
Eastern Canadian Premier League

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ECPL 2010 - Stats

Statistics: Batting | Pitching | Fielding | Team Batting Totals | Team Pitching Totals | Team Fielding Totals

Batting Stats

Batting Stats | Expanded Batting Stats | Sabermetric Batting Stats     [Filter By: Last 7 days | Last 30 days ]

AVG - Minimum of plate appearances per team game - 2.7  

Cobean, C ON OF .469 1.158 .625 .533 76
Ferri, R BP OF .443 1.090 .544 .546 97
Anderson, T BP 3B .421 1.107 .618 .489 92
Fearon, T OC P .414 .994 .500 .494 81
TIMKO, S BDB P .400 1.081 .556 .525 59
MASTANTUONO, M BDB 2B .359 .912 .385 .527 58
Marks, J OTB 1B .357 .822 .440 .382 89
Dupuis, M BP OF .354 .877 .438 .439 57
Warner, P OP OF .347 .986 .510 .476 63
Rizques, A OR P .342 .958 .526 .432 46
Todoschuk, S OTB 3B .338 1.057 .620 .437 87
Hunt, J BP OF .328 .859 .410 .449 78
Baksh, R OC P .327 .865 .400 .465 71
Anderson, E OC OF .306 .734 .323 .411 73
Borges, N OP IF .302 .827 .396 .431 65
McDougall, M BP SS .293 .763 .333 .430 94
Young, G ON OF .286 .744 .347 .397 58
Weppler, R ONB P .283 .701 .340 .361 62
Nyp, T ON SS .281 .704 .316 .388 68
Sharpe, G OTB OF .274 .704 .329 .375 88
Scragg, Z ON 2B .250 .604 .271 .333 54
Nadeau, D BP C .246 .628 .277 .351 77
Bet-Payumo, A OB LF .235 .598 .265 .333 39
Falcon, J OR P .231 .608 .282 .326 46
SAGLOSKI, T BDB P .222 .607 .267 .340 57
Klingspohn, J OTB C .210 .706 .387 .319 77
Shiwcharan, N OR C .200 .600 .200 .400 41
Pepin, J BP C .192 .674 .231 .443 79
BROOKS, M BDB P .191 .455 .191 .264 54
Spillman, N BP SS .167 .465 .167 .298 61
Peter, D OB SS .000 .162 .000 .162 38