
Pacific International League

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2011 Regular Season - Stats

Statistics: Batting | Pitching | Fielding | Team Batting Totals | Team Pitching Totals | Team Fielding Totals

Batting Stats

Batting Stats | Expanded Batting Stats | Sabermetric Batting Stats     [Filter By: Last 7 days | Last 30 days ]

AVG - Minimum of plate appearances per team game - 2.7  

Holm, T EVT OF .411 .926 .464 .462 67
Valgardson, C KEL IF .409 1.028 .568 .460 50
Lyon, A EVT OF .408 1.100 .592 .508 65
Steiger, B SEA IF .404 1.080 .532 .548 62
Johnson, J KEL IF .386 1.033 .591 .442 52
Ward, D SEA OF .375 .974 .547 .427 75
Firth, C KEL C .359 .999 .564 .435 47
Reynolds, A EVT SS .348 .834 .413 .421 58
Corrigan, K SEA 1B .339 1.029 .629 .400 70
Hart, J SEA OF .333 .903 .478 .425 83
Germaine, J LGY IF .328 .871 .492 .379 67
Powell, K CQL SS .321 .816 .429 .387 32
Webster, S LGY 1B .321 .833 .446 .387 62
Bradford, B KAM C .313 .883 .479 .404 58
McKaig, C NAN OF .308 .695 .308 .387 32
Estill, L NW RF .302 1.055 .651 .404 52
Cairns, B NAN IF .267 .686 .333 .353 34
Hlatky, K KEL CF .265 .830 .408 .422 64
Devick, W KAM SS .263 .563 .263 .300 62
Wong, S KEL OF .261 .727 .283 .444 65
Recuenco, R BNY IF .250 .708 .375 .333 28
Stang, C BNY OF .250 .748 .400 .348 23
LeCount, B SEA 1B .250 .817 .442 .375 66
Bell, A LGY IF .250 .616 .333 .283 54
Vickers, G NAN C .240 .616 .320 .296 27
Small, K NAN OF .240 .536 .240 .296 27
Nevison, S KAM OF .239 .647 .261 .386 59
Katherin, R CQL OF .233 .636 .333 .303 33
Quan, A KEL OF .217 .655 .304 .351 57
Tannehill, B SEA SS .208 .675 .358 .317 63
Chapman, J KEL C .200 .592 .300 .292 48
Merritt, G LGY DH .188 .542 .292 .250 54
Hotzak, S BNY IF .182 .561 .182 .379 29
Vickers, J NAN C .172 .555 .241 .314 35
Styrna, M BNY 2B .143 .372 .190 .182 24
Jones, K TRL P .111 .514 .167 .347 49
Kissock, D TRL P .091 .332 .091 .241 54