, S OF .268 31.909 .077 .462 .251 .142 46.866
x Judge, K LF .265 0 .056 .25 .176 .088 3.667
Wiesemeyer, T OF .241 56 .119 .97 .286 .112 26.539
x Trettel, P C .240 33.4 .066 .267 .228 .15 18.883
Wells, R IF .227 33 .055 .286 .197 .136 6.514
x Meier, B CF .208 0 .071 .5 .167 .042 1.615
Williams, B DH .200 0 .01 .053 .042 .032 4.583
x Stouffer, J IF .198 40.5 .143 1.273 .272 .099 7.579
Thompson, J IF .195 82 .056 .185 .134 .098 5.793
Manz, T C .191 0 .102 .5 .16 .046 8.493
x Wilson, S IF .182 0 .083 .333 .182 .023 2.25
x Rosa, J IF .179 39 .07 .375 .205 .128 2.857
Fox, D IF .160 0 .167 .714 .24 0 1.2
Olivar, J IF .157 0 .161 1.25 .255 .078 3.541
x Luciano, D IF .149 0 .143 .471 .213 0 1.909
x Dockdendorf, P IF .143 0 .076 .179 .109 .008 3.767
Brown, J IF .136 0 .032 .25 .051 .017 1.475
x Brooks, R IF .133 52.5 .094 .293 .21 .095 5.333
x Mirabal, M C .130 0 0 0 .043 0 .391
x Susini, N IF .125 0 .1 .667 .188 0 .444
x Rider, M C .118 0 0 0 0 0 .235
x Sierra, R OF .063 0 0 0 -.063 0 .063
x Cayton, D IF .048 0 .043 .091 .095 0 .091
Stovall, T P .000 0 0 0 0 0 0
x Schuler, M P .000 0 0 0 0 0 0
x Mascheri, R P .000 0 0 0 0 0 0
x Voshell, T C .000 0 .235 2 .308 0 0
Totals   .237