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Windy City ThunderBolts - Statistiques


Statistics: Au bâton | Lanceur | En défensive | Dernier 7 matchs jours

Au bâton

Statistiques au bâton | Statistiques au bâton supplémentaire | Stats de frappeur sabermétriques | Print
Robinson, K OF .366 23.769 .11 .684 .388 .23 80.368
McIntyre, R OF .300 20 .046 .25 .317 .233 21.333
Soares, R IF .277 124 .038 .288 .14 .097 42.382
Torres, M IF .274 332 .145 1.349 .256 .039 39.733
x Castro, S C .273 0 .043 .143 .091 .045 2.13
x Mestas, J IF .268 63.5 .108 .593 .181 .071 15.035
x Button, E IF .265 105.5 .076 .462 .232 .085 23.913
x Peguero, D IF .247 154 .037 .146 .084 .052 12.65
x Brauer, A OF .242 265 .087 .394 .208 .053 24.124
x Aldrich, D OF .239 0 .011 .031 .076 .065 6.925
White, M OF .239 95 .074 .375 .196 .091 27.987
x Scioscia, M C .238 0 .03 .2 .048 .032 4.446
x Latta, N IF .235 0 .105 .4 .118 .059 1.579
Carey, G IF .227 97 .028 .188 .093 .077 14.75
Tufts, R OF .217 0 .014 .053 .043 .058 4.343
x Stetson, T OF .217 0 .104 .846 .13 .043 7.223
x Joyce, D C .202 114 .079 .294 .193 .079 8.516
x McGuckin, M C .194 0 .043 .162 .085 .047 7.119
x Williams, D OF .167 0 .1 .2 .167 0 .75
x Allen, M C .155 19.333 .091 .25 .259 .155 4.219
Viger, T IF .097 0 .059 .133 .065 0 .455
x Hohl, B IF .077 0 .133 .667 .154 0 .2
x Dalles, J C .077 0 0 0 0 0 .154
x Kuhne, D OF .000 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totals   .255