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Southern Illinois Miners - Statistiques


Statistics: Au bâton | Lanceur | En défensive | Dernier 7 matchs jours

Au bâton

Statistiques au bâton | Statistiques au bâton supplémentaire | Stats de frappeur sabermétriques | Print
Earley, M OF .325 38.5 .063 .643 .244 .166 69.728
Gates, A OF .316 52 .126 1.019 .31 .143 67.519
Sabourin, J IF .309 288 .081 .667 .177 .073 40.287
x Fairley, W OF .286 0 .088 .636 .129 .029 7.714
Massey, C IF .283 30.667 .087 1 .326 .163 14.208
Vasquez, N IF .273 21.75 .115 .61 .345 .21 60.395
Martinez, F IF .271 80.25 .146 1.267 .296 .1 45.333
Marino, S IF .260 43.75 .069 .519 .194 .12 41.629
Portelli, B OF .256 30 .042 .174 .189 .133 20.106
x Slattery, B C .246 0 .101 .615 .159 .043 6.494
DeMello, T C .222 47.8 .043 .164 .163 .117 20.736
Strano, E C .222 0 .051 .167 .083 .028 2.368
x Minucci, J OF .217 60 .145 .677 .283 .083 12
x Rapp, J IF .211 35.5 .122 .435 .254 .113 7.099
Riley, M OF .200 0 .101 4 .143 .029 4.513
x Chapjian, S OF .200 0 .211 .8 .333 0 1.105
DiMascio, R IF .186 0 .046 .176 .136 .051 3.161
English, A IF .183 0 .113 .7 .183 .055 7.187
x King, H IF .154 0 .071 .167 .154 0 .429
Green, E P .000 0 0 0 0 0 0
x Jensen, J OF .000 0 0 0 .333 0 0
Brockett, R P .000 0 0 0 0 0 0
x Perez, P P .000 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totals   .270